China Bitch Slaps Desperate Dotard

The direct people involved with the phone call say you're wrong.

Which I mean people? why not just release the rest of the phone call...

The transcripts don't back up what your "so many people familiar with the negotiations" says.

Hey dumbass...we all saw them. They absolutely show Trump strong arming Zelensky...and between what they show...Trump's action in withholding Congressional authorized funding...and the State Department texts..there is absolutely a quid pro quo
We all know that China has taken advantage of foreign trade issues for decades, hacked technical data and pretty much tried to undermine America's social fabric and political stability. The question is why does the American left take China's side in the debate? Hatred and anger are mental issues that interfere with rational thinking.
Not taking China's side at all.

Just pointing out that they have more integrity than Trump...

That doesn't say much for Trump
It IS apples and oranges.

It's also the height of idiocy to claim that it's no big deal for an Ambassador to be totally unqualified but a SCANDAL for a private company to hire someone YOU claim is unqualified.

It's actually the opposite
It IS apples and oranges.

It's also the height of idiocy to claim that it's no big deal for an Ambassador to be totally unqualified but a SCANDAL for a private company to hire someone YOU claim is unqualified.

It's actually the opposite
Spin it all you want, Lush. In the end you're going to lose just like all the other times you've lost because of Trump. :auiqs.jpg:
must we throw the baby out with the bathwater? Like throwing our constitution down the drain so Trump can make a few points?IMO he doesn't give a rats ass how many he hurts, to gain what?? China will NEVER give him all he wants and how many 1000 Americans will suffer along the way?
It IS apples and oranges.

It's also the height of idiocy to claim that it's no big deal for an Ambassador to be totally unqualified but a SCANDAL for a private company to hire someone YOU claim is unqualified.

It's actually the opposite
Spin it all you want, Lush. In the end you're going to lose just like all the other times you've lost because of Trump. :auiqs.jpg:
Surrender accepted...shithead (since we're engaging in name calling)
Is it odd to hear dems cheering for ISIS, Illegals, KJU and now the ChiComs? What's the dem slogan, "Death to America!"?
The question is why does the American left take China's side in the debate?
In what debate, exactly, is that? A debate on what topic? Did you see that Democrat letter to the Chinese leadership, congratulating them on 70 years of brutal Communist Party rule? Me neither. I only saw the one Trump sent them.
We all know that China has taken advantage of foreign trade issues for decades, hacked technical data and pretty much tried to undermine America's social fabric and political stability. The question is why does the American left take China's side in the debate? Hatred and anger are mental issues that interfere with rational thinking.
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

Trump has reached out to foreign powers, in this case China, to interfere with the American political process to his advantage.

China rejected Trump’s outreach, and appropriate so.

The correct question is: why does the American right continue to blindly defend Trump’s actions clearly intended to undermine America's social fabric and political stability.
You are projecting.
The texts clearly say military aid for investigation.
Bill Taylor12:47 a.m. As I said on the phone, I think it's crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign.
Bill Taylor was mistaken and was immediately corrected...of course the CNN media types are trying to hide that fact and I'm sure you and Pelosi and Pencil neck will ignore it at your peril....
Taylor was spot on, and Tramp's shill was trying to cover Tramp's lying Anti-American ass.
You may want him to be "spot on" but that doesn't mean anything in judging the presidents intentions...Trump has always said that he is going to make sure every nation pays its fair share and every tax dollar sent abroad will be scrutinized for its value to America....why aren't you asking your party to quit running shady criminals for president?...or maybe all of the dems are crooked....which is it?.....
It is Tramp is the most corrupt president in history, and the Tramp administration is the most corrupt administration in history.
Saying it doesn't make it so....we go by the constitution and we are innocent till proven otherwise and no one has proven any corrupt behavior on Trump....
Tramp University, idiot!
:auiqs.jpg: Most ambassadors aren't qualified under any administration. The position is often a thank you, hell, Shirley Temple was an ambassador.
But, your response still doesn't mean Sondland was why don't you go pound sand
then why are so many people familiar with the negotiations saying it WAS a Quid Pro Quo, and the only people denying it are known liars and Tramp ass-kissers?
The direct people involved with the phone call say you're wrong.
The transcripts don't back up what your "so many people familiar with the negotiations" says. Maybe because you people are on life support and this
is your last gasp to try and wrestle the presidency from Trump. Because your party knows that the dems baggage running for presidency can't
do it on policy or ideas.
The quid Pro Quo is right there in black and white in the partial transcript Tramp was STUPID enough to release!
Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though

Javelins = Quid
Favor = Quo
The quid Pro Quo is right there in black and white in the partial transcript Tramp was STUPID enough to release!
Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though

Javelins = Quid
Favor = Quo
"Quid pro quo ('something for something' in Latin)[2] is a Latin phrase used in English to mean an exchange of goods or services, in which one transfer is contingent upon the other; 'a favour for a favour'.

"Phrases with similar meanings include: 'give and take', 'tit for tat', and 'you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours' and 'one hand washes the other'".

Quid pro quo - Wikipedia
I gotta agree with the Trumptards that it's not Quid Pro Quo. It's definitely more like extortion.
I gotta agree with the Trumptards that it's not Quid Pro Quo. It's definitely more like extortion.
Will Democrats find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?

For Impeachment, Ukraine Isn’t Nearly Enough |

"Many Congressional Democrats want to see a narrow, specific bill of impeachment—just three or so articles focusing on Trump’s illegal efforts to enlist the government of Ukraine in his 2020 re-election effort. It’s easy. It’s fast. And it’s something that can be explained to the public in a relatively straightforward manner.

"It’s also wrong-headed.

"Rather than narrow the scope of their indictment of Trump’s presidency, the House Judiciary Committee should present to the full House of Representatives a long list of Trump’s transgressions against our form of governing.

"His insults of Congress and the judiciary, his repeated failures to fulfill his oath, along with his efforts to usurp the power of sovereign states and impose his will over the lives of individuals."

"Many Congressional Democrats want to see a narrow, specific bill of impeachment—just three or so articles focusing on Trump’s illegal efforts to enlist the government of Ukraine in his 2020 re-election effort. It’s easy. It’s fast. And it’s something that can be explained to the public in a relatively straightforward manner.

It’s also wrong-headed. Rather than narrow the scope of their indictment of Trump’s presidency, the House Judiciary Committee should present to the full House of Representatives a long list of Trump’s transgressions against our form of governing. His insults of Congress and the judiciary, his repeated failures to fulfill his oath, along with his efforts to usurp the power of sovereign states and impose his will over the lives of individuals.
By withholding military aid to Ukraine, and/or an invitation to the white house, until Ukraine started an investigation of his political rival.
That's not what the transcripts say.
That's what the texts say, do try to keep up.
You are wrong as usual.
You are projecting.
The texts clearly say military aid for investigation.
Bill Taylor12:47 a.m. As I said on the phone, I think it's crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign.
Bill Taylor was mistaken and was immediately corrected...of course the CNN media types are trying to hide that fact and I'm sure you and Pelosi and Pencil neck will ignore it at your peril....

Yes. In Trombieland 4 hours is lmmediately.
Sondland is NOT a diplomat, he is a BIG Tramp donor and certified Tramp ass-kisser!
Not to mention the United States Ambassador to the European Union. So he would know what is going on, ed
A position he is less qualified for than Hunter Biden's board seat. Sondland BOUGHT the ambassadorship by paying Tramp' PAC $1 million.
:auiqs.jpg: Most ambassadors aren't qualified under any administration. The position is often a thank you, hell, Shirley Temple was an ambassador.
But, your response still doesn't mean Sondland was why don't you go pound sand
then why are so many people familiar with the negotiations saying it WAS a Quid Pro Quo, and the only people denying it are known liars and Tramp ass-kissers?
The direct people involved with the phone call say you're wrong.
The transcripts don't back up what your "so many people familiar with the negotiations" says. Maybe because you people are on life support and this
is your last gasp to try and wrestle the presidency from Trump. Because your party knows that the dems baggage running for presidency can't
do it on policy or ideas.

Man. You are in deep. You will believe anything Donald Trump, the most prolific liar to ever lead this nation, says.

It's fucking weird.
when they gave Biden's son 1.5 billion dollars
Debunked lie.

Dang, you will believe ANYTHING.
BULLSHIT its been debunked...maybe in the CNN circle jerk session...but they gave him the money...he took the Ukrainian can't lie anymore...

Provide a real link for your fake news lies.

Everything you say is fake news. You just lie lie lie. You have no facts and no links.

I have my links, and my facts:

What We Know About Hunter Biden’s Dealings in China

You should be ashamed of yourself you fake news liar.
when they gave Biden's son 1.5 billion dollars
Debunked lie.

Dang, you will believe ANYTHING.
Not debunked, but truthful. The money may had been laundered through Ukraine.

Provide a real link for your fake news lies.

Everything you say is fake news. You just lie lie lie. You have no facts and no links.

I have my links, and my facts:

What We Know About Hunter Biden’s Dealings in China

You should be ashamed of yourself you fake news liar.
when they gave Biden's son 1.5 billion dollars
Debunked lie.

Dang, you will believe ANYTHING.
Not debunked, but truthful. The money may had been laundered through Ukraine.

Provide a real link for your fake news lies.

Everything you say is fake news. You just lie lie lie. You have no facts and no links.

I have my links, and my facts:

What We Know About Hunter Biden’s Dealings in China

You should be ashamed of yourself you fake news liar.
I have Biden saying it dumbass, in fact bragging about it.
when they gave Biden's son 1.5 billion dollars
Debunked lie.

Dang, you will believe ANYTHING.
Not debunked, but truthful. The money may had been laundered through Ukraine.

Provide a real link for your fake news lies.

Everything you say is fake news. You just lie lie lie. You have no facts and no links.

I have my links, and my facts:

What We Know About Hunter Biden’s Dealings in China

You should be ashamed of yourself you fake news liar.
Actually you should be ashamed of yourself.....your link needs a subscription to read it. :auiqs.jpg:
when they gave Biden's son 1.5 billion dollars
Debunked lie.

Dang, you will believe ANYTHING.
Not debunked, but truthful. The money may had been laundered through Ukraine.

Provide a real link for your fake news lies.

Everything you say is fake news. You just lie lie lie. You have no facts and no links.

I have my links, and my facts:

What We Know About Hunter Biden’s Dealings in China

You should be ashamed of yourself you fake news liar.
I have Biden saying it dumbass, in fact bragging about it.

No you don't. You have him discussing a matter that has nothing to do with his son in any way. You have him bragging about helping to replace a corrupt prosecutor in Ukraine in cooperation with a whole host of international watchdogs.

You ignorant moron.

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