China Has 3 More Years to Take Taiwan, Will They?

Depends. They're observing to see just how powerful the Republicommie fifth columnists in the USA are, and seeing if they'll help China as much as they've helped Russia.
I always would like to believe that the people who post here are independent in their vires and do not get paid or are shills for something else. But we always get propaganda like this. Much of America is spoon fed their views from TV. You have to look for someone with Repub views in that medium. There are some social media and internet sites and the old-fashioned way, books and literature at books stores. That is if they have not been banned yet by the Progs.
So, the window of the West at it's weakest is closing fast. In America the House and Senate will be taken over by the GOP, so the next year would be ideal.

If China is not ready yet and given that foreign policy and the ability to use military strength fall to the presidency, they still have 3 more years of Brandon. What do you think the chances are of a Chinese invasion in that time frame?

Not necessarily. Biden's incompetence could easily lead to the doofus abdicating, or perhaps having a more competent regent like Hunter handling his affairs. Its difficult to say exactly how much time Red China has to invade the freedom loving Republic of China.
China has a military force of four million and no way to send them the 90 miles to Taiwan
China has a military force of four million and no way to send them the 90 miles to Taiwan

You don't think Red China has boats like these?

And when they get to Taiwan, how many of Biden's Devotees will be sitting in pillboxes, waiting to repel the invasion?

They're having a great time right now, with their guy having his way.
Well it is a bit odd that both Trump and Putin use the same propaganda strategy
"Russia’s goal is not exactly to convert someone who is anti-Russia and make them into Russia’s supporter, but to sow enough doubt and confuse people about the real facts on the ground, so they become unable to make sensible conclusions about who is right and who is wrong," Koffler said.
Russia-Ukraine crisis: Russian media spinning coverage to 'confuse' the public, experts say

Trump would not impose sanctions over Crimea until the gop mandated them. It was not in Putin's interest to invade Ukraine while Trump was trying to pull us out of Nato and England was pulling the UK out of Europe. And Biden's decision to finally pull out of Afghan, using Trump's Taliban agreement, did drive a wedge in Nato, although honestly did anyone really thing Afghan would work out well?
Well it is a bit odd that both Trump and Putin use the same propaganda strategy
"Russia’s goal is not exactly to convert someone who is anti-Russia and make them into Russia’s supporter, but to sow enough doubt and confuse people about the real facts on the ground, so they become unable to make sensible conclusions about who is right and who is wrong," Koffler said.
Russia-Ukraine crisis: Russian media spinning coverage to 'confuse' the public, experts say

Trump would not impose sanctions over Crimea until the gop mandated them. It was not in Putin's interest to invade Ukraine while Trump was trying to pull us out of Nato and England was pulling the UK out of Europe. And Biden's decision to finally pull out of Afghan, using Trump's Taliban agreement, did drive a wedge in Nato, although honestly did anyone really thing Afghan would work out well?
I wasn't Trump that gave Crimea and part of the Donbass to Putin. Obama's second fiddle threw in the rest of the country. This cannot be disputed.
I am going to agree with Bend on this and China just like Russia does not care who is in the Oval Office and it is just a matter of time…
You would have to believe that it's a coincidence that nothing happened during the Trump years and no one noticed Brandon's clusterfuck in Afghanistan.
So, the window of the West at it's weakest is closing fast. In America the House and Senate will be taken over by the GOP, so the next year would be ideal.

If China is not ready yet and given that foreign policy and the ability to use military strength fall to the presidency, they still have 3 more years of Brandon. What do you think the chances are of a Chinese invasion in that time frame?
closer to eight months. Once the GOP takes the House it is a different landscape.
Biden will put Harris in charge of Taiwan, so doubtful they last until Summer 2022
Agreed, I am predicting spring or early summer for a Taiwan crisis. Hey, it's only fair, right? If Russia gets Ukraine, China ought to get what it wants, too.

That actually is a pretty good argument against going to war against China. If we let Russia have what it most wants, why go to war with China for the exact same thing? Shooooo, I think Taiwan is even smaller than Ukraine, so the U.S. going to war over Taiwan makes no sense.

Besides, Biden isn't taking Russia off the SWIFT financial system, which is the only sanction of any power or interest. So we know none of this at all is serious and the Biden administration is just waiting for us to forget all about this thing in Ukraine, a country nobody much likes anyway.
I always would like to believe that the people who post here are independent in their vires and do not get paid or are shills for something else. But we always get propaganda like this.

The standard Russian troll line right now is something along the lines of "Well, we can't be sure what the truth is."

The standard Trump cult line is similar, saying how since the media never tells the truth, we can't be sure of what's happening.

Is it a coincidence, how similar they are? I think not. Moscow's talking points have filtered over to the Trump cult. The Trump cultists don't deliberately serve the commies. They're just dupes.

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