China contributions to Obama's campaign???


Gold Member
Jun 26, 2008
The contributions started with the Clinton run for President. It was also said that China contributed to the Al Gore and John Kerry failed runs. With the tremendous debt we have with China due to the most part from the democrats especially Obama's group one would have to believe this China/democrat relationship still exists.
[ame=]Dr Evil - Why make trillions when we can make... Billions - YouTube[/ame]
The contributions started with the Clinton run for President. It was also said that China contributed to the Al Gore and John Kerry failed runs. With the tremendous debt we have with China due to the most part from the democrats especially Obama's group one would have to believe this China/democrat relationship still exists.

China is smart. They don't care for America and never have. They couldn't beat us in a war, so went to plan B, which is to simply purchase us. They want the debt ceiling raised again so we can go even further into debt with them and they know Obama is their guy.
The contributions started with the Clinton run for President. It was also said that China contributed to the Al Gore and John Kerry failed runs. With the tremendous debt we have with China due to the most part from the democrats especially Obama's group one would have to believe this China/democrat relationship still exists.

China is smart. They don't care for America and never have. They couldn't beat us in a war, so went to plan B, which is to simply purchase us. They want the debt ceiling raised again so we can go even further into debt with them and they know Obama is their guy.

I remember the Clinton administration saying that the contributions did not affect the polices the US had with China.
Obama is still going to get his arss handed to him.

Fuk that lying bastard!

Money from china could buy a lot of votes. It very well could have been the reason Clinton was elected with all the baggage he had. China has an unlimited supply of our money.
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The fact that this nation allows foreign interests to interfere with our election process informs me that this nation has become a third world nation.

Doesn't much matter how powerful our military is if foreign powers can buy our government.

This is just another perfect example of the republic's migration from a powerful independent state OF BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE into a shamocratic banana republic manipulated and enslaved by international corporate interests.
Al Gore courtin' the Chinese fer Obama?...
Mystery firm formed days before $5M campaign gift
27 Oct.`12 WASHINGTON (AP) — A shadowy Tennessee company donated more than $5 million to a prominent conservative super political action committee days after establishing itself.
So who's behind one of the largest batches of election contributions this year? There's a questionable trail.

New campaign finance reports show that the political committee, FreedomWorks for America, received seven donations totaling $5.28 million from Knoxville-based Specialty Group Inc. The money is helping pay for TV ads supporting conservative candidates for federal office.

An Associated Press review of Tennessee business records showed that Specialty Group filed incorporation papers Sept. 26, less than a week before it gave several contributions to FreedomWorks worth between $125,000 and $1.5 million apiece.

The Specialty Group appears to have no website detailing its products or services. It's registered to a suburban Knoxville home.

Why is it you guys just accept anything that makes Obama look bad at face value?

I noticed that no one thought to provide a link, or anything more than "people say.."
Why is it you guys just accept anything that makes Obama look bad at face value?

I noticed that no one thought to provide a link, or anything more than "people say.."

Because their "critical thinking skill switch" is stuck on the "Obama" setting.
China puts its money to the side most like itself. Who's all for China?

apparently all those whining union hacks... all they do is whine about jobs moving to china... yet china donates heavily to the same guys they donate to...

they both loves 'em some good ol' fashioned socialism!
Because the man has been judged by his actions; everything he says is dubious.

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