Chicago Teacher Unions mocks Arne Duncan's lisp


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
"Now, you know he went to private school ‘cause if he had gone to public school he would have had that lisp fixed," she said on stage. "I know – that was ugly wasn’t it? I’m sorry.”

Source: CTU's Lewis Caught on Tape Mocking Arne Duncan's Lisp | NBC Chicago

She then went on to brag about how much pot she smoked, before she realized there were children in the room.

Really, anything I say would detract from the hilarity. They're eating their own.
"Now, you know he went to private school ‘cause if he had gone to public school he would have had that lisp fixed," she said on stage. "I know – that was ugly wasn’t it? I’m sorry.”

Source: CTU's Lewis Caught on Tape Mocking Arne Duncan's Lisp | NBC Chicago

She then went on to brag about how much pot she smoked, before she realized there were children in the room.

Really, anything I say would detract from the hilarity. They're eating their own.

I must tell you, I've been to speeches and union officials, and politicians...they all offer red meat to their base.

I heard the Democrat leader in Brooklyn threaten violence and promise a group that he would dynamite the oppositions' homes.

First amendment.
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I don't dispute her right to say what she said, just her judgment.

And Arne is supposedly on THEIR side. You really shouldn't go after your own.

BUt here's the dirtly little secret of Chicago politicians. They all bow at the altar of Public Education and then send their own kids to private schools. I went to school with the children of Machine Politicians, in my Catholic schools, and a favorite taunt was, "Ha, ha your dad got indicted!"

And this is kind of what annoys the crap out of me about liberal dems. They all scream about how evil school choice would be, scream about "separation of church and state" when someone proposes a voucer to a church run school, but when it gets to brass tacks, that's where they put their own kids.
Oh, okay. If Arne had gone to a Chicago public school those sage teachers could have corrected his lisp, which is a speech impediment.

Yet many Chicago public school teachers can neither teach proper grammar nor speak proper English. Thus, for but one example, whether kids drop out or graduate many don't know the difference between ask and axe.
Almost as bad as Republicans mocking Barney Franks lisp
"Now, you know he went to private school ‘cause if he had gone to public school he would have had that lisp fixed," she said on stage. "I know – that was ugly wasn’t it? I’m sorry.”

Source: CTU's Lewis Caught on Tape Mocking Arne Duncan's Lisp | NBC Chicago

She then went on to brag about how much pot she smoked, before she realized there were children in the room.

Really, anything I say would detract from the hilarity. They're eating their own.

This woman is a creep. And all Public Unions should be abolished. They do not serve the Taxpayers well. In fact,they screw them every chance they get. This creep represents Teacher Unions perfectly. And people wonder why our Public Schools are crumbling. Look at what kind of creeps are "teaching" your children.

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