Chicago Mayor turns migrants away from Sanctuary City.

This is a lie.

How do you know they’re ‘illegal’ – that an immigrant might be undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’

An immigrant or migrant isn’t ‘illegal’ until such time as he’s been found guilty in a court of law.

And the linked article makes no mention of the immigrants/migrants being ‘illegal.’

This is yet another example of dishonest fearmongering by the hateful, bigoted, nativist right.
LOL. Undocumented is illegal. I know you guys think there is no such thing as an illegal and that they're all just immigrants. That's why you are for open borders.
Is that supposed to be a rational question?
Yes, it is.

I mean, what is the endgame here with all this inhumanity?
I know all of the standard comebacks like

"It's a national security issue!"
"It's an invasion!"
"We CAN'T afford them!"
"B-b-but the threat of TERRORISM!"
"Not OUR problem!"
"It's all just a conspiracy to increase Dem voting base."
" They are taking away JOBS!"
And on, and on, and on.

Everyone wants to talk in soundbytes about this issue but the REALITY is there is a huge humanitarian crisis going on south of our border.
These people have nowhere else to go.
What can we (and should we) do as compassionate human beings to ease their suffering?

What would Jesus do?
What would Jesus say?
"Not my problem?"
"Go back home and fix your OWN damned country!"

I don't think so.

So what are we going to do about this crisis?
Build a wall?
I don't think so.
That was an absolutely ridiculous suggestion from the very beginning!
Even the ancient Chinese understood the limits of construction and materials.
You CAN'T build a "wall" down the middle of a constantly dhifting and moving riverbed!

But I digress.

Back to the question.
What are we going to do about this crisis?
Are we going to respond to it like decent, caring, compassionate human beings....or like barbarians?
And if the latter is the answer.....we might as well go ALL IN right?
Full others throughout history before us.

I mean, nothing will deter illegal immigration quite as effectively as constant footage on the 24 hour news channels of giant pits in the desert full of the black, bloated bodies of unwanted immigrant men, women, and babies with flies and maggots eating their eyes out.


So I guess we, as a cultur we, as a society, just need to make a decision.
How badly do we want these people, these desperate illegal immigrants gone?
Then someone needs to come up with a comprehensive final solution to the problem, and ultimately implement it.

Simple right?
But Chicago is the sanctuary city. They didn't even keep them in the same county. The sanctuary city got rid of illegals by dumping them on someone else.

Have you ever been to Chicago? Where they put them is all part of Chicago.

And they did not dump them, they paid for them to be in a hotel.
It goes like this: The very second someone crosses the border illegally, they instantly apply for asylum, meaning they are no longer an illegal. Therefore, every single person crossing the border is simply and immigrant.
But they are then 'documented' as asylum has been filed for.

If someone is undocumented, there is no paper trail on them.

Thus illegal.
Have you ever been to Chicago? Where they put them is all part of Chicago.

And they did not dump them, they paid for them to be in a hotel.
I have been to Chicago numerous times. In fact, I just read recently the Bears football team is going to move out of Soldier Field due to the violence in that area. But, Cook County is the greater Chicago area and they moved these migrants not only out of Chicago but out of the county. Another poster claimed that we weren't giving these migrants free room and board but we are, in fact, putting them up in a hotel.

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