Chick-fil-A feeds stranded drivers

So, I'm curious. Will the same people who slammed the CEO of Chick-Fil-A for giving his honest, personal opinion of gay marriage when asked, now praise him for the charity his company is engaging in? I'm guessing we won't hear much about it.

Chick-fil-A feeds stranded drivers - New York News

Isn't that like saying we should forgive the Holocaust because the Autobahn is kind of cool?

Yes, it was a nice thing for the chain to do because a bunch of bubba rednecks don't know how to drive in a whopping 2 inches of snow.

It still doesn't make up for the fact that Dan Cathy engaged in supporting hate groups.

Comparing opposing same sex marriage to the holocaust shows what type of idiot you are.
The problem was not the snow. The problem was that it had been in the upper 50s the day before, so the ground was warm at first. This melted the first few hours of snow and created a layer of ice. It was not the snow but the ice that crippled the cities that have very little equipment for handling salt or sand on the roadways.

Where I live, the city doesn't salt or plow a lot of the streets so my ride home is like a roller coaster ride.

People who don't have four wheel drive are also a problem because they get stuck, slide out, have people push them, etc.

People have low air pressure or bald tires and don't belong in the snow or ice.

Plus they have no experience driving on ice or snow.

I doubt many people in Atlanta buy 4x4 vehicles for the snow storms that happen every 4 or 5 years and last 2 or 3 days. Also, having 4WD on ice just means that you have more wheels spinning. Without chains you are not getting anywhere on ice.

I have had two cars with four wheel drive. There is no tire in the world that will hold you on ice but if two tires slip, the other two tires will hold you because snow or ice isn't always uniform.

I can drive up hills that cars with two wheel drive can't. I can drive through deep snow that two wheel drive cars can't. I have driven to work on snow covered roads.

The other problem is anti-lock breaks. If they come on in ice, you have this upwards force on your brakes that won't let you brake and you will slide forwards until your wheels stop slipping.
So, I'm curious. Will the same people who slammed the CEO of Chick-Fil-A for giving his honest, personal opinion of gay marriage when asked, now praise him for the charity his company is engaging in? I'm guessing we won't hear much about it.

Chick-fil-A feeds stranded drivers - New York News

Isn't that like saying we should forgive the Holocaust because the Autobahn is kind of cool?

Yes, it was a nice thing for the chain to do because a bunch of bubba rednecks don't know how to drive in a whopping 2 inches of snow.

It still doesn't make up for the fact that Dan Cathy engaged in supporting hate groups.

Or it was a nice thing to do because the roads were covered by ice. Not sure why this is difficult to understand.
Where I live, the city doesn't salt or plow a lot of the streets so my ride home is like a roller coaster ride.

People who don't have four wheel drive are also a problem because they get stuck, slide out, have people push them, etc.

People have low air pressure or bald tires and don't belong in the snow or ice.

Plus they have no experience driving on ice or snow.

I doubt many people in Atlanta buy 4x4 vehicles for the snow storms that happen every 4 or 5 years and last 2 or 3 days. Also, having 4WD on ice just means that you have more wheels spinning. Without chains you are not getting anywhere on ice.

I have had two cars with four wheel drive. There is no tire in the world that will hold you on ice but if two tires slip, the other two tires will hold you because snow or ice isn't always uniform.

I can drive up hills that cars with two wheel drive can't. I can drive through deep snow that two wheel drive cars can't. I have driven to work on snow covered roads.

The other problem is anti-lock breaks. If they come on in ice, you have this upwards force on your brakes that won't let you brake and you will slide forwards until your wheels stop slipping.

Just in our neighborhood I have seen a Subaru and a couple of Jeeps sliding off the road. None made it up the slight hill to get out.

The temps on Monday were in the mid & upper 50s. The ground was not frozen when the snow started falling, so it melted and then refroze. There is a half an inch of ice across entire roads. It is not patchy ice but a serious overall coating.
Where the fuck do you two live and why are either of you on the roads in bad weather? Why are the roads not salted if there's that much ice? And why in the world would anyone brake hard enough on ice to cause anti-lock brakes to kick in?
Where the fuck do you two live and why are either of you on the roads in bad weather? Why are the roads not salted if there's that much ice? And why in the world would anyone brake hard enough on ice to cause anti-lock brakes to kick in?

I live in Atlanta. I'm sure the GDOT has some salt trucks, but not many.

I was on the roads on foot checking on a couple of elderly neighbors and taking some pics.
Where the fuck do you two live and why are either of you on the roads in bad weather? Why are the roads not salted if there's that much ice? And why in the world would anyone brake hard enough on ice to cause anti-lock brakes to kick in?

There are plenty of people who go to work in bad weather.
The boss doesn't want to hear you won't come in unless the city is shut down because of a snow emergency.
The city doesn't have funds to plow or salt all of the roads.
You can go five or 10 miles under the speed limit, try to stop with normal breaking, slide and then the anti-lock brakes come on.
Yesterday I saw three accidents after they happened. One person hit a telephone pole because they went down a street which was a hill.
Where the fuck do you two live and why are either of you on the roads in bad weather? Why are the roads not salted if there's that much ice? And why in the world would anyone brake hard enough on ice to cause anti-lock brakes to kick in?

There are plenty of people who go to work in bad weather.
The boss doesn't want to hear you won't come in unless the city is shut down because of a snow emergency.
The city doesn't have funds to plow or salt all of the roads.
You can go five or 10 miles under the speed limit, try to stop with normal breaking, slide and then the anti-lock brakes come on.
Yesterday I saw three accidents after they happened. One person hit a telephone pole because they went down a street which was a hill.

It's unnerving to drive in it sometimes. I lived around the block from my work for 10 years before this and now I work from home so it's a non issue for me but I remember having to drive through it in the past. I'm not one to take a day off so I would steel myself and go. I feel sorry for people who have to do it now.
So, I'm curious. Will the same people who slammed the CEO of Chick-Fil-A for giving his honest, personal opinion of gay marriage when asked, now praise him for the charity his company is engaging in? I'm guessing we won't hear much about it.

Chick-fil-A feeds stranded drivers - New York News

yeah no, look those people are morons who can't handle a cm of snow and ice. saw pictures, it was sad. 4 miles in 5 hours because you cant handle a little ice.

This is an over simplification, at best. No, we southern drivers can't handle ice covered roads. To be honest, neither can northern drivers. But Atlanta and Birmingham do not have the equipment to deal with spreading salt and sand on the roads. Storms like this happened every few years, and cause problems for a day or so. If you get several feet of snow every year you have the equipment to deal with it. If you get a snow storm every 5 years, you (hopefully) don't waste tax dollars (tens of thousands of tax dollars) on this equipment.

The problem in Atlanta was that the power that be decided not to close the schools until the snow was coming down fairly well. Then every school was dismissed. The first few hours of traffic problems were not due to snow, but to volume of traffic. Most of the greater Atlanta area was trying to either get home or get to their kids and get home, at the same time.
excuses...its ice not little kittens you are driving over.
He orders gays to be executed and you what? :eusa_hand:

I don't think you'd find many liberals that agree with I'm-a-dinner-jacket on any issues at all.

On the other hand, I don't claim to speak for all "liberals", but I applaud Columbia's decision to allow him to speak. You should never be afraid to hear what your enemy has to say.

My little brother was a student at Columbia when he spoke there. He wasn't "corrupted" by it. I'm confident in saying that no Columbia students were harmed by hearing him speak. None of them agreed with him, none of them were swayed by his arguments. He was loudly booed and ridiculed by the student audience.

I did not think anyone could be corrupted by it. It is the principle. Would I want to ask Hitler over to my house, for a talk? I don't think so

That guy executes people for being gay!!! This is why he can honestly say there are no gays in his country.

why wouldnt you want Hitler over to talk? Can you imagine the educational lesson you could get from just talking with him? Nevermind i forgot, education is a liberal plot.
I would LOVE to know how many people who expressed ANY level of disgust at CF for their stance on gay marriage made sure they went and got a free meal yesterday.

People are pathetic.
yeah no, look those people are morons who can't handle a cm of snow and ice. saw pictures, it was sad. 4 miles in 5 hours because you cant handle a little ice.

This is an over simplification, at best. No, we southern drivers can't handle ice covered roads. To be honest, neither can northern drivers. But Atlanta and Birmingham do not have the equipment to deal with spreading salt and sand on the roads. Storms like this happened every few years, and cause problems for a day or so. If you get several feet of snow every year you have the equipment to deal with it. If you get a snow storm every 5 years, you (hopefully) don't waste tax dollars (tens of thousands of tax dollars) on this equipment.

The problem in Atlanta was that the power that be decided not to close the schools until the snow was coming down fairly well. Then every school was dismissed. The first few hours of traffic problems were not due to snow, but to volume of traffic. Most of the greater Atlanta area was trying to either get home or get to their kids and get home, at the same time.
excuses...its ice not little kittens you are driving over.

Excuses? lmao I suppose you, with your incredible driving skills, could manage to drive a 2WD vehicle on curving hilly roads that have a half inch of ice covering them? Riiiiight.
This is an over simplification, at best. No, we southern drivers can't handle ice covered roads. To be honest, neither can northern drivers. But Atlanta and Birmingham do not have the equipment to deal with spreading salt and sand on the roads. Storms like this happened every few years, and cause problems for a day or so. If you get several feet of snow every year you have the equipment to deal with it. If you get a snow storm every 5 years, you (hopefully) don't waste tax dollars (tens of thousands of tax dollars) on this equipment.

The problem in Atlanta was that the power that be decided not to close the schools until the snow was coming down fairly well. Then every school was dismissed. The first few hours of traffic problems were not due to snow, but to volume of traffic. Most of the greater Atlanta area was trying to either get home or get to their kids and get home, at the same time.
excuses...its ice not little kittens you are driving over.

Excuses? lmao I suppose you, with your incredible driving skills, could manage to drive a 2WD vehicle on curving hilly roads that have a half inch of ice covering them? Riiiiight.

ever been to summerville in boston? Yeah i can. Been doing it for awhile now.Did it a couple of weeks ago as well. Bunch of pussies.
excuses...its ice not little kittens you are driving over.

Excuses? lmao I suppose you, with your incredible driving skills, could manage to drive a 2WD vehicle on curving hilly roads that have a half inch of ice covering them? Riiiiight.

ever been to summerville in boston? Yeah i can. Been doing it for awhile now.Did it a couple of weeks ago as well. Bunch of pussies.

You drove a 2wd car on solid ice in hills and curves?

Bullshit. Unless you have studded tires or chains, I'm calling bullshit.

I'm betting you drove with either chains on the tires or where they had put down sand or salt. On ice the wheels spin and steering is impossible.
excuses...its ice not little kittens you are driving over.

Excuses? lmao I suppose you, with your incredible driving skills, could manage to drive a 2WD vehicle on curving hilly roads that have a half inch of ice covering them? Riiiiight.

ever been to summerville in boston? Yeah i can. Been doing it for awhile now.Did it a couple of weeks ago as well. Bunch of pussies.

And how did you learn to drive in snowy conditions?? By watching videos? By reading a book? Or maybe, just maybe, you learned because you live where it snows for much of the winter season? People in Atlanta don't see significant accumulation of snow but once every few years (3 to 5 years between bigger ice storms-at least).

You want to play all macho and call us pussies, go ahead. I'm sure someone out there will be impressed.

Besides, if you will actually read what I said about this debacle, you will see that the biggest problem was the way the gov't responded before the bad weather effected the roads. Between that and the independent nature of the city & county gov'ts makes the response rather pitiful.

And when I worked the emergency from Hurricane Sandy, I saw plenty of northern drivers who couldn't do much behind the wheel.
Excuses? lmao I suppose you, with your incredible driving skills, could manage to drive a 2WD vehicle on curving hilly roads that have a half inch of ice covering them? Riiiiight.

ever been to summerville in boston? Yeah i can. Been doing it for awhile now.Did it a couple of weeks ago as well. Bunch of pussies.

And how did you learn to drive in snowy conditions?? By watching videos? By reading a book? Or maybe, just maybe, you learned because you live where it snows for much of the winter season? People in Atlanta don't see significant accumulation of snow but once every few years (3 to 5 years between bigger ice storms-at least).

You want to play all macho and call us pussies, go ahead. I'm sure someone out there will be impressed.

Besides, if you will actually read what I said about this debacle, you will see that the biggest problem was the way the gov't responded before the bad weather effected the roads. Between that and the independent nature of the city & county gov'ts makes the response rather pitiful.

And when I worked the emergency from Hurricane Sandy, I saw plenty of northern drivers who couldn't do much behind the wheel.

here is what i did, and this may shock you because its logical.
I got in my car, drove onto the street ( it was empty of other cars) and i tested to see how my car would handle. I took the extra few seconds and made sure i knew what would happen.
Dont use Government as your excuse to not be able to handle some ice.
So yes you people in the south are raging pussies.
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Excuses? lmao I suppose you, with your incredible driving skills, could manage to drive a 2WD vehicle on curving hilly roads that have a half inch of ice covering them? Riiiiight.

ever been to summerville in boston? Yeah i can. Been doing it for awhile now.Did it a couple of weeks ago as well. Bunch of pussies.

You drove a 2wd car on solid ice in hills and curves?

Bullshit. Unless you have studded tires or chains, I'm calling bullshit.

I'm betting you drove with either chains on the tires or where they had put down sand or salt. On ice the wheels spin and steering is impossible.

i currently drive a 94 Cav. What the fuck do you think it is? All my cars have been 2wd in the front. lol chains for
ever been to summerville in boston? Yeah i can. Been doing it for awhile now.Did it a couple of weeks ago as well. Bunch of pussies.

And how did you learn to drive in snowy conditions?? By watching videos? By reading a book? Or maybe, just maybe, you learned because you live where it snows for much of the winter season? People in Atlanta don't see significant accumulation of snow but once every few years (3 to 5 years between bigger ice storms-at least).

You want to play all macho and call us pussies, go ahead. I'm sure someone out there will be impressed.

Besides, if you will actually read what I said about this debacle, you will see that the biggest problem was the way the gov't responded before the bad weather effected the roads. Between that and the independent nature of the city & county gov'ts makes the response rather pitiful.

And when I worked the emergency from Hurricane Sandy, I saw plenty of northern drivers who couldn't do much behind the wheel.

here is what i did, and this may shock you because its logical.
I got in my car, drove onto the street ( it was empty of other cars) and i tested to see how my car would handle. I took the extra few seconds and made sure i knew what would happen.
Dont use Government as your excuse to not be able to handle some ice.
So yes you people in the south are raging pussies.

We are pussies and you are a dick. I guess the old saying "You are what you eat" is as accurate as ever.

I am not offering any excuses. I gave reasons. There is a difference. The mayor of Atlanta said there were as many as a million cars on the roads that afternoon. The fiasco was as much that as anything.

If you want to claim you can drive on hills and curves covered in a sheet of ice, more power to you. I'm not buying it. I have more miles under my belt than anyone except long haul truckers. I have driven in every kind of weather, from hurricanes to snow & ice storms. A sheet of ice on a hill is not something you are going to navigate with a regular car and standard tires.

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