Chicago Mayor turns migrants away from Sanctuary City.

Oh, and you think those that don't get it, if they even show are going to be caught and deported?

Tell us another one...

What I think is irrelevant to what the law is.

Personally I believe their employer is unlikely to give them time off to go to a hearing.
Nonsense....But let's see if you know what you are talking about....Explain why you think what I bolded....
I live about 40 miles from the border and have for most of my life both here in New Mexico and in San Diego California.
I have spent a LOT of time on this border from the Pacific Ocean in Tijuana to El Centro and Yuma in Cali to Lukeville and Nogales in Arizona to Aqua Prieta, Palomas to Ciudad Juarez/El Paso TX in NM/Texas.
I have done backcountry hiking and offroading on the U.S./ Mexico border in the wilds of Big Bend and am intimately familiar with the complex international border situation in the agricultural corridor east and south of Big Bend on down to Brownsville and Matamoros.

I can tell you that much of the international border is wild.
EXTREMELY wild....and (for the most part inaccessible.
Hundreds and hundreds of miles between things.
No roads.
No infrastructure.
No people.
No way to "monitor" any type of actual physical barrier that isn't already being employed and have been already for years.
Tethwred Aerostat blimps during the Reagan years.
Electronic sensors placed in the desert that "trip" when human traffic passes by them.
Actual physical barriers (walls) that are either completely destroyed and/or tunneled under, broken, through, or scaled on a regular basis.....because there just isn't enough manpower to keep an eye on every square foot of a 2,000 mile "barrier" 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
And I haven't even mentioned the NATURAL physical barriers.
Hundreds and hundreds of miles of deadly, inhospitable desert in all directions that must be navigated both before they even get to the border and then after they have jumped it.

Of course punctuated here and there along this border there a few HUGE bi-national metropolises.
They are a whole DIFFERENT story....with literally tens of thousands of people crossing back and forth every day in vehicles and on foot for work and other business.
Usually monitored by an anemic and inadequate, overworked Border Patrol Station.

No, it's just NOT do-able.
Not even for a trillion dollars!
And it wouldn't work anyway.
Nothing has.

I haven't even mentioned the fact that about 1200 miles of this border consists of a shifting and constantly changing riverbed.
Better add another trillion dollars to the cost of constructing anything like a wall down the middle of a river.....then get ready to do it again after the next flood when the center of the river moves and the actual international boundary changes place!

And finally, I know the old question, "well how do OTHER countries secure THEIR own enormous, wild borders?

Apples and oranges.

Those borders aren't anything like this one.
Soldier Field opened in 1924, not really perfectly good any longer, and I do not think the Bears are Dems.
And I’ve watched a concert in a 2,000 year old amphitheater and it was perfect except no back rest.

So again, why do Democrats think a stadium that’s not required for billionaires to use is more important than helping the poor and needy?
LOL......another one whose parents failed us.
Mayor Bass Pro Shop immediately sent the illegals to another city - without even informing that mayor.

Why are you Democrats so racist?

Poor people on one side of the border will ALWAYS be moving across the border to where more wealth is located.
They have to.
It's not up to us to give Mexico and Central America wealth. The fact is, just about everyone in the entire world (isn't that about 8 billion people?) would be better off in the US than where they currently are. We can't fit 8 billion people in our country and we can't afford to give them freebies either. If they want to live here then they can come in through the front door, LEGALLY. If not, then we need to keep them out.
It's not up to us to give Mexico and Central America wealth. The fact is, just about everyone in the entire world (isn't that about 8 billion people?) would be better off in the US than where they currently are. We can't fit 8 billion people in our country and we can't afford to give them freebies either. If they want to live here then they can come in through the front door, LEGALLY. If not, then we need to keep them out.

It is up to the US to stop undermining their wealth.
And I’ve watched a concert in a 2,000 year old amphitheater and it was perfect except no back rest.

So again, why do Democrats think a stadium that’s not required for billionaires to use is more important than helping the poor and needy?

Can you provide some evidence the owners of the Bears are Dems?

I will be happy to wait
There are about 44,000 hotel rooms in Chicago.

Link us up to where they are over 99% full.
You know there will be NO response. If Chicago didn’t have enough rooms ( BULLSHIT) why couldn’t they go elsewhere in the State??
Many have crossed legally to seek asylum. Are you saying they have not? But for the I do not know how many times, our laws state that all you have to do is get here, through proper border crossings or not.

That's our law.
How do we know why they have crossed the border? That means anyone can say it, To say some can and other’s can’t is racist

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