Cherry-picking examples of socialist governments failing does not prove the concept is flawed

Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.
Do you possess one or more college degrees?
Last edited:
Socialism is great, the leaders become billionaires, the stupid fucks who thought it was a great idea wind up dead or wishing they were

Yes, Billy-E-Baloney is so correct, he is eating his capitalist mommy's food, in her capitalist basement, on her capitalist computer, and he will get back with his socialist rant as soon as he is done-)

Billy Baloney is nothing more than a......PHONY BALONEY!

Those Nordic Countries..... live off the invention and innovation of capitalism..... they live off the welfare money they have because they don't have to provide for their own national defense...we do that for them with our blood and treasure.....and they still can't keep the plates spinning because more and more of them are opting for welfare, not work.

Norway lives off of its North Sea Oil revenue, so it's in a bit of a different position than the rest of the Nordics.
Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.
Do you posses one or more college degrees?
Nordic countries are SOCIAL democratic countries.
Very good.

Now learn the difference between social democracy and democratic socialism and you will understand why everyone thinks you're a pinhead.
Yes there is a difference depending on the source. Some sources say they are interchangeable terms. I’ve already defined socialism. Now it’s your turn. What is the difference between the two? Put it in your own words.
The difference is simple to explain and the terms are not interchangeable.

Social democracy is an attempt to create a more equitable society via government redistribution schemes. It tries to soften the inequality of capitalism, it does not seek to abolish the capitalist system of production.

Democratic socialism seeks to abolish the capitalist system of production. It's just that simple.
Yeah you’re right on both definitions. Part of the reason why American social democrats use “democratic socialism” is because “social democrat” sounds like you are referring to the Democratic Party. But okay, yes, i advocate for social democratic principles and not democratic socialism.
Get your act together, you are all giving socialism a bad name and make it nearly impossible to have an honest conversation about it. :th_waiting:
Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.
/——/ If socialized countries had to pay for their own defense 100% then they would have to roll back the socialist giveaways. You can’t have both.
Nordic countries are SOCIAL democratic countries.
Very good.

Now learn the difference between social democracy and democratic socialism and you will understand why everyone thinks you're a pinhead.
Yes there is a difference depending on the source. Some sources say they are interchangeable terms. I’ve already defined socialism. Now it’s your turn. What is the difference between the two? Put it in your own words.
The difference is simple to explain and the terms are not interchangeable.

Social democracy is an attempt to create a more equitable society via government redistribution schemes. It tries to soften the inequality of capitalism, it does not seek to abolish the capitalist system of production.

Democratic socialism seeks to abolish the capitalist system of production. It's just that simple.
Yeah you’re right on both definitions. Part of the reason why American social democrats use “democratic socialism” is because “social democrat” sounds like you are referring to the Democratic Party. But okay, yes, i advocate for social democratic principles and not democratic socialism.
Get your act together, you are all giving socialism a bad name and make it nearly impossible to have an honest conversation about it. :th_waiting:
Lol I’ve explained the social democratic definition pretty clearly in this thread.
Nordic countries are SOCIAL democratic countries.
Very good.

Now learn the difference between social democracy and democratic socialism and you will understand why everyone thinks you're a pinhead.
Yes there is a difference depending on the source. Some sources say they are interchangeable terms. I’ve already defined socialism. Now it’s your turn. What is the difference between the two? Put it in your own words.
The difference is simple to explain and the terms are not interchangeable.

Social democracy is an attempt to create a more equitable society via government redistribution schemes. It tries to soften the inequality of capitalism, it does not seek to abolish the capitalist system of production.

Democratic socialism seeks to abolish the capitalist system of production. It's just that simple.
Yeah you’re right on both definitions. Part of the reason why American social democrats use “democratic socialism” is because “social democrat” sounds like you are referring to the Democratic Party. But okay, yes, i advocate for social democratic principles and not democratic socialism.

They use terms like Democrat Socialism to try and hide the term Socialism. It's like when they changed from liberal to progressives. It's the same thing, it's just that progressive sounds more like they're going forwards.

Obama ran on transforming America, and socialism is what he was talking about. But that begs the question: if you want to transform something, doesn't it mean you don't like the way it is? I mean, if you got married to a short chubby woman and wanted to transform her, you would have her wear high heels all the time, go on a strict diet, wear perfume she would otherwise not wear. In other words, you don't love the woman at all if you want to change everything about her. You should have went to a tall thin woman to marry.

The left doesn't love this country, otherwise they wouldn't be telling us how other places are so great. What I don't understand is why you want to stay here and try to change it. You'd be better off finding that slender tall woman.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.


Billy: Critical Thinking: Let government do that for you!

That isn't actually critical thinking, that's a cop out
Nordic countries are SOCIAL democratic countries.
Very good.

Now learn the difference between social democracy and democratic socialism and you will understand why everyone thinks you're a pinhead.
Yes there is a difference depending on the source. Some sources say they are interchangeable terms. I’ve already defined socialism. Now it’s your turn. What is the difference between the two? Put it in your own words.
The difference is simple to explain and the terms are not interchangeable.

Social democracy is an attempt to create a more equitable society via government redistribution schemes. It tries to soften the inequality of capitalism, it does not seek to abolish the capitalist system of production.

Democratic socialism seeks to abolish the capitalist system of production. It's just that simple.
Yeah you’re right on both definitions. Part of the reason why American social democrats use “democratic socialism” is because “social democrat” sounds like you are referring to the Democratic Party. But okay, yes, i advocate for social democratic principles and not democratic socialism.

They use terms like Democrat Socialism to try and hide the term Socialism. It's like when they changed from liberal to progressives. It's the same thing, it's just that progressive sounds more like they're going forwards.

Obama ran on transforming America, and socialism is what he was talking about. But that begs the question: if you want to transform something, doesn't it mean you don't like the way it is? I mean, if you got married to a short chubby woman and wanted to transform her, you would have her wear high heels all the time, go on a strict diet, wear perfume she would otherwise not wear. In other words, you don't love the woman at all if you want to change everything about her. You should have went to a tall thin woman to marry.

The left doesn't love this country, otherwise they wouldn't be telling us how other places are so great. What I don't understand is why you want to stay here and try to change it. You'd be better off finding that slender tall woman.

Democrat socialism = tyranny of the majority
Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.
Do you posses one or more college degrees?
What type of field are you in?
Do you work for a union?
Do you belong to any associations?
I spelled that out for Abu Afak and he still doesn't get it.
The Problem WAS/IS you were/are a rambling Teenager who could not "spell out" anything, Nor even excerpt your own youtube!


Socialism - Wikipedia

The United Nations World Happiness Report 2013 shows that the happiest nations are concentrated in Northern Europe, where the Nordic model of social democracy is employed, with Denmark topping the list. This is at times attributed to the Success of the Nordic model in the region.

The Nordic countries ranked HIGHEST on the metrics of real GDP per capita, healthy life expectancy, having someone to count on, perceived freedom to make life choices,
generosity and freedom from corruption.[228] Indeed, the indicators of Freedom in the World have listed Scandinavian countries as ranking high on indicators such as Press and Economic freedom.

The objectives of the Party of European Socialists, the European Parliament's socialist and social democratic bloc, are now "to pursue international aims in respect of the principles on which the European Union is based, namely principles of freedom, equality, solidarity, democracy, respect of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and respect for the Rule of Law". As a result, today the rallying cry of the French Revolution—Liberté, égalité, fraternité—is promoted as essential socialist values.[229]..,​

Gameover #4 (at least)

FACTS, dumbass. The Nordic countries aren't Socialist. Socialism is when the government owns the means of production.

Denmark's prime minister says Bernie Sanders is wrong to call his country socialist

Denmark Tells Bernie Sanders It's Had Enough Of His 'Socialist' Slurs | Investor's Business Daily

Actually, socialism is a centrally planned economy. That isn't materially different than your definition, but it's more precise. Only the government can centrally plan an economy because only government can use guns to compel it's citizens to do what is not in their own interest.

The only real difference between our definitions is the connotation. You said "owns." That has the connotation that if government controls industry, but it doesn't put it's name on the pink slip it's not socialism, but it is.

If your car has your name on the title, but it is parked in your neighbor's driveway, they have the key and you can only drive the car when and where your neighbor allows you to drive, is it really your car? No, it's not
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Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.
Do you posses one or more college degrees?
What type of field are you in?
Do you work for a union?
Do you belong to any associations?
Human services
Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.
Do you posses one or more college degrees?
What type of field are you in?
Do you work for a union?
Do you belong to any associations?
Human services
Now I understand.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Nordic countries are SOCIAL democratic countries.
Very good.

Now learn the difference between social democracy and democratic socialism and you will understand why everyone thinks you're a pinhead.
Yes there is a difference depending on the source. Some sources say they are interchangeable terms. I’ve already defined socialism. Now it’s your turn. What is the difference between the two? Put it in your own words.
The difference is simple to explain and the terms are not interchangeable.

Social democracy is an attempt to create a more equitable society via government redistribution schemes. It tries to soften the inequality of capitalism, it does not seek to abolish the capitalist system of production.

Democratic socialism seeks to abolish the capitalist system of production. It's just that simple.
Yeah you’re right on both definitions. Part of the reason why American social democrats use “democratic socialism” is because “social democrat” sounds like you are referring to the Democratic Party. But okay, yes, i advocate for social democratic principles and not democratic socialism.

They use terms like Democrat Socialism to try and hide the term Socialism. It's like when they changed from liberal to progressives. It's the same thing, it's just that progressive sounds more like they're going forwards.

Obama ran on transforming America, and socialism is what he was talking about. But that begs the question: if you want to transform something, doesn't it mean you don't like the way it is? I mean, if you got married to a short chubby woman and wanted to transform her, you would have her wear high heels all the time, go on a strict diet, wear perfume she would otherwise not wear. In other words, you don't love the woman at all if you want to change everything about her. You should have went to a tall thin woman to marry.

The left doesn't love this country, otherwise they wouldn't be telling us how other places are so great. What I don't understand is why you want to stay here and try to change it. You'd be better off finding that slender tall woman.
The term democratic socialism delineates a difference between revolutionary and a peaceful democratic transition to a socialist system of production.

Obama is not a socialist, he simply wanted to make America great again.
Very good.

Now learn the difference between social democracy and democratic socialism and you will understand why everyone thinks you're a pinhead.
Yes there is a difference depending on the source. Some sources say they are interchangeable terms. I’ve already defined socialism. Now it’s your turn. What is the difference between the two? Put it in your own words.
The difference is simple to explain and the terms are not interchangeable.

Social democracy is an attempt to create a more equitable society via government redistribution schemes. It tries to soften the inequality of capitalism, it does not seek to abolish the capitalist system of production.

Democratic socialism seeks to abolish the capitalist system of production. It's just that simple.
Yeah you’re right on both definitions. Part of the reason why American social democrats use “democratic socialism” is because “social democrat” sounds like you are referring to the Democratic Party. But okay, yes, i advocate for social democratic principles and not democratic socialism.

They use terms like Democrat Socialism to try and hide the term Socialism. It's like when they changed from liberal to progressives. It's the same thing, it's just that progressive sounds more like they're going forwards.

Obama ran on transforming America, and socialism is what he was talking about. But that begs the question: if you want to transform something, doesn't it mean you don't like the way it is? I mean, if you got married to a short chubby woman and wanted to transform her, you would have her wear high heels all the time, go on a strict diet, wear perfume she would otherwise not wear. In other words, you don't love the woman at all if you want to change everything about her. You should have went to a tall thin woman to marry.

The left doesn't love this country, otherwise they wouldn't be telling us how other places are so great. What I don't understand is why you want to stay here and try to change it. You'd be better off finding that slender tall woman.
The term democratic socialism delineates a difference between revolutionary and a peaceful democratic transition to a socialist system of production.

Obama is not a socialist, he simply wanted to make America great again.
By kissing Muslim ass?
Socialism is great, the leaders become billionaires, the stupid fucks who thought it was a great idea wind up dead or wishing they were

Yes, Billy-E-Baloney is so correct, he is eating his capitalist mommy's food, in her capitalist basement, on her capitalist computer, and he will get back with his socialist rant as soon as he is done-)

Billy Baloney is nothing more than a......PHONY BALONEY!

Those Nordic Countries..... live off the invention and innovation of capitalism..... they live off the welfare money they have because they don't have to provide for their own national defense...we do that for them with our blood and treasure.....and they still can't keep the plates spinning because more and more of them are opting for welfare, not work.

Norway lives off of its North Sea Oil revenue, so it's in a bit of a different position than the rest of the Nordics.

But but but global warming?
Socialism is great, the leaders become billionaires, the stupid fucks who thought it was a great idea wind up dead or wishing they were

Yes, Billy-E-Baloney is so correct, he is eating his capitalist mommy's food, in her capitalist basement, on her capitalist computer, and he will get back with his socialist rant as soon as he is done-)

Billy Baloney is nothing more than a......PHONY BALONEY!

Those Nordic Countries..... live off the invention and innovation of capitalism..... they live off the welfare money they have because they don't have to provide for their own national defense...we do that for them with our blood and treasure.....and they still can't keep the plates spinning because more and more of them are opting for welfare, not work.

Norway lives off of its North Sea Oil revenue, so it's in a bit of a different position than the rest of the Nordics.

But but but global warming?

Donchaknow? If you virtue signal the proper Prog Policies, you get a pass on pretty much how AlGore travels in a private jet and Bubba got away with sexually exploiting a young subordinate employee.
Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.
so give us an example of a working one?
Cuba, Vietnam, China, Venzuela, USSR, Eastern Bloc countries, they all failed and had to introduce capitalism...….are you really this stupid?
Capitalism’s greatest inherent flaw is that as decades pass, widening income disparity will inevitably get worse. The rich become richer, and the poor become more poor. The middle class shrinks. The only way to prevent this is with government intervention, i.e. socialism. Capitalism of course isn’t a failure - the US would not be the juggernaut it is now if it weren’t for a private market. However, that does not mean the quality of life for most won’t get worse over time.

Socialism is a very broad term. To simplify the definition, it is a concept that involves the people funding (tax revenue) and owning (utilizing) government services. This is why every nation on earth - including the US - has a socialist backbone. Any service the government provides that’s funded by tax revenue and is utilized by the people is socialism.

The definition of socialism has nothing to do with corrupt leadership in a given government. Venezuela is failing because of the country’s leadership. Socialism’s core definition has nothing to do with a dictatorship government.

Nordic countries are social democratic countries. This means more services apply the the well being of the population. These people have the best quality of life according to international polling. That is something that is diminishing in America. However, that doesn’t mean the concept is the antithesis of capitalism. Socialism can be the framework of a capitalist system. Socialism is just needed to make sure a capitalistic system provides benefit to the well being of the population as a whole.
so give us an example of a working one?
Cuba, Vietnam, China, Venzuela, USSR, Eastern Bloc countries, they all failed and had to introduce capitalism...….are you really this stupid?
Denmark, Sweden, Norway...hell most of Western Europe.

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