China is going to attack U.S. and its allies soon


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
I expect China's coming attack will be limited in scope....not wanting a nuclear confrontation this time they will settle for humiliating America and it's allies in a limited combat operation thus proving their superiority and determination to take over Taiwan.

The sucess of this planned action will prove to the World that the West is a paper tiger...and that China is not to be messed with.

Thucydides Trap... Just because the CCP wants to accomplish such a goal does not guarantee our military will go along. Let them sink a carrier, killing a few thousand sailors and marines and all bets would be off, immediately. I don't give a damn how divided our nation may be today. THAT kind of action will cause somebody to get firkin NUKED. If any government in DC looked like they'd just walk away from THAT, THEY'D BECOME OUR TARGET.
China has already won....



I expect China's coming attack will be limited in scope....not wanting a nuclear confrontation this time they will settle for humiliating America and it's allies in a limited combat operation thus proving their superiority and determination to take over Taiwan.

The sucess of this planned action will prove to the World that the West is a paper tiger...and that China is not to be messed with.

With Barney Fife at the helm - why not. Never get a better chance.
If and when China invades Taiwan the west will do nothing except mouth off.
Understandable as there is zilch that can be done. It's not like a successful counter-invasion to liberate the islands would work, it would just end up another 'Bay of Pigs' humiliation.
I can't see any way that the US and her allies would even consider less agree on a nuclear strike. Who would they target? Beijing, Shanghai? Totally immoral as the citizens of those cities will have had no say in the matter. Also, nobody is dumb enough to risk armageddon.
Sanctions are about all we are left with providing they all agree.
You mean like those artificial islands they 'built' to steal maritime territory from Vietnam and the rest of SEA? Or do you mean an aggressive invasion of the sovereign nation of Taiwan?

Oh, I'm sorry, what was that SEA called again.

It was called the "South China Sea". Not the East Vietnam Sea, but the SOUTH CHINA SEA.

Um. Yeah. Okay, the biggest of those Island is 110 Acres. Hardly worth fighting over.

As for Taiwan being a "Sovereign Nation"... um, is it recognized as such in the UN? Do we have an embassy in Taiwan?


Our official policy since 1945 has been Taiwan is part of China.
If and when China invades Taiwan the west will do nothing except mouth off.
Understandable as there is zilch that can be done. It's not like a successful counter-invasion to liberate the islands would work, it would just end up another 'Bay of Pigs' humiliation.
I can't see any way that the US and her allies would even consider less agree on a nuclear strike. Who would they target? Beijing, Shanghai? Totally immoral as the citizens of those cities will have had no say in the matter. Also, nobody is dumb enough to risk armageddon.
Sanctions are about all we are left with providing they all agree.

Here's the reality. China won't invade Taiwan because Taiwan is already economically in bed with China. They know they would lose billions in investments and trade if they invaded.

Now, sure, if Taiwan did something as asspoundingly stupid as declaring themselves independent, then China would be forced to respond. Just like the US would respond if Alaska declared itself independent.
Why does China need to attack anything? We are fucking ourselves. The ONLY way China attacks the US, or US interests is if they have undeniable proof that we are poised to attack them.
Here's the reality. China won't invade Taiwan because Taiwan is already economically in bed with China. They know they would lose billions in investments and trade if they invaded.

Now, sure, if Taiwan did something as asspoundingly stupid as declaring themselves independent, then China would be forced to respond. Just like the US would respond if Alaska declared itself independent.
Hmm, don't agree with your last point. It should be up to those residing in a territory that decide who and what they are. The reason the Falklands are British is that all the people living there are British. Same with Gibraltar and the Channel Islands. Similarly, Crimea sees itself as 90% Russian thus it belongs to Russia. The People of Taiwan see themself as Chinese democratic capitalists and that is how they should be recognised. Their only link with China is their ethnicity. If the vast majority of people in Alaska decide they no longer want to be part of the US then the US should recognise their independence. Just as the Confederacy should have been recognised by the US - slavery had nothing to do with it. Just as the UK had the right to leave the EU, the right to secede should be written into the US Constitution.
Ethnicity is tied to economics. The Udihe people, hopelessly indebted to the Chinese (see map) is not different than American automatons allowing their fellow citizens to eventually be able to only buy communist goods. Avarice in the Chinese psyche comes from their ancestors tearing the bark from linden trees to make paper and ink. Confucius is the father of paper money, depicted in one publication, as he watches the unicorn blow upon the pages of a book. His mom is also standing nearby. This theatrics is due to the physical structure of the linden leaf: the seed emerges from the middle vein which symbolizes the (dipshit) unicorn’s horn.

Money, economics, commie economics of conquest and huge fucking commie merchandise ships headed for North America.
You mean like those artificial islands they 'built' to steal maritime territory from Vietnam and the rest of SEA? Or do you mean an aggressive invasion of the sovereign nation of Taiwan?
In either case, it`s none of our business. Just like Korea, those places hold no strategic value to us. We never pass on an opportunity to shower the Pentagon with even more money.
Hmm, don't agree with your last point. It should be up to those residing in a territory that decide who and what they are. The reason the Falklands are British is that all the people living there are British. Same with Gibraltar and the Channel Islands. Similarly, Crimea sees itself as 90% Russian thus it belongs to Russia. The People of Taiwan see themself as Chinese democratic capitalists and that is how they should be recognised. Their only link with China is their ethnicity. If the vast majority of people in Alaska decide they no longer want to be part of the US then the US should recognise their independence. Just as the Confederacy should have been recognised by the US - slavery had nothing to do with it. Just as the UK had the right to leave the EU, the right to secede should be written into the US Constitution.
Slavery had EVERYTHING to do with it.

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