China Builds Overseas Base: Trade Policies Help Them

The United States doesn't have the people any more, to catch up with Chinese technology. The people who new how to do it are now retired, because it is not worth it to be an engineer only to be outsourced and downsized at every shareholder report quarter.
China built its first overseas base in Africa. All those products that say "made in China" that Americans buy at Wal-Mart and other stores help muscle up their military. Vote Trump and cut off Chinese defense spending on the backs of U.S. consumers!
China builds first overseas military outpost | Fox News

Why is it okay for us to have bases all over the world, but not China?

Because the world legitimately fears China rather than temporarily fearing us, maybe. China has been around a lot longer than we have.

Our technologically based military quite possibly won't last very long in a shooting war, because the latest "gadgets" are the most likely not to endure. Without adequate firepower, who is going to win? The country with the most cohesive soldiers.

I commented 20 years ago not to replace our huge inventory of the old F-class fighters.
Now this is something I can agree with Quick Hit on. China has stolen so much of our technology (thanks Bill) and have hacked our net and power grid so extensively, the first thing they would do is attack our banking system and economy. Blast communications satellites and fry them electronically. China wants to build 4 new aircraft carriers to compete with US Pacific fleet. (see Japan 20's and 30's). China is the enemy just as Soviet Union was during the Cold War. I am in favor of cutting off the US market to ALL Chinese imports. We are paying for their national defense with consumer spending.

Cutting off imports from China COULD be as difficult as preventing narcotics from entering our country illegally. The imports are an incredible convenience to consumers.

After they blast our satellites, they would then be free to deploy space weapons which our countries have mutually agreed not to position in space, if anyone has the ability to carry on any "practical" operation at that point.
Chinese Defense Minister wrote a book several years ago and he mentioned the ways to topple US power. First was focus on controlling USDollar. They do. Second is focus on technology and ways to crash the U.S. economy. They do. And finally support terrorists groups attacking US interst around the world. They do. Our countries have "mutually agreed" not to deploy weapons in space. Both side "mutually " disregard this I can assure you. We both "buzz" each other satellites just to show the other side we have the power to take them out.
China built its first overseas base in Africa. All those products that say "made in China" that Americans buy at Wal-Mart and other stores help muscle up their military. Vote Trump and cut off Chinese defense spending on the backs of U.S. consumers!
China builds first overseas military outpost | Fox News

Why is it okay for us to have bases all over the world, but not China?
They are a threat force. Read up on Japan and militarism 1920's and 1930's.
And the U.S. isn't? Libya, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc... What countries is China bombing currently?
Because we are a global hegemon. I like it that way.
Because we are a global hegemon

so were white christians the majority in America, but no more!!! :crybaby:
China built its first overseas base in Africa. All those products that say "made in China" that Americans buy at Wal-Mart and other stores help muscle up their military. Vote Trump and cut off Chinese defense spending on the backs of U.S. consumers!
China builds first overseas military outpost | Fox News

Why is it okay for us to have bases all over the world, but not China?
They are a threat force. Read up on Japan and militarism 1920's and 1930's.
And the U.S. isn't? Libya, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc... What countries is China bombing currently?
Because we are a global hegemon. I like it that way.
Because we are a global hegemon

so were white christians the majority in America, but no more!!! :crybaby:
Your delusional and they reason why people should not vote Democrat.
The United States doesn't have the people any more, to catch up with Chinese technology. The people who new how to do it are now retired, because it is not worth it to be an engineer only to be outsourced and downsized at every shareholder report quarter.
This generation does not care about national defense. Only if their "rights" are being violated.
The United States doesn't have the people any more, to catch up with Chinese technology. The people who new how to do it are now retired, because it is not worth it to be an engineer only to be outsourced and downsized at every shareholder report quarter.
This generation does not care about national defense. Only if their "rights" are being violated.

Their minds are turning to mush with the MSM and hackneyed programming on cable. Additionally, when their brains are thoroughly mushy enough, the police state comes and molds it like clay. What else can happen while people are afraid to even argue with a cop about a traffic ticket?

If you DON'T believe that, I have some puricey marshland in Florida for sale.
The United States doesn't have the people any more, to catch up with Chinese technology. The people who new how to do it are now retired, because it is not worth it to be an engineer only to be outsourced and downsized at every shareholder report quarter.
This generation does not care about national defense. Only if their "rights" are being violated.

Their minds are turning to mush with the MSM and hackneyed programming on cable. Additionally, when their brains are thoroughly mushy enough, the police state comes and molds it like clay. What else can happen while people are afraid to even argue with a cop about a traffic ticket?

If you DON'T believe that, I have some puricey marshland in Florida for sale.
No, what happens is the liberal education system comes in and molds their brain to think the federal government will provide everything for them, and that to argue otherwise makes you a racist or a bigot. Also, why would you argue with a law enforcement officer? That's why we have a court system. Sorry, but that cop is just doing their job. By the time they get to you in the course of their shift they might have dealt with a domestic dispute, wrestled with a disorderly drunk outside a bar or casino, and perhaps a drug overdose situation. So be nice to them. They have a thankless job.
The United States doesn't have the people any more, to catch up with Chinese technology. The people who new how to do it are now retired, because it is not worth it to be an engineer only to be outsourced and downsized at every shareholder report quarter.

Our education is shit. That's the problem. Kids aren't encouraged to be scientists and engineers and entrepreneurs. They are taught how to pass a standardized test so the school district can get more money
The United States doesn't have the people any more, to catch up with Chinese technology. The people who new how to do it are now retired, because it is not worth it to be an engineer only to be outsourced and downsized at every shareholder report quarter.
This generation does not care about national defense. Only if their "rights" are being violated.
Which generation are you talking about? This problem was created by the baby boomers, who are currently in power. I am a millennial/Z if I understand the labels correctly. Most people at campus are brainless socio communist bots. I am one exception, because French is a foreign language to me so I see through the propaganda. This is a big circus, you need popcorn. hehehe.
The United States doesn't have the people any more, to catch up with Chinese technology. The people who new how to do it are now retired, because it is not worth it to be an engineer only to be outsourced and downsized at every shareholder report quarter.

Our education is shit. That's the problem. Kids aren't encouraged to be scientists and engineers and entrepreneurs. They are taught how to pass a standardized test so the school district can get more money
Well, it is true that Poland, Russia, and Japan teach a lot more advance science subjects in state school curriculum, than Western Europe and America. For example, they learn the basic formulae of physics and chemistry, but Americans don't, and the British need not memorize them but get them in help sheets during their exams. Yes this is all about money nothing to do with education. When will someone realize that all those school district taxes and property taxes and poll taxes and ... are just a scheme for credit schemes and nothing specific, especially not school?
The United States doesn't have the people any more, to catch up with Chinese technology. The people who new how to do it are now retired, because it is not worth it to be an engineer only to be outsourced and downsized at every shareholder report quarter.
This generation does not care about national defense. Only if their "rights" are being violated.

Their minds are turning to mush with the MSM and hackneyed programming on cable. Additionally, when their brains are thoroughly mushy enough, the police state comes and molds it like clay. What else can happen while people are afraid to even argue with a cop about a traffic ticket?

If you DON'T believe that, I have some puricey marshland in Florida for sale.
This is how the Soviet Union did this too. Hehe.
The United States doesn't have the people any more, to catch up with Chinese technology. The people who new how to do it are now retired, because it is not worth it to be an engineer only to be outsourced and downsized at every shareholder report quarter.
This generation does not care about national defense. Only if their "rights" are being violated.

Their minds are turning to mush with the MSM and hackneyed programming on cable. Additionally, when their brains are thoroughly mushy enough, the police state comes and molds it like clay. What else can happen while people are afraid to even argue with a cop about a traffic ticket?

If you DON'T believe that, I have some puricey marshland in Florida for sale.
No, what happens is the liberal education system comes in and molds their brain to think the federal government will provide everything for them, and that to argue otherwise makes you a racist or a bigot. Also, why would you argue with a law enforcement officer? That's why we have a court system. Sorry, but that cop is just doing their job. By the time they get to you in the course of their shift they might have dealt with a domestic dispute, wrestled with a disorderly drunk outside a bar or casino, and perhaps a drug overdose situation. So be nice to them. They have a thankless job.
The law enforcement officer must also do his job when the new law includes that you must saw a yellow star on your shirt and provide three documentable reasons why you should not be suspected to be a terrorist. Hehehe. Do policemen think of these things?
China built its first overseas base in Africa. All those products that say "made in China" that Americans buy at Wal-Mart and other stores help muscle up their military. Vote Trump and cut off Chinese defense spending on the backs of U.S. consumers!
China builds first overseas military outpost | Fox News

Why is it okay for us to have bases all over the world, but not China?
They are a threat force. Read up on Japan and militarism 1920's and 1930's.
I like having the worlds most powerful navy. China wants to overtake our sea power dominance.

They've been reading the book...
China built its first overseas base in Africa. All those products that say "made in China" that Americans buy at Wal-Mart and other stores help muscle up their military. Vote Trump and cut off Chinese defense spending on the backs of U.S. consumers!
China builds first overseas military outpost | Fox News

So Trump has proposed a 45% tax on imports from China and Mexico.

Which accounts for probably 70% of what is sold at Walmart, and Costco and Target etc- shopped at primarily by middle class and poor Americans.

Why specifically do you want to tax poor and middle class Americans 45% more?
China built its first overseas base in Africa. All those products that say "made in China" that Americans buy at Wal-Mart and other stores help muscle up their military. Vote Trump and cut off Chinese defense spending on the backs of U.S. consumers!
China builds first overseas military outpost | Fox News
Thanks to US business men...and the love of money...
And Hillary, and Bill, and free trade Democrats like Obama, Bide, Kerry, Pelosi, etc.

Trump- telling voters to elect him- so he will stop having Trump product made in China......."Stop me before I buy more from China!"
China built its first overseas base in Africa. All those products that say "made in China" that Americans buy at Wal-Mart and other stores help muscle up their military. Vote Trump and cut off Chinese defense spending on the backs of U.S. consumers!
China builds first overseas military outpost | Fox News
Thanks to US business men...and the love of money...
And Hillary, and Bill, and free trade Democrats like Obama, Bide, Kerry, Pelosi, etc.

Trump- telling voters to elect him- so he will stop having Trump product made in China......."Stop me before I buy more from China!"
How can anyone manufacture anything here when the facilities do not exist.
The United States doesn't have the people any more, to catch up with Chinese technology. The people who new how to do it are now retired, because it is not worth it to be an engineer only to be outsourced and downsized at every shareholder report quarter.
This generation does not care about national defense. Only if their "rights" are being violated.

Their minds are turning to mush with the MSM and hackneyed programming on cable. Additionally, when their brains are thoroughly mushy enough, the police state comes and molds it like clay. What else can happen while people are afraid to even argue with a cop about a traffic ticket?

If you DON'T believe that, I have some puricey marshland in Florida for sale.
This is how the Soviet Union did this too. Hehe.

With the Kulaks?
China built its first overseas base in Africa. All those products that say "made in China" that Americans buy at Wal-Mart and other stores help muscle up their military. Vote Trump and cut off Chinese defense spending on the backs of U.S. consumers!
China builds first overseas military outpost | Fox News

So Trump has proposed a 45% tax on imports from China and Mexico.

Which accounts for probably 70% of what is sold at Walmart, and Costco and Target etc- shopped at primarily by middle class and poor Americans.

Why specifically do you want to tax poor and middle class Americans 45% more?
The big box retailers are a detriment to US jobs. Screw Wal-Mart, Costco, and Target. What about good paying manufacturing jobs.
China built its first overseas base in Africa. All those products that say "made in China" that Americans buy at Wal-Mart and other stores help muscle up their military. Vote Trump and cut off Chinese defense spending on the backs of U.S. consumers!
China builds first overseas military outpost | Fox News

So Trump has proposed a 45% tax on imports from China and Mexico.

Which accounts for probably 70% of what is sold at Walmart, and Costco and Target etc- shopped at primarily by middle class and poor Americans.

Why specifically do you want to tax poor and middle class Americans 45% more?
The reason they are poor is because they lost their job to China...ever think about that Mr. Big Brain.

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