China suggests it might declare war aginst America

So tell us oh great wise one.......

How long has China existed ?

Hint: It's not 100 years...... lol

We will MOST certainly go to war with China if Trump is re-elected.

ONLY Biden can save us from War with China!

Yeah sure, Biden and Hillary, two of Americas greatest all time WAR HAWKS

Right, and only a lit match can prevent forest fires !
We will MOST certainly go to war with China if Trump is re-elected.

ONLY Biden can save us from War with China!

Yeah sure, Biden and Hillary, two of Americas greatest all time WAR HAWKS


Well Trump got us INTO this mess, so he certainly CANNOT get us out.

So a vote for Trump is a vote for War and MORE deaths of Americans.

Poor soul.
Let me guess, must be true since you heard it on CNN, MSNC,ABC or CBS :huddle:
We will MOST certainly go to war with China if Trump is re-elected.

ONLY Biden can save us from War with China!

Yeah sure, Biden and Hillary, two of Americas greatest all time WAR HAWKS


Well Trump got us INTO this mess, so he certainly CANNOT get us out.

So a vote for Trump is a vote for War and MORE deaths of Americans.

Poor soul.
Let me guess, must be true since you heard it on CNN, MSNC,ABC or CBS :huddle:

No, just using Trump's line. It worked so well for him.
Thought it would work well here too.
Trump said he was the ONLY one who would STOP the coming war with N Korea!
And he did. He gave Kim a photo op and praised him no end. Saluted N Korean generals,
then came home with a bag of bones. Worked great. Kim got everything he wanted, all
for a bag of bones.

So if it worked for Trump, then this should work for Biden, who is the ONLY candidate
who can avert this War with China!
Trump has PROVEN he can't negotiate with China. The Trade Wars prove that.

So if Biden praises Xi, salutes their Generals and comes home with a bag of bones and no war,
then you will PRAISE him as having done a good job, right?
GRAVE tactical error over the last few decades by allowing US firms to cozy up to Communist China
"GRAVE tactical error over the last few decades by allowing US firms to cozy up to Communist China." That Grave tactical error is spelled Bill Clinton. You didn't think for a minute that hillary was the only greedy treasonous 'everything's for sale' bitch did ya?
We will MOST certainly go to war with China if Trump is re-elected.

ONLY Biden can save us from War with China!

Yeah sure, Biden and Hillary, two of Americas greatest all time WAR HAWKS


Well Trump got us INTO this mess, so he certainly CANNOT get us out.

So a vote for Trump is a vote for War and MORE deaths of Americans.

Poor soul.
Let me guess, must be true since you heard it on CNN, MSNC,ABC or CBS :huddle:

No, just using Trump's line. It worked so well for him.
Thought it would work well here too.
Trump said he was the ONLY one who would STOP the coming war with N Korea!
And he did. He gave Kim a photo op and praised him no end. Saluted N Korean generals,
then came home with a bag of bones. Worked great. Kim got everything he wanted, all
for a bag of bones.

So if it worked for Trump, then this should work for Biden, who is the ONLY candidate
who can avert this War with China!
Trump has PROVEN he can't negotiate with China. The Trade Wars prove that.

I know you've been told Orange man Bad and all.......
But it's ALL whipped creme covered Bullshit.
He's NO WORSE than ANY other president we've had in the last 100 years. And better than many if America counts.
His ego is bloated and he talks too much, but I can name equally bad traits for Obama and EVERY other Prez.

Ya know what, you and all your Dem friends LOVED Trump on TV BEFORE he became Prez.
But just because he won't kiss Commie Ass yall hate him. Frick you all.
We will MOST certainly go to war with China if Trump is re-elected.

ONLY Biden can save us from War with China!

Yeah sure, Biden and Hillary, two of Americas greatest all time WAR HAWKS


Well Trump got us INTO this mess, so he certainly CANNOT get us out.

So a vote for Trump is a vote for War and MORE deaths of Americans.

Poor soul.
Let me guess, must be true since you heard it on CNN, MSNC,ABC or CBS :huddle:

No, just using Trump's line. It worked so well for him.
Thought it would work well here too.
Trump said he was the ONLY one who would STOP the coming war with N Korea!
And he did. He gave Kim a photo op and praised him no end. Saluted N Korean generals,
then came home with a bag of bones. Worked great. Kim got everything he wanted, all
for a bag of bones.

So if it worked for Trump, then this should work for Biden, who is the ONLY candidate
who can avert this War with China!
Trump has PROVEN he can't negotiate with China. The Trade Wars prove that.
here's a line that will work for you. ,l,,O ,,l, and here's one for China and slop head Biden, and his bullet magnet gun czar Beto the clown and his puke green czar Oral Annie. ,l,,O,,l,
Great, a thread that allows me to play around using the Marine Traffic website. By looks of it there is a great mass of fishing vessels south of the Galapagos Islands, but they're a great distant south.

Oh no! They are stealing rouge? How will we ever have happiness without rouge?
Fucking moron.

Oh My God - you super sleuth. C'mere and lemme pat your back.

I am such a powerful force here that Leftist imbeciles will spend their ENTIRE DAY searching my posts for a misspelled word.
Then bask in the glory of their discovered tidbit believing that they finally proved I am a "fucking moron". :laughing0301:
Notice they never have anything intellectual to add to the conversation. Like Rats that found a cheese crumb.
I think we can safely say they are beaten and desperate :yes_text12:

That isn’t a spelling mistake. That’s a lack of knowledge. You’re a dummy. Period.
China will not stop until it dominates the world.
We have a VERY small window where the US and NATO forces can stop China.
Yesterday, a fleet of 260 Chinese fishing vessels / military scout ships arrived in the Galapagos Islands where they
will wreak havoc on the marine ecosystem. They have decimated their own seas and land and are now
reaching out to take from other parts of the world with ZERO concern for the ecosystem.

Chinese Military advisors are urging bejing to rapidly and massively ramp up nuclear arms to obliterate the US.
The US government has made a GRAVE tactical error over the last few decades by allowing US firms to cozy up to Communist China
in spite of the vast majority of intelligent people knowing full well of the mistake.

Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda
Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda

We ARE eventually going to war with China, the question is do we now, while we have a good chance of winning such a conflict....or later when we have little chance?
We either face the obvious and do what we have to now, or kick the can down the road where China will be FAR more likely to prevail.
Truth be told, I fully support going to war with China now. I hereby volunteer for service in the Air Force.

What do you think?

China would fail. But it would be a rough figbt for us. For sone reason we had a run of incompitant capitans in our navy. dudes crashing ships, and an air craft carrier burning up in port. Lately our Navy has looked very incompitant, so i really dont blame China for flexing its muscle. we look weak and feckless.
How is their weakness economic? We dump hundreds of billions of dollars a year into China.

hina must export to the west or the whole house of communist cards will fall down

they have foolishly wasted much of the profit from selling to the west and yet only lifted a few hundred million out of poverty

and they must keep selling to the west in order to sustain the gains they already have
The United States will have to confront China sometime soon even if it results in WW3.

What the f is it that China did to US that millions dying in WW3 is not 100 times worse than?

You are Pro-China, it's okay we know that already.

No dumbass, I'm pro-America.

Maybe you nutbag assholes want millions dead in an armed conflict (never mind huge global socio-economic damage) but sane people don't.
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China will not stop until it dominates the world.
We have a VERY small window where the US and NATO forces can stop China.
Yesterday, a fleet of 260 Chinese fishing vessels / military scout ships arrived in the Galapagos Islands where they
will wreak havoc on the marine ecosystem. They have decimated their own seas and land and are now
reaching out to take from other parts of the world with ZERO concern for the ecosystem.

Military advisors are urging bejing to rapidly and massively ramp up nuclear arms to obliterate the US.

Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda
Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda

We ARE eventually going to war with China, the question is now, while we have a good chance of winning such a conflict....or later when we have little chance?
We either face the obvious and do what we have to now, or kick the can down the road where China will be FAR more likely to prevail.
Truth be told, I fully support going to war with China now. I hereby volunteer for service in the Air Force.

What do you think?
China can be stopped and it wont take nuclear or conventional war

china’s weakness is economic and if the world puts aside our petty complaints and presents a united front china has no chance to dominate the world

but I dont know if we have enough wisdom to avoid a war
That would require balls from our European allies. Im pretty sure left wingers cut those off a long time ago.
So, they think that they're ready?
Better now, than later!
It's one way to improve our GDP! Kill 2 birds with one stone!
Afterall, they already unleashed a bioweapon on the world!

They're ready.

Only if they use nukes.
But how many of their 260 nukes would actually work compared to our over 5k nukes.
And we'd kick their ass in a conventional war.

C'mon, we lost first time in Korea. And we had real men then...not soyboyz.

Thats what happens when you allow politicians to fight your wars instead of our Generals.
Same shit happened in Nam.
The politicians make the ROE,s hamstringing our soldiers and getting them killed.
If it came to a fight for our very survival you can bet things would be a whole lot different.

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