Cherry-picking examples of socialist governments failing does not prove the concept is flawed

Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.

Who is cherry picking, dumb ass? No socialist country has ever succeeded. The Nordic nations are not socialist, they are capitalist.
I spelled that out for Abu Afak and he still doesn't get it.
I spelled that out for Abu Afak and he still doesn't get it.
The Problem WAS/IS you were/are a rambling Teenager who could not "spell out" anything, Nor even excerpt your own youtube!


Socialism - Wikipedia

The United Nations World Happiness Report 2013 shows that the happiest nations are concentrated in Northern Europe, where the Nordic model of social democracy is employed, with Denmark topping the list. This is at times attributed to the Success of the Nordic model in the region.

The Nordic countries ranked HIGHEST on the metrics of real GDP per capita, healthy life expectancy, having someone to count on, perceived freedom to make life choices,
generosity and freedom from corruption.[228] Indeed, the indicators of Freedom in the World have listed Scandinavian countries as ranking high on indicators such as Press and Economic freedom.

The objectives of the Party of European Socialists, the European Parliament's socialist and social democratic bloc, are now "to pursue international aims in respect of the principles on which the European Union is based, namely principles of freedom, equality, solidarity, democracy, respect of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and respect for the Rule of Law". As a result, today the rallying cry of the French Revolution—Liberté, égalité, fraternité—is promoted as essential socialist values.[229]..,​

Gameover #4 (at least)
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There will always be ignorant people that cannot be educated to do technical jobs. There will always be people caught in unfortunate situations. The government needs to provide a safety net for those people. The government needs to provide training in the trades for those that cannot achieve a college degree.

So if one cannot get through college, what makes you think they can get through trades training? That's besides the fact anybody can get a loan and receive this training on their own. That's not the problem. The problems are drugs and laziness because there are social programs to live off of.

On Friday I made a pickup at a place we frequently go to for our customers. The shipper was telling me how they can't find 11 workers badly needed for their growing steel business. The company had an orientation for new employees, and about 45 people showed up. The HR person started off by saying any applicants accepting the job will have to be drug tested. He said about 25 people got up and left the room. He went on further to say they use hair samples, and another 10 walked out.

According to him, the job starting pay is $15.50 per hour, and you quickly move up as you learn different processes to the $19.50 per hour wage plus benefits. They can't find qualified people to take these jobs, and it's happening all over this country.

This is precisely why we need big government and high taxes on the top 1%. Income disparity is what tears a country apart and eventually causes civil war.

If you want to take most of the money from the 1%, then what's the point of trying to be a 1%?

Every time you people on the left want goodies, just steal the money from those who made money. Sorry, but that's not the answer.

If the tax rate were 0%, the taxes collected would be 0 dollars. If the tax rate were 100%, the taxes collected would still be 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to work?

"What is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
Indeed, too many companies pass up abilities looking for qualifications.
A third world country is one where a few people own everything and everyone else eats dirt.
Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.

There are so many errors and faulty assumptions here that it's hard to know where to start.

"Socialism" is just one of many terms for the ancient and repeatedly failed idea that the national government should have the right to take money from some people and give it to other people to whatever degree it sees fit, even to the point of the government practically controlling or owning most or all businesses.

You must not know much about the Nordic countries to cite them as examples of successful "socialist" countries. The Nordic countries, to varying degrees, have adopted many conservative principles, principles that American liberals scorn, such as a sound currency, fiscal discipline, severe tort reform, strict controls on immigration, restrictions on labor unions/collective bargaining, avoiding stifling business regulations. What's more, the Nordic countries are not all doing as well as liberals claim they are, and their success clearly seems to hinge on the degree to which they have adopted many conservative principles.

The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism | Corey Iacono

The Danish Model — Don’t Try This at Home

Bernie Is Not a Socialist and America Is Not Capitalist

Why Calling Scandinavia Socialist Is Wrong – Rational Zone – Medium
Like the OP said, there is no pure Democracy/Capitalism or Socialist Republic. They are all blends, just like there was never a pure Communism. There are workable Communist societies like China and Vietnam and oppressive ones like North Korea. It's corruption and big money that infiltrates all of these systems. It comes down to greed for money or power and usually both.

It is possible to have Capitalism and minimize the income disparity that usually results. It just requires the right tax system and government regulations. Rich people always want to keep their money, even if it is more than they and their children can spend in a lifetime. There will always be ignorant people that cannot be educated to do technical jobs. There will always be people caught in unfortunate situations. The government needs to provide a safety net for those people. The government needs to provide training in the trades for those that cannot achieve a college degree.

This is precisely why we need big government and high taxes on the top 1%. Income disparity is what tears a country apart and eventually causes civil war. We need big government to prevent income disparity and large parts of the population being impoverished. More and more of this will occur as menial jobs are automated.

This is why the Trump/GOP tax breaks for the rich are exactly the WRONG thing to be doing.

Now, this person is off the deep end, lol.

Why don't you, and Billy-E-Baloney tell everyone here...………….which country created prosperity for more people than any other; and which system it used to do so-)

By the way--------> Do you Socialists actually know WHAT created the middle class? (and we are a classless society here, but I will talk in terms that YOU MARXISTS understand)

ANSWER------------> The industrialization of America! That is correct! It freed up time from washing clothes, and plowing fields all day, for us to do something else, while machines did all the hard labor for us.

Now, MOST of the rest of us, after being freed up from all that plowing and-a-washing, decided to do something else...…...that MADE MONEY. Some of us...…….meaning YOU PEOPLE...…….decided to sit on your asses, and complain about everything, and blame us if the sun don't shine in the morning!

A little off topic here but----------> you must feel real good when you see those protests, don't ya! Know why you never...….or very seldom see us protesting? Because we have J-O-B-S, lol. We just show our will at the ballot box, which we will do again in the midterms, and you guys can march around with your placards all day, lol. It gives us something to laugh at on the evening news. But you could do us one better-) Why don't you try pulling off that ANTIFAH crap in some rural area, lol. We know why! Because all of us deplorables will slap the shit out of you punks, pull your masks off, and put you in a nice hotel, we call JAIL-) You bunch of panty waists!
Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.

Isn't the definition of insanity trying something that doesn't work over and over?

So what you say may or may not be true... but more importantly, now we have the definitive proof that you are insane.
Why not leave and move to socialist Country and give it whirl ,VENEZUELA might be a good fit.
Life isn't perfect anywhere in the world. It's full of scarcity and trade-offs and uncertainty. But I know that to facing those challenges, a life of choice and dignity like we have enjoyed in the United States is by far the preferable option to socialism and its inevitable human suffering.

Income disparity exists everywhere. In the US Capitalist system, there is the greatest opportunity to close the gap in one’s personal income disparity. Socialism does not offer that. Socialism makes certain there is a true locked in 1 percent and then the masses with little to no room for economic advancement.
Given the fact that most of our illegals are Visa overstays, I challenge your assertion.
That's NOT a challenge to my assertion as to why People bordering us to the South come here, and Not a rebuttal to the fact "Everybody" doesn't.
They usually go to the nearest rich Western country, as the FLOOD of M-Eers and N Africans have to Europe... Some then move further North.

That was the whole ball of wax you had egregiously/Laughably Wrong.

Of course our border countries (or nearby) have the most overstays, but they come from all over the world. If you are going by water or air, why not go to those socialist utopias; speaking of which, most of our overstays are from Canada, the great socialist country:

Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.

"Socialism is a very broad term."

Indeed it is, it can be bent and twisted to mean anything anyone wants it to mean. The term "Fascism" is exactly the same. These things are all tools to be used by the Political classes to pander, fear monger and coerce populations into giving up their freedoms. So tell us, why did Socialism fail in Russia?
Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.

The only place income disparity matters is in the demented minds of liberals.
And, in the minds of the lazy 43% takers.
The socialism/capitalism discussion is worthless when it's binary.

The role, size, cost and nature of government exists on a continuum.

We know that, right?

Absolutely correct. Politicians though ALL frame everything in a binary manner. It is the stuff of division.
Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.

Who is cherry picking, dumb ass? No socialist country has ever succeeded. The Nordic nations are not socialist, they are capitalist.
Capitalism isn’t the antithesis of socialism you idiot. Its core definition is that government services funded by the people are utilized by the people. Every nation earth is socialist to a degree. In comparison to the US, Nordic countries provide more services for the people such as socialized medicine and higher education.
I spelled that out for Abu Afak and he still doesn't get it.
The Problem WAS/IS you were/are a rambling Teenager who could not "spell out" anything, Nor even excerpt your own youtube!


Socialism - Wikipedia

The United Nations World Happiness Report 2013 shows that the happiest nations are concentrated in Northern Europe, where the Nordic model of social democracy is employed, with Denmark topping the list. This is at times attributed to the Success of the Nordic model in the region.

The Nordic countries ranked HIGHEST on the metrics of real GDP per capita, healthy life expectancy, having someone to count on, perceived freedom to make life choices,
generosity and freedom from corruption.[228] Indeed, the indicators of Freedom in the World have listed Scandinavian countries as ranking high on indicators such as Press and Economic freedom.

The objectives of the Party of European Socialists, the European Parliament's socialist and social democratic bloc, are now "to pursue international aims in respect of the principles on which the European Union is based, namely principles of freedom, equality, solidarity, democracy, respect of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and respect for the Rule of Law". As a result, today the rallying cry of the French Revolution—Liberté, égalité, fraternité—is promoted as essential socialist values.[229]..,​

Gameover #4 (at least)

FACTS, dumbass. The Nordic countries aren't Socialist. Socialism is when the government owns the means of production.

Denmark's prime minister says Bernie Sanders is wrong to call his country socialist

Denmark Tells Bernie Sanders It's Had Enough Of His 'Socialist' Slurs | Investor's Business Daily
Capitalism isn’t the antithesis of socialism you idiot.

It most certainly is, dumb ass. Socialism is the government owning the means of production. That is the very opposite of Capitalism.
That doesn’t mean they can’t be intertwined. That’s the point. God how hard is this? Nordic countries are SOCIAL democratic countries.

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