Child labor protections are the latest Republican target

From the link I posted:

"The Iowa bill would expand the number of hours that children under 16 can work from four to six a day, allow minors to work in previously prohibited industries if they are part of a training program, and allow 16- and 17-year–olds to serve alcohol with a parent’s permission."
16 isn’t 14

you lied
That's completely false. Firstly "grooming" is the specific behaviours that pedophiles engage in prior to sexually assaulting a child. They are friendly, welcoming, and helpful. When the child trusts them, they start with the touching, and telling the child they're "special". The pedophile seeks access to the victim, and manipulates the child into think that the abuse is the child's fault, and we must never tell anyone or your "friend" will go to jail.

In one case I know of, the man was assaulting his own children, and their friends. His wife would take the friends aside afterwards, and tell them that if they told anyone what happened, their friend's father would go to jail, and the family would be homeless and starve. And it would be "their fault".

Seeking care for a transgender child is the furthest thing from "grooming" possible. No trans child can receive surgical treatment until they're a physical adult. That's biology and medicine.

What is "pure evil" is preventing these children from getting any at all. Parents and doctors should be making these decisions, not crazy Republicans believing Q-anon propaganda and complete bullshit about non-existant "pedophiles and groomers".
Bullshit a girl is suing a hospital, because the cut her boobs off and gave her puberty blockers when she was a minor. Now she knows she is a woman and cannot have a child. Your party is evil.
I'm seeing a number of abuses of young kids in the work force lately. What is happening in this country?? We see this in other countries where children go to work to help out their families. Is our economy so bad here that this is a reality now?
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At this time we don't need kids in the workforce but it's up to each state in the end.
More legislation to let more children work is needed due to the labor shortage.

---Understanding America’s Labor Shortage---

You said 14, you are lying and this is the BS you blame others for, I catch in this BS all the time, you are no different than The Republicans are you?

That particular law is in regards to 16-year-old, but there are several states that have reduced the age for serving alcohol to age 14.

Yes, let’s tart up the 14-year-olds with make up and low cut tops and send them out to serve alcohol to adults.

And of course you use this opportunity to call me a liar. The only people who consistently call other people liars, are themselves liars.

I have no need to lie. The facts are on my side. But thank you for telling me who YOU are
That particular law is in regards to 16-year-old, but there are several states that have reduced the age for serving alcohol to age 14.

Yes, let’s tart up the 14-year-olds with make up and low cut tops and send them out to serve alcohol to adults.

And of course you use this opportunity to call me a liar. The only people who consistently call other people liars, are themselves liars.

I have no need to lie. The facts are on my side. But thank you for telling me who YOU are
Name the states. Currently there is no state at the age of 14, so you are wrong. Thanks for playing.
That particular law is in regards to 16-year-old, but there are several states that have reduced the age for serving alcohol to age 14.

Yes, let’s tart up the 14-year-olds with make up and low cut tops and send them out to serve alcohol to adults.

And of course you use this opportunity to call me a liar. The only people who consistently call other people liars, are themselves liars.

I have no need to lie. The facts are on my side. But thank you for telling me who YOU are
no start has lowered the ave to 14. Your own link is about a proposed bill, it’s not law

yes you are a liar

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