Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

"Islam did not rise except through Ali's sword and Khadija's wealth," a saying goes. Khadija al-Kubra daughter of Khuwaylid ibn (son of) Asad ibn Abdul-`Uzza ibn Qusayy belonged to the clan of Banu Hashim of the tribe of Banu Asad. She was a distant cousin of her husband the Messenger of Allah Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hashim ibn Abd Manaf ibn Qusayy, Allah's peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny.

1.) He married Khadija (who was older than he and with whom he remained monogamous with until her death) long before any sort of military conquest and even before his break with Mecca.

2.) Khadija was the one who approached him for marriage, not the other way around.

3.) Khadija even died before any military action or war was declared or engaged in and before Muhammad's break with Mecca 9when his uncle died and he lost his social protection from assassination).

4.) Seriously, try actually reading a book. Karen Armstrong's biography on Muhammad is pretty good and she isn't even a Muslim so you don't have to hate her (she was a former Catholic nun).
This is an Islamic site I am using. Ha ha ha. Wow.

No thanks,Ill take what they say over you.
This is an Islamic site I am using. Ha ha ha. Wow.

No thanks,Ill take what they say over you.

Those things are basics of Muhammad's life. She died in 620 and the Hijra didn't take place until 622.


1.) He married Khadija (who was older than he and with whom he remained monogamous with until her death) long before any sort of military conquest and even before his break with Mecca.

2.) Khadija was the one who approached him for marriage, not the other way around.

3.) Khadija even died before any military action or war was declared or engaged in and before Muhammad's break with Mecca 9when his uncle died and he lost his social protection from assassination).

4.) Seriously, try actually reading a book. Karen Armstrong's biography on Muhammad is pretty good and she isn't even a Muslim so you don't have to hate her (she was a former Catholic nun).

1, 2, and 3 aren't disputed facts.
And I am familiar with the Koran and Muslims as I grew up with them.

Once again how can you claim to be familiar with the Quran when you got it confused with the Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari? Children know the difference between the two.

Did I study the Koran like a devout Muslim, like you would?

I don't think that you are quite grasping here that it in no way takes any sort of devout study to be able to distinguish between the Quran and hadith collections. Those things are about as basic as you can get. It would be like Christians not knowing who the apostles were, but claiming to have a decent understanding of the Bible.

It's ridiculous.

No why do I need to do that. However that doesn't negate my knowledge or my claims. Do I need to be a rabbi or priest to know about Judaism or Christianity? Get a grip on yourself. LOL.

And what's worse, you're apparently proud of your lack of education on the subject. Seriously, get some self respect.
What is there to grasp or not grasp? Muslims marry 9 year olds because their prophet did so. You got proof it ain't so? Show it.

Islamic studies begins tomorrow at "Sahar" or "Sabah" after morning prayers at the mosque. Be there!!
Last edited:
One more time, show me a Muslim country where the reason for child marriages can be attributed to reasons other than Islam and Shariah law.

Child marriages pre-date Islam.

Can you find me anything in Shariah law that mandates child marriages?

Your logic isn't working - you are asking him to prove a negative.
And now a dose of reality:
Child marriage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lower legally allowed marriage age does not necessarily cause high rates of child marriages. However, there is a causative correlation between restrictions placed by laws and the average age of first marriage. In the United States, per 1960 Census data, 3.5% of girls married before the age of 16, while an additional 11.9% married between 16 and 18. States with lower marriage age limits saw higher percentages of child marriages.[7] This correlation between higher age of marriage in civil law and observed frequency of child marriages breaks down in countries with Islam as the state religion. In Islamic nations, many countries do not allow child marriage of girls under their civil code of laws. But, the state recognized Sharia religious laws and courts in all these nations have the power to override the civil code, and often do. UNICEF reports that the top five nations in the world - Niger (75%), Chad (72%), Mali (71%), Bangladesh (64%), Guinea (63%) - with highest observed child marriage rates are all Islamic majority countries.[2]

Yes, though I already pointed out that those countries were amongst the highest - not Saudi Arabia or Iran. Those countries are also extremely poor.

If you go to the article that is linked to your quote, it shows how poverty is strongly causitive:

What Sharia law mandates child marriages?

Note - most of these marriages are not young children as you keep going on about, they are teenaged girls.
And I am familiar with the Koran and Muslims as I grew up with them.

Once again how can you claim to be familiar with the Quran when you got it confused with the Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari? Children know the difference between the two.

I don't think that you are quite grasping here that it in no way takes any sort of devout study to be able to distinguish between the Quran and hadith collections. Those things are about as basic as you can get. It would be like Christians not knowing who the apostles were, but claiming to have a decent understanding of the Bible.

It's ridiculous.

No why do I need to do that. However that doesn't negate my knowledge or my claims. Do I need to be a rabbi or priest to know about Judaism or Christianity? Get a grip on yourself. LOL.

And what's worse, you're apparently proud of your lack of education on the subject. Seriously, get some self respect.
What is there to grasp or not grasp? Muslims marry 9 year olds because their prophet did so. You got proof it ain't so? Show it.

Islamic studies begins tomorrow at "Sahar" or "Sabah" after morning prayers at the mosque. Be there!!

Roudy, *you* are the one making the claim here - it's up to you to show the proof:doubt:
This is an Islamic site I am using. Ha ha ha. Wow.

No thanks,Ill take what they say over you.

Those things are basics of Muhammad's life. She died in 620 and the Hijra didn't take place until 622.


1.) He married Khadija (who was older than he and with whom he remained monogamous with until her death) long before any sort of military conquest and even before his break with Mecca.

2.) Khadija was the one who approached him for marriage, not the other way around.

3.) Khadija even died before any military action or war was declared or engaged in and before Muhammad's break with Mecca 9when his uncle died and he lost his social protection from assassination).

4.) Seriously, try actually reading a book. Karen Armstrong's biography on Muhammad is pretty good and she isn't even a Muslim so you don't have to hate her (she was a former Catholic nun).

1, 2, and 3 aren't disputed facts.

ha, that's funny - I have that book on my reading pile to read - I heard her interviewed and was very impressed so I picked up History of God and her biography of Mohammed :)
"Islam did not rise except through Ali's sword and Khadija's wealth," a saying goes. Khadija al-Kubra daughter of Khuwaylid ibn (son of) Asad ibn Abdul-`Uzza ibn Qusayy belonged to the clan of Banu Hashim of the tribe of Banu Asad. She was a distant cousin of her husband the Messenger of Allah Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hashim ibn Abd Manaf ibn Qusayy, Allah's peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny.

1.) He married Khadija (who was older than he and with whom he remained monogamous with until her death) long before any sort of military conquest and even before his break with Mecca.

2.) Khadija was the one who approached him for marriage, not the other way around.

3.) Khadija even died before any military action or war was declared or engaged in and before Muhammad's break with Mecca (when his uncle died and he lost his social protection from assassination).

4.) Seriously, try actually reading a book. Karen Armstrong's biography on Muhammad is pretty good and she isn't even a Muslim so you don't have to hate her (she was a former Catholic nun).
"Khadija approached Mohammed for marriage..."

LOL, like, I'm sure that's the way it was back then in 7th century Arabia. Women were so progressive and got to choose who they wanted to marry, so they just grabbed whoever they felt like. Or maybe it was Mohammad's GQ type good looks? Who knows.
Once again how can you claim to be familiar with the Quran when you got it confused with the Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari? Children know the difference between the two.

I don't think that you are quite grasping here that it in no way takes any sort of devout study to be able to distinguish between the Quran and hadith collections. Those things are about as basic as you can get. It would be like Christians not knowing who the apostles were, but claiming to have a decent understanding of the Bible.

It's ridiculous.

And what's worse, you're apparently proud of your lack of education on the subject. Seriously, get some self respect.
What is there to grasp or not grasp? Muslims marry 9 year olds because their prophet did so. You got proof it ain't so? Show it.

Islamic studies begins tomorrow at "Sahar" or "Sabah" after morning prayers at the mosque. Be there!!

Roudy, *you* are the one making the claim here - it's up to you to show the proof:doubt:
Wow, you guys are actually proposing that it ISN'T because of Islam that Muslim men are allowed to marry 9 year olds? It's pretty much a given, even Muslims realize and admit it.

Are you actually ready for the barrage of proof about to come down on this thread?
This is an Islamic site I am using. Ha ha ha. Wow.

No thanks,Ill take what they say over you.

Those things are basics of Muhammad's life. She died in 620 and the Hijra didn't take place until 622.


1.) He married Khadija (who was older than he and with whom he remained monogamous with until her death) long before any sort of military conquest and even before his break with Mecca.

2.) Khadija was the one who approached him for marriage, not the other way around.

3.) Khadija even died before any military action or war was declared or engaged in and before Muhammad's break with Mecca 9when his uncle died and he lost his social protection from assassination).

4.) Seriously, try actually reading a book. Karen Armstrong's biography on Muhammad is pretty good and she isn't even a Muslim so you don't have to hate her (she was a former Catholic nun).

1, 2, and 3 aren't disputed facts.

ha, that's funny - I have that book on my reading pile to read - I heard her interviewed and was very impressed so I picked up History of God and her biography of Mohammed :)
Well, to each his own..........

Karen Armstrong - WikiIslam

Karen Armstrong wants us all to love Islam « Why Evolution Is True
"Khadija approached Mohammed for marriage..."

LOL, like, I'm sure that's the way it was back then in 7th century Arabia. Women were so progressive and got to choose who they wanted to marry, so they just grabbed whoever they felt like. Or maybe it was Mohammad's GQ type good looks? Who knows.

She was his employer.
Child marriages pre-date Islam.

Can you find me anything in Shariah law that mandates child marriages?

Your logic isn't working - you are asking him to prove a negative.
And now a dose of reality:
Child marriage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lower legally allowed marriage age does not necessarily cause high rates of child marriages. However, there is a causative correlation between restrictions placed by laws and the average age of first marriage. In the United States, per 1960 Census data, 3.5% of girls married before the age of 16, while an additional 11.9% married between 16 and 18. States with lower marriage age limits saw higher percentages of child marriages.[7] This correlation between higher age of marriage in civil law and observed frequency of child marriages breaks down in countries with Islam as the state religion. In Islamic nations, many countries do not allow child marriage of girls under their civil code of laws. But, the state recognized Sharia religious laws and courts in all these nations have the power to override the civil code, and often do. UNICEF reports that the top five nations in the world - Niger (75%), Chad (72%), Mali (71%), Bangladesh (64%), Guinea (63%) - with highest observed child marriage rates are all Islamic majority countries.[2]

Yes, though I already pointed out that those countries were amongst the highest - not Saudi Arabia or Iran. Those countries are also extremely poor.

If you go to the article that is linked to your quote, it shows how poverty is strongly causitive:

What Sharia law mandates child marriages?

Note - most of these marriages are not young children as you keep going on about, they are teenaged girls.
...the state recognized Sharia religious laws and courts in all these nations have the power to override the civil code, and often do. UNICEF reports that the top five nations in the world - Niger (75%), Chad (72%), Mali (71%), Bangladesh (64%), Guinea (63%) - with highest observed child marriage rates are all Islamic majority countries.[2]


I rest my case, your Honor.
"Khadija approached Mohammed for marriage..."

LOL, like, I'm sure that's the way it was back then in 7th century Arabia. Women were so progressive and got to choose who they wanted to marry, so they just grabbed whoever they felt like. Or maybe it was Mohammad's GQ type good looks? Who knows.

She was his employer.
$he wa$? I told you he wa$ a $mart guy marrying for money.
Gotta be a muslim.

In Yemen? Most likely. Child marriage happens in many non-Islamic majority countries as well though (it is a big problem in parts of Southern Africa, and the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa for that matter). It is also a large problem in India.

Child marriage is one of those nasty side effects of weak governmental institutions coupled with extreme poverty. It's horrible stuff.

Excuses, that mean nothing....nothing at all. Pass the buck
Those things are basics of Muhammad's life. She died in 620 and the Hijra didn't take place until 622.


1.) He married Khadija (who was older than he and with whom he remained monogamous with until her death) long before any sort of military conquest and even before his break with Mecca.

2.) Khadija was the one who approached him for marriage, not the other way around.

3.) Khadija even died before any military action or war was declared or engaged in and before Muhammad's break with Mecca 9when his uncle died and he lost his social protection from assassination).

4.) Seriously, try actually reading a book. Karen Armstrong's biography on Muhammad is pretty good and she isn't even a Muslim so you don't have to hate her (she was a former Catholic nun).

1, 2, and 3 aren't disputed facts.

ha, that's funny - I have that book on my reading pile to read - I heard her interviewed and was very impressed so I picked up History of God and her biography of Mohammed :)
Well, to each his own..........

Karen Armstrong - WikiIslam
Wikiislam is an Islamophobic and a hate website (although it claims to be critical of Islam) that was created in 2006 by "Faith Freedom International" for the purposes of "helping Muslims leave Islam". It has been reported by several news sources including the Associated Press as being a website that shows a "one sided view of Islam" to make "Muslims look backward and stupid" whilst disguising itself as a website that solely "criticises" Islam.

Yes, to each his own...

Book Reviews: Book Review of Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet, by Karen Armstrong
Maybe you should try reading it :dunno:
What is there to grasp or not grasp? Muslims marry 9 year olds because their prophet did so. You got proof it ain't so? Show it.

Islamic studies begins tomorrow at "Sahar" or "Sabah" after morning prayers at the mosque. Be there!!

Roudy, *you* are the one making the claim here - it's up to you to show the proof:doubt:
Wow, you guys are actually proposing that it ISN'T because of Islam that Muslim men are allowed to marry 9 year olds? It's pretty much a given, even Muslims realize and admit it.

Are you actually ready for the barrage of proof about to come down on this thread?

Christianity was used to justify all manner of things including the trans-Atlantic Slave Trade for example. That doesn't mean it is a causal variable of slavery.
Child marriages pre-date Islam.

Can you find me anything in Shariah law that mandates child marriages?

Your logic isn't working - you are asking him to prove a negative.
And now a dose of reality:
Child marriage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lower legally allowed marriage age does not necessarily cause high rates of child marriages. However, there is a causative correlation between restrictions placed by laws and the average age of first marriage. In the United States, per 1960 Census data, 3.5% of girls married before the age of 16, while an additional 11.9% married between 16 and 18. States with lower marriage age limits saw higher percentages of child marriages.[7] This correlation between higher age of marriage in civil law and observed frequency of child marriages breaks down in countries with Islam as the state religion. In Islamic nations, many countries do not allow child marriage of girls under their civil code of laws. But, the state recognized Sharia religious laws and courts in all these nations have the power to override the civil code, and often do. UNICEF reports that the top five nations in the world - Niger (75%), Chad (72%), Mali (71%), Bangladesh (64%), Guinea (63%) - with highest observed child marriage rates are all Islamic majority countries.[2]

Yes, though I already pointed out that those countries were amongst the highest - not Saudi Arabia or Iran. Those countries are also extremely poor.

If you go to the article that is linked to your quote, it shows how poverty is strongly causitive:

What Sharia law mandates child marriages?

Note - most of these marriages are not young children as you keep going on about, they are teenaged girls.
Read it again:

"the state recognized Sharia religious laws and courts in all these nations have the power to override the civil code, and often do. UNICEF reports"
$he wa$? I told you he wa$ a $mart guy marrying for money.

That's pretty presumptuous for someone who has never read a book on Islam, or a biography of Muhammad, or even knows the contents of the Quran and Hadiths.

Seriously, i'm just embarrassed for you at this point.
Roudy, *you* are the one making the claim here - it's up to you to show the proof:doubt:
Wow, you guys are actually proposing that it ISN'T because of Islam that Muslim men are allowed to marry 9 year olds? It's pretty much a given, even Muslims realize and admit it.

Are you actually ready for the barrage of proof about to come down on this thread?

Christianity was used to justify all manner of things including the trans-Atlantic Slave Trade for example. That doesn't mean it is a causal variable of slavery.
Keyword "was".
And now a dose of reality:
Child marriage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lower legally allowed marriage age does not necessarily cause high rates of child marriages. However, there is a causative correlation between restrictions placed by laws and the average age of first marriage. In the United States, per 1960 Census data, 3.5% of girls married before the age of 16, while an additional 11.9% married between 16 and 18. States with lower marriage age limits saw higher percentages of child marriages.[7] This correlation between higher age of marriage in civil law and observed frequency of child marriages breaks down in countries with Islam as the state religion. In Islamic nations, many countries do not allow child marriage of girls under their civil code of laws. But, the state recognized Sharia religious laws and courts in all these nations have the power to override the civil code, and often do. UNICEF reports that the top five nations in the world - Niger (75%), Chad (72%), Mali (71%), Bangladesh (64%), Guinea (63%) - with highest observed child marriage rates are all Islamic majority countries.[2]

Yes, though I already pointed out that those countries were amongst the highest - not Saudi Arabia or Iran. Those countries are also extremely poor.

If you go to the article that is linked to your quote, it shows how poverty is strongly causitive:

What Sharia law mandates child marriages?

Note - most of these marriages are not young children as you keep going on about, they are teenaged girls.
...the state recognized Sharia religious laws and courts in all these nations have the power to override the civil code, and often do. UNICEF reports that the top five nations in the world - Niger (75%), Chad (72%), Mali (71%), Bangladesh (64%), Guinea (63%) - with highest observed child marriage rates are all Islamic majority countries.[2]


I rest my case, your Honor.

Correlation is not necessarily causality. True dat. I can cite countless examples.

So prove causality my friend.

and while we're at it...why is it some folks are only concerned about child abuse in Muslim countries?
Wow, you guys are actually proposing that it ISN'T because of Islam that Muslim men are allowed to marry 9 year olds? It's pretty much a given, even Muslims realize and admit it.

Are you actually ready for the barrage of proof about to come down on this thread?

Christianity was used to justify all manner of things including the trans-Atlantic Slave Trade for example. That doesn't mean it is a causal variable of slavery.
Keyword "was".

Nope. Key words: That doesn't mean it is a causal variable of slavery

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