China promoting their system as a "consultative democracy", painting U.S system as "only serving wealthy donors and war mongerers"


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
A heads up for the difficult challenge ahead for the U.S in trying to garner global influence. There are a number of online Western Chinese Influencers and you can always tell when they have been given their orders, wittingly or unwittingly, as their channel changes focus, the comments to their videos become more abundant and their followers increase substantially.

I'm not going to promote who these people are but there are several on Youtube and other platforms, mostly from the U.K as there are far fewer American Influencers as there used to be, but, they are becoming far better in their messaging, hitting the hot buttons and exploiting real-time concerns citizens in the West have with their own governments.

The latest attempt is to redefine the Chinese system as not being communist at all, but rather a consultative democracy. Quite frankly if the U.S is seen as a system which like Canada and some of Europe, weaponizes policing and the justice system against citizens, it is going to be a major boon for China, Russia, Iran and N Korea.

Of course there is great irony here but also a clear danger. The MSS has successfully worked the education system and politicians in certain regions for a long time and there are more young people today who admire communism than in the past. If this new description of China being a consultative democracy gains hold rather than the negative word of communism, while painting the U.S, a nation that was the beacon of democracy but no longer possesses these values; it is going to be assured destruction for the West.
A heads up for the difficult challenge ahead for the U.S in trying to garner global influence. There are a number of online Western Chinese Influencers and you can always tell when they have been given their orders, wittingly or unwittingly, as their channel changes focus, the comments to their videos become more abundant and their followers increase substantially.

I'm not going to promote who these people are but there are several on Youtube and other platforms, mostly from the U.K as there are far fewer American Influencers as there used to be, but, they are becoming far better in their messaging, hitting the hot buttons and exploiting real-time concerns citizens in the West have with their own governments.

The latest attempt is to redefine the Chinese system as not being communist at all, but rather a consultative democracy. Quite frankly if the U.S is seen as a system which like Canada and some of Europe, weaponizes policing and the justice system against citizens, it is going to be a major boon for China, Russia, Iran and N Korea.

Of course there is great irony here but also a clear danger. The MSS has successfully worked the education system and politicians in certain regions for a long time and there are more young people today who admire communism than in the past. If this new description of China being a consultative democracy gains hold rather than the negative word of communism, while painting the U.S, a nation that was the beacon of democracy but no longer possesses these values; it is going to be assured destruction for the West.

Indoctrination via education and the national media is a very effective and powerful weapon. It only takes patience, of which our enemies have plenty. The beauty of it from their perspective is a) they don't have to life a finger militarily and b) indoctrinated people don't know they are indoctrinated and therefore it is very hard deprogram them, especially when indoctrinated at a very early age. (See N. Korea).
If this new description of China being a consultative democracy gains hold rather than the negative word of communism, while painting the U.S, a nation that was the beacon of democracy but no longer possesses these values; it is going to be assured destruction for the West.
Can you elaborate on what is meant by a 'consultative democracy?
I think I know how China's system is meant to work but I don't completely understand the term used here.
A heads up for the difficult challenge ahead for the U.S in trying to garner global influence. There are a number of online Western Chinese Influencers and you can always tell when they have been given their orders, wittingly or unwittingly, as their channel changes focus, the comments to their videos become more abundant and their followers increase substantially.

Um, yeah, I guess so. I mean, the last thing we need in the west is for people to see the Chinese have far more in common with us than what differentiates us.

I'm not going to promote who these people are but there are several on Youtube and other platforms, mostly from the U.K as there are far fewer American Influencers as there used to be, but, they are becoming far better in their messaging, hitting the hot buttons and exploiting real-time concerns citizens in the West have with their own governments.

This is not really a good thing. Quite the opposite, instead of focusing on important issues, we are having a discussion in this country about whether or not they are eating cats, whether or not children are being kidnapped and subjected to trans surgery.

The latest attempt is to redefine the Chinese system as not being communist at all, but rather a consultative democracy. Quite frankly if the U.S is seen as a system which like Canada and some of Europe, weaponizes policing and the justice system against citizens, it is going to be a major boon for China, Russia, Iran and N Korea.

Okay, there's a bit to unpack here, so let's try.

I would describe China as the world's first fully functioning technocracy. Guys are appointed to high position because of their administrative expertise, not by how well they can recite Marx and Mao. Obviously, they've embraced many aspects of capitalism, but not it's worst parts. If some CEO of a Chinese company poisoned a bunch of citizens with a faulty product, he'd be taken out and shot.

The whining about "weaponizing the justice system", because Trump is finally maybe going to be held to account for him many crimes, I just can't get worked up about.

Of course there is great irony here but also a clear danger. The MSS has successfully worked the education system and politicians in certain regions for a long time and there are more young people today who admire communism than in the past. If this new description of China being a consultative democracy gains hold rather than the negative word of communism, while painting the U.S, a nation that was the beacon of democracy but no longer possesses these values; it is going to be assured destruction for the West.

Actually, do you know why the West is failing?

We had it right after WWII and the New Deal. The Rich paid their fair share, the working man got to earn an honest living through a union, we were finally making progress on racial equality.

And then the Republicans came along and fucked it up by appealing to the worst in awful white people.

That isn't China's fault, that's ours.

if kids are seeing Communism as "cool" now, it's because they've seen what a shit sandwich Capitalism is for their parents having to work until they are 70.
A heads up for the difficult challenge ahead for the U.S in trying to garner global influence. There are a number of online Western Chinese Influencers and you can always tell when they have been given their orders, wittingly or unwittingly, as their channel changes focus, the comments to their videos become more abundant and their followers increase substantially.

I'm not going to promote who these people are but there are several on Youtube and other platforms, mostly from the U.K as there are far fewer American Influencers as there used to be, but, they are becoming far better in their messaging, hitting the hot buttons and exploiting real-time concerns citizens in the West have with their own governments.

The latest attempt is to redefine the Chinese system as not being communist at all, but rather a consultative democracy. Quite frankly if the U.S is seen as a system which like Canada and some of Europe, weaponizes policing and the justice system against citizens, it is going to be a major boon for China, Russia, Iran and N Korea.

Of course there is great irony here but also a clear danger. The MSS has successfully worked the education system and politicians in certain regions for a long time and there are more young people today who admire communism than in the past. If this new description of China being a consultative democracy gains hold rather than the negative word of communism, while painting the U.S, a nation that was the beacon of democracy but no longer possesses these values; it is going to be assured destruction for the West.

you forgot the link
Indoctrination via education and the national media is a very effective and powerful weapon. It only takes patience, of which our enemies have plenty. The beauty of it from their perspective is a) they don't have to life a finger militarily and b) indoctrinated people don't know they are indoctrinated and therefore it is very hard deprogram them, especially when indoctrinated at a very early age. (See N. Korea).
Or... we've been doing it your way since Ronnie Ray-gun, and people are seeing it doesn't work.

Trickle down- doesn't.
Deregulation means they see what they can get away with.
Tax cuts don't pay for themselves.

Do you know why China is succeeding in the world today?

They go around the world helping people build roads and bridges to move their products.
We drop bombs. Or sell bombs to other people to drop, like the Zionists.

The Chinese happily trade with anyone.
We try to economically bully countries that pick forms of government we don't like.

(And this is both Republicans AND Democrats who do this shit)

So while China has moved up 300 million people into the Middle class, we've managed to shrink the Middle class.
Um, yeah, I guess so. I mean, the last thing we need in the west is for people to see the Chinese have far more in common with us than what differentiates us.

This is not really a good thing. Quite the opposite, instead of focusing on important issues, we are having a discussion in this country about whether or not they are eating cats, whether or not children are being kidnapped and subjected to trans surgery.

Okay, there's a bit to unpack here, so let's try.

I would describe China as the world's first fully functioning technocracy. Guys are appointed to high position because of their administrative expertise, not by how well they can recite Marx and Mao. Obviously, they've embraced many aspects of capitalism, but not it's worst parts. If some CEO of a Chinese company poisoned a bunch of citizens with a faulty product, he'd be taken out and shot.

The whining about "weaponizing the justice system", because Trump is finally maybe going to be held to account for him many crimes, I just can't get worked up about.

Actually, do you know why the West is failing?

We had it right after WWII and the New Deal. The Rich paid their fair share, the working man got to earn an honest living through a union, we were finally making progress on racial equality.

And then the Republicans came along and fucked it up by appealing to the worst in awful white people.

That isn't China's fault, that's ours.

if kids are seeing Communism as "cool" now, it's because they've seen what a shit sandwich Capitalism is for their parents having to work until they are 70.
Do you know what is meant by 'consultative democracy'?
A heads up for the difficult challenge ahead for the U.S in trying to garner global influence. There are a number of online Western Chinese Influencers and you can always tell when they have been given their orders, wittingly or unwittingly, as their channel changes focus, the comments to their videos become more abundant and their followers increase substantially.

I'm not going to promote who these people are but there are several on Youtube and other platforms, mostly from the U.K as there are far fewer American Influencers as there used to be, but, they are becoming far better in their messaging, hitting the hot buttons and exploiting real-time concerns citizens in the West have with their own governments.

The latest attempt is to redefine the Chinese system as not being communist at all, but rather a consultative democracy. Quite frankly if the U.S is seen as a system which like Canada and some of Europe, weaponizes policing and the justice system against citizens, it is going to be a major boon for China, Russia, Iran and N Korea.

Of course there is great irony here but also a clear danger. The MSS has successfully worked the education system and politicians in certain regions for a long time and there are more young people today who admire communism than in the past. If this new description of China being a consultative democracy gains hold rather than the negative word of communism, while painting the U.S, a nation that was the beacon of democracy but no longer possesses these values; it is going to be assured destruction for the West.
Can you provide a link or two?
Can you provide a link or two?
here's a pretty good one.

GT: You have visited China many times and have studied China's development and its system. What is your understanding of China's whole-process people's democracy? What do you think about the significance of the two sessions and their decisions for the Chinese government and people?

I think China has got a very unique and well-developed system of consultative democracy, which means that people can engage with the policies of the government at every level of society, and they are being consulted at every level. I think the notion of consultative democracy is actually very appropriate for the current age. The main model in the West is one that very frequently leads to disaster, and they are very close to a disaster at the moment.
No, and I don't really care to.
That's o.k., you just don't want to admit that you don't know.
Shocked gets on here every day and tells us there's a Chinese hiding under his bed.
He's mentally ill. He blew his cover when he told us that two undercover cops were placed in a hospital lineup to watch him.

He's on medication but experiments with skipping it some days. You'll know when he gets on about his conspiracy theory again.

You've got a bad attitude Joe. You're smart enough to know most of the facts but you've got this love and heil America thing up your ass.
Can you provide a link or two?

No, I dont want to promote these people and their influence campaigns.

It is out there, people have to search on youtube, twitter and other places videos are posted. It's a repeated theme and I don't think it's an accident.

Place this in conspiracy theory, I don't care. I'm just doing my PSA. They will be promoting and repeating this to European allies and others in order to undermine the U.S system while potentially, artificially misrepresenting their own,
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Thanks for Googling it for me. So now we all know.
That's about what I figured it had to be.

The people must be very active on keeping up to what their government is doing!
Isn't it ironic that America is the extreme opposite of how a modern and successful democracy functions!
Just like you've been suggesting with all your criticism!

We just have to work on that fkd up attitude you've developed.
That's o.k., you just don't want to admit that you don't know.

Well, more like I didn't care, because I never heard the term before, even being married to a Chinese National.

He's mentally ill. He blew his cover when he told us that two undercover cops were placed in a hospital lineup to watch him.

I was not aware of that, because he doesn't come off as any more paranoid than most of the wingnuts who post here.

He's on medication but experiments with skipping it some days. You'll know when he gets on about his conspiracy theory again.

That's fine and all, but I think his views on China are a bit of an obsession.

You've got a bad attitude Joe. You're smart enough to know most of the facts but you've got this love and heil America thing up your ass.

Uh, guy, I spent 11 years in the US Army because I believed in this country. I'm sorry this is an alien concept to you. I'm happy to point out my country's flaws and make recommendations to fix it, but it's still my country.

The people must be very active on keeping up to what their government is doing!
Isn't it ironic that America is the extreme opposite of how a modern and successful democracy functions!
Just like you've been suggesting with all your criticism!

Yes, and no. I think our current government is the reflection of our people. We see politics as entertainment, which explains the success of guys like Reagan and Trump. (And to a lesser degree, Clinton). We would never elect a truly ugly person to be president in our modern day.

We just have to work on that fkd up attitude you've developed.
My attitude is fine. Other than the threat that Trump might become president if our system has another brain-fart, my life has never been better.
No, I dont want to promote these people and their influence campaigns.

It is out there, people have to search on youtube, twitter and other places videos are posted. It's a repeated theme and I don't think it's an accident.

Place this in conspiracy theory, I don't care. I'm just doing my PSA. They will be promoting and repeating this to European allies and others in order to undermine the U.S system while potentially, artificially misrepresenting their own,
Try not doing any more "PSAS".

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