China suggests it might declare war aginst America

China will not stop until it dominates the world.
Why do you say that?

It's their policy.

One Path One Road. ...

That's an economic program, not a plan for military aggression.
China is growing their military considerably and will be willing to use it to help dominate Asia and the world.
That is not their plan. Their long-term plan is to establish and fortify three spheres of control in the Asian region, each in turn. The idea is to create zones where they can have a reasonable likelihood of success in keeping American military influence out, expanding via each sphere until they achieve something akin to what the Japanese Empire was trying to establish in the run up to WWII. They would fund this long-range strategy by expanding their economic influence globally in parallel. The military aspect of the plan incorporates many of Mahan's theories and approaches, and the economic aspect requires a continuing embrace of capitalist principles. They are not stupid enough to believe that they are anywhere near capable of challenging America militarily now, and if the economic part of the plan crashes, the whole enterprise will be set back significantly.

This is partially accurate.
The stance taken by Xi for Chinas BRI is more than a hope. it is reasonably described as an "aggressive" plan for economic development that will put China at the center of Eastern Geopolitics. China formerly extended it's influence over 4,000 miles into Europe. The BRI does not forget nor neglect that past
and has many economic development plans in Europe.

Your summary neglects the obvious and substantial military buildup in the South China Sea and aggression towards India and many of China's Asian neighbors. In fact, were it not for Americas push back, China would likely have achieved domination of most of it's Asian neighbors.
We live in a post feudal world where International laws govern International interactions. Any country that, like China, wants to arbitrarily rewrite the Laws to it's liking is sure to cause friction, if not military contests.

While I agree with your parallels to Mahan's strategies, I disagree that China is willing to take a passive stance in achieving it's goals.
A major difference between Mahan's objectives and modern Chinas BRI objectives is that the geographic theater has completely changed since the 1800's.

Many consider China's expanded ambitions a response to Barack Obama's Turn To Asia objectives. Pushing China to accelerate it's progress.
One of the main dangers, and of immense concern is that China could create a Sinocentric Eurasian order which would effectively block the USA from effective and profitable trade in Asia. Not to mention the strategic costs of losing free and open access to the South China sea.

The economic risks are unprecedented and China does not plan to have America thwart it's plans.
The rapid pace of modern military buildup is not posturing, but a clear warning to each side.

China will push. but will it push too far?
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... When they take an economic interest in a 3rd world country they move hundreds of thousands of Chinese in to do the work. ...

That would be the economic expansion I mentioned. Those third-world countries are now having second thoughts about the Faustian bargain they made, and it's going to get worse. This, combined with the shift in global manufacturing, is going to set back Xi's long-term plans to a significant degree.

But there is so much more to it than this.
What about all the multi billion dollar US companies who have partnered with China for example?

There has to be a reckoning.
China also has a history of internal turmoil. We can assume Xi will remain, but we cannot be sure of it.

While I agree with your parallels to Mahan's strategies, I disagree that China is willing to take a passive stance in achieving it's goals.

NYTimes seems to agree with my position
China’s Military Provokes Its Neighbors, but the Message Is for the United States
From the Himalayas to the South China Sea, China is pressing its territorial claims aggressively, raising the possibility of additional deadly clashes.

China’s Military Provokes Its Neighbors, but the Message Is for the United States
... China formerly extended it's influence over 4,000 miles into Europe. The BRI does not forget nor neglect that past

Holeeeeeee are not alluding to the Mongol Empire, are you?

... China formerly extended it's influence over 4,000 miles into Europe. The BRI does not forget nor neglect that past

Holeeeeeee are not alluding to the Mongol Empire, are you?

Do you not know China's FULL History ?
... China formerly extended it's influence over 4,000 miles into Europe. The BRI does not forget nor neglect that past

Holeeeeeee are not alluding to the Mongol Empire, are you?

... China formerly extended it's influence over 4,000 miles into Europe. The BRI does not forget nor neglect that past

Holeeeeeee are not alluding to the Mongol Empire, are you?

Do you not know China's FULL History ?
Do you realize when the Mongol Empire existed?
Another fatal flaw to your post(s) is that you completely forgot to factor in the effects of a global pandemic.

You see, MANY of the places that got massive loans from China are defaulting. because the pandemic ravished their economies, they are unable to pay China back.

this will lead to some interesting situations. Will China forgive the loans. Or will China use the military to occupy and force repayment.
this could lead to some very serious military confrontations.
... China formerly extended it's influence over 4,000 miles into Europe. The BRI does not forget nor neglect that past

Holeeeeeee are not alluding to the Mongol Empire, are you?

... China formerly extended it's influence over 4,000 miles into Europe. The BRI does not forget nor neglect that past

Holeeeeeee are not alluding to the Mongol Empire, are you?

Do you not know China's FULL History ?
Do you realize when the Mongol Empire existed?

Of course. who doesn't?
Do you have a point or are you grabbing for straws?
China will not stop until it dominates the world.
Why do you say that?

It's their policy.

One Path One Road. ...

That's an economic program, not a plan for military aggression.
China is growing their military considerably and will be willing to use it to help dominate Asia and the world.
That is not their plan. Their long-term plan is to establish and fortify three spheres of control in the Asian region, each in turn. The idea is to create zones where they can have a reasonable likelihood of success in keeping American military influence out, expanding via each sphere until they achieve something akin to what the Japanese Empire was trying to establish in the run up to WWII. They would fund this long-range strategy by expanding their economic influence globally in parallel. The military aspect of the plan incorporates many of Mahan's theories and approaches, and the economic aspect requires a continuing embrace of capitalist principles. They are not stupid enough to believe that they are anywhere near capable of challenging America militarily now, and if the economic part of the plan crashes, the whole enterprise will be set back significantly.

This is partially accurate.
The stance taken by Xi for Chinas BRI is more than a hope. it is reasonably described as an "aggressive" plan for economic development that will put China at the center of Eastern Geopolitics. China formerly extended it's influence over 4,000 miles into Europe. The BRI does not forget nor neglect that past
and has many economic development plans in Europe.

Your summary neglects the obvious and substantial military buildup in the South China Sea and aggression towards India and many of China's Asian neighbors. In fact, were it not for Americas push back, China would likely have achieved domination of most of it's Asian neighbors.
We live in a post feudal world where International laws govern International interactions. Any country that, like China, wants to arbitrarily rewrite the Laws to it's liking is sure to cause friction, if not military contests.

While I agree with your parallels to Mahan's strategies, I disagree that China is willing to take a passive stance in achieving it's goals.
A major difference between Mahan's objectives and modern Chinas BRI objectives is that the geographic theater has completely changed since the 1800's.

Many consider China's expanded ambitions a response to Barack Obama's Turn To Asia objectives. Pushing China to accelerate it's progress.
One of the main dangers, and of immense concern is that China could create a Sinocentric Eurasian order which would effectively block the USA from effective and profitable trade in Asia. Not to mention the strategic costs of losing free and open access to the South China sea.

The economic risks are unprecedented and China does not plan to have America thwart it's plans.
The rapid pace of modern military buildup is not posturing, but a clear warning to each side.

China will push. but will it push too far?
... China formerly extended it's influence over 4,000 miles into Europe. The BRI does not forget nor neglect that past

Holeeeeeee are not alluding to the Mongol Empire, are you?

... China formerly extended it's influence over 4,000 miles into Europe. The BRI does not forget nor neglect that past

Holeeeeeee are not alluding to the Mongol Empire, are you?

Do you not know China's FULL History ?
Do you realize when the Mongol Empire existed?

Of course. who doesn't?
Do you have a point or are you grabbing for straws?
How about an empire 600 years ago that was not Chinese to begin with has NOTHING to do with geo-political circumstances today? Talk about "grasping for straws." It's "grasping," by the way.
China will not stop until it dominates the world.
Why do you say that?

It's their policy.

One Path One Road. ...

That's an economic program, not a plan for military aggression.
China is growing their military considerably and will be willing to use it to help dominate Asia and the world.
That is not their plan. Their long-term plan is to establish and fortify three spheres of control in the Asian region, each in turn. The idea is to create zones where they can have a reasonable likelihood of success in keeping American military influence out, expanding via each sphere until they achieve something akin to what the Japanese Empire was trying to establish in the run up to WWII. They would fund this long-range strategy by expanding their economic influence globally in parallel. The military aspect of the plan incorporates many of Mahan's theories and approaches, and the economic aspect requires a continuing embrace of capitalist principles. They are not stupid enough to believe that they are anywhere near capable of challenging America militarily now, and if the economic part of the plan crashes, the whole enterprise will be set back significantly.

This is partially accurate.
The stance taken by Xi for Chinas BRI is more than a hope. it is reasonably described as an "aggressive" plan for economic development that will put China at the center of Eastern Geopolitics. China formerly extended it's influence over 4,000 miles into Europe. The BRI does not forget nor neglect that past
and has many economic development plans in Europe.

Your summary neglects the obvious and substantial military buildup in the South China Sea and aggression towards India and many of China's Asian neighbors. In fact, were it not for Americas push back, China would likely have achieved domination of most of it's Asian neighbors.
We live in a post feudal world where International laws govern International interactions. Any country that, like China, wants to arbitrarily rewrite the Laws to it's liking is sure to cause friction, if not military contests.

While I agree with your parallels to Mahan's strategies, I disagree that China is willing to take a passive stance in achieving it's goals.
A major difference between Mahan's objectives and modern Chinas BRI objectives is that the geographic theater has completely changed since the 1800's.

Many consider China's expanded ambitions a response to Barack Obama's Turn To Asia objectives. Pushing China to accelerate it's progress.
One of the main dangers, and of immense concern is that China could create a Sinocentric Eurasian order which would effectively block the USA from effective and profitable trade in Asia. Not to mention the strategic costs of losing free and open access to the South China sea.

The economic risks are unprecedented and China does not plan to have America thwart it's plans.
The rapid pace of modern military buildup is not posturing, but a clear warning to each side.

China will push. but will it push too far?
... China formerly extended it's influence over 4,000 miles into Europe. The BRI does not forget nor neglect that past

Holeeeeeee are not alluding to the Mongol Empire, are you?

... China formerly extended it's influence over 4,000 miles into Europe. The BRI does not forget nor neglect that past

Holeeeeeee are not alluding to the Mongol Empire, are you?

Do you not know China's FULL History ?
Do you realize when the Mongol Empire existed?

Of course. who doesn't?
Do you have a point or are you grabbing for straws?
How about an empire 600 years ago that was not Chinese to begin with has NOTHING to do with geo-political circumstances today? Talk about "grasping for straws." It's "grasping," by the way.

i think you are confused.......

Quote for me the post where I made that statement.......

I didn't .....YOU did.

All I said was China's empire has been much larger.
If you understood, you would realize I wasn't saying MODERN China was that large.

Again, I hope you find your straws.
And another thing.......

My reference was to exhibit how long China has had similar policies.

Silk Road and now BRI

You pretended to know so much about Chinese history. Oh well.
Or maybe you're just playing dumb because I called out your post.
China will not stop until it dominates the world.
We have a VERY small window where the US and NATO forces can stop China.
Yesterday, a fleet of 260 Chinese fishing vessels / military scout ships arrived in the Galapagos Islands where they
will wreak havoc on the marine ecosystem. They have decimated their own seas and land and are now
reaching out to take from other parts of the world with ZERO concern for the ecosystem.

Chinese Military advisors are urging bejing to rapidly and massively ramp up nuclear arms to obliterate the US.
The US government has made a GRAVE tactical error over the last few decades by allowing US firms to cozy up to Communist China
in spite of the vast majority of intelligent people knowing full well of the mistake.

Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda
Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda

We ARE eventually going to war with China, the question is do we now, while we have a good chance of winning such a conflict....or later when we have little chance?
We either face the obvious and do what we have to now, or kick the can down the road where China will be FAR more likely to prevail.
Truth be told, I fully support going to war with China now. I hereby volunteer for service in the Air Force.

What do you think?

And another thing.......

My reference was to exhibit how long China has had similar policies.
There is NO relation between an ancient empire and the country known as China today. The United States of America is 'older' than The People's Republic of China.'

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