Cherry-picking examples of socialist governments failing does not prove the concept is flawed

Like the OP said, there is no pure Democracy/Capitalism or Socialist Republic. They are all blends, just like there was never a pure Communism. There are workable Communist societies like China and Vietnam and oppressive ones like North Korea. It's corruption and big money that infiltrates all of these systems. It comes down to greed for money or power and usually both.

It is possible to have Capitalism and minimize the income disparity that usually results. It just requires the right tax system and government regulations. Rich people always want to keep their money, even if it is more than they and their children can spend in a lifetime. There will always be ignorant people that cannot be educated to do technical jobs. There will always be people caught in unfortunate situations. The government needs to provide a safety net for those people. The government needs to provide training in the trades for those that cannot achieve a college degree.

This is precisely why we need big government and high taxes on the top 1%. Income disparity is what tears a country apart and eventually causes civil war. We need big government to prevent income disparity and large parts of the population being impoverished. More and more of this will occur as menial jobs are automated.

This is why the Trump/GOP tax breaks for the rich are exactly the WRONG thing to be doing.

Sooooo, you consider the murder of 100 million people during the Cultural Revolution to be "workable". Is that correct?

Irrelevant to the current situation in China.

You consider murdering tens of thousands of blacks in the south in the US "workable"?

You consider doing chemical agent and radiation experiments on the encarcerated in the US "workable"?

You consider imprisoning tens of thousands of Japanese immigrants during WWII " workable:?

Both countries have moved on.
What I would like to ask you Billy is what part of our socialist country is working well? Medicare? VA? Social Security, HUD, what????

They are all either going broke or crushing budgets to keep them alive. It's like what Margret Thatcher once said, Socialism is a great form of governance until you run out of other people's money.

Tax the top 1% and all of these problems go away. These people have more than enough money anyway. One less Rembrandt to bid on at Sothebys. so what??

But these people are so happy? Well, I'm sure some are. If you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objection.

They are happy because all of the things that are threats to their success and happiness are removed. No worry's mate.
We have centuries of examples of how socialism does not work.

The socialists never gave up. In the face of horrible defeat and countless examples of how they are wrong, they keep at it.

Socialists, like their Commie brothers, only give up when they’re dead.

This is all leading to a huge war.
Wow, anyone with an average, or even lower level of intelligence, would disagree with you. Your response is not an example of willful ignorance, it's either a lie or you are truly dumb.

No examples of mammals providing for other mammals ?

Both videos you post are mammals defending their own
/----/ "Capital doesn't care for free." Really? I see it everywhere. Try getting out more.
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that is not caring; it is called a "loss leader", not a "caring leader".
/---/ Oh so now when called out, you move the goalposts. Is English your second language? Your posts don't make much sense and I don't think you understand our responses.
making up definitions as we go along?
/----/ When it's Wednesday on the Prairie what color is the umbrella?
simply gambling for more customers is not a form of caring.
/----/ My cell phone is acting up, I keep pressing the home button but when I look around, I'm still at work.
Tax the top 1% and all of these problems go away. These people have more than enough money anyway. One less Rembrandt to bid on at Sothebys. so what??
Somebody had to acquire and sell them that Rembrandt. How many people did that 1% employ to both build and to currently run the yacht the 1% purchased and frequently uses.

That is economics.

Don't over-tax the 1%. Give him things to spend his $$$ on and the wealth gets distributed.
Tax the top 1% and all of these problems go away. These people have more than enough money anyway. One less Rembrandt to bid on at Sothebys. so what??

And who is the arbiter of who has enough money, you?

Top 40% paying ALL income taxes, and leaving a tip.

And then there is this "But it’s a fantasy to imagine that raising taxes on the rich will solve our deficit problem. If the IRS grabbed 100 percent of income over $1 million, the take would be just $616 billion. That’s only a third of this year’s deficit. Our national debt would continue to explode."

John Stossel: Tax The Rich? The Rich Don't Have Enough. Really.

So no, you are wrong. Taxing these people will not make any problem go away.

They are happy because all of the things that are threats to their success and happiness are removed. No worry's mate.

Threats like what, paying for your own food? Medical care? child rearing? Your own home?

And who is it that makes these "threats" go away? Oh yes, that's right, somebody else's money and not yours.
We need to tax the rich into Heaven, simply for the sake of the greater glory of our immortal souls.
Like the OP said, there is no pure Democracy/Capitalism or Socialist Republic. They are all blends, just like there was never a pure Communism. There are workable Communist societies like China and Vietnam and oppressive ones like North Korea. It's corruption and big money that infiltrates all of these systems. It comes down to greed for money or power and usually both.

It is possible to have Capitalism and minimize the income disparity that usually results. It just requires the right tax system and government regulations. Rich people always want to keep their money, even if it is more than they and their children can spend in a lifetime. There will always be ignorant people that cannot be educated to do technical jobs. There will always be people caught in unfortunate situations. The government needs to provide a safety net for those people. The government needs to provide training in the trades for those that cannot achieve a college degree.

This is precisely why we need big government and high taxes on the top 1%. Income disparity is what tears a country apart and eventually causes civil war. We need big government to prevent income disparity and large parts of the population being impoverished. More and more of this will occur as menial jobs are automated.

This is why the Trump/GOP tax breaks for the rich are exactly the WRONG thing to be doing.

Sooooo, you consider the murder of 100 million people during the Cultural Revolution to be "workable". Is that correct?

Irrelevant to the current situation in China.

You consider murdering tens of thousands of blacks in the south in the US "workable"?

You consider doing chemical agent and radiation experiments on the encarcerated in the US "workable"?

You consider imprisoning tens of thousands of Japanese immigrants during WWII " workable:?

Both countries have moved on.

No, I don't. China has not moved on. The same systems that allowed mass murder on a scale never seen before are still in place. The reprehensible acts done by the government of the USA, against various citizens is likewise still possible. Which is why we need to watch our government very closely. And, just as importantly, have the means to defend ourselves when government go's crazy again. As they always do.
Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

In socialist countries, the means of the production and distribution of goods is owned by the state.

There are no Nordic country's that are socialist.
Who is cherry picking?

All of them fail
Libya was socialist success story. When the vast majority of a country's revenue is from crude oil exports, it makes sense to nationalize the oil industry and distribute the profits among the citizenry.

What Obama, Clinton and Rice did to Libya was just plain evil.
simply gambling for more customers is not a form of caring.
Forced charity is not a form of caring either.
it does solve the problem. unlike capitalism.
Give me ONE SINGLE example of it fixing the “problem.” ONE.

Socialism has NEVER and will never solve the alleged problem.
Government IS socialism. The Romans Proved, Government solves problems, not the private sector.

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