China suggests it might declare war aginst America

All career politicians are bought and paid for and since our beloved so called American corporations are all too interested in doing business with China for their cheap labor

China's labor is not that cheap anymore and labor is cheaper than in America in any third world country.

Which is why you Leftists want America and basically EVERY Western nation to also become Third World nations, you WANT to drag EVERYONE down that shithole.
China will not stop until it dominates the world.
We have a VERY small window where the US and NATO forces can stop China.
Yesterday, a fleet of 260 Chinese fishing vessels / military scout ships arrived in the Galapagos Islands where they
will wreak havoc on the marine ecosystem. They have decimated their own seas and land and are now
reaching out to take from other parts of the world with ZERO concern for the ecosystem.

Chinese Military advisors are urging bejing to rapidly and massively ramp up nuclear arms to obliterate the US.
The US government has made a GRAVE tactical error over the last few decades by allowing US firms to cozy up to Communist China
in spite of the vast majority of intelligent people knowing full well of the mistake.

Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda
Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda

We ARE eventually going to war with China, the question is do we now, while we have a good chance of winning such a conflict....or later when we have little chance?
We either face the obvious and do what we have to now, or kick the can down the road where China will be FAR more likely to prevail.
Truth be told, I fully support going to war with China now. I hereby volunteer for service in the Air Force.

What do you think?

And Leftists all across the World will be FULLY supporting China if there was a War, in America your already Traitors aka Democrats have been in the China Corner for 20 years-25 years. Democrats WORK FOR China and NOT America.

Hey Lucy, how about you take your insane hyperbole and shove it up your a?

I am a Christian

Don't kid yourself, you are a whacked out of your mind asshole first and foremost.

I don't actually give a SHIT what you think you Pro-China Troll Boi.
We are not going to war with China - neither nation has any interest in doing so and it would not benefit anyone.

The power struggle is NOT expressed in another world war with the US and China leading the way - it is in who is going to be the primary influencer across the globe. China is desperately trying to reclaim its supremacy in the world and the US must not allow that to happen. The danger is very real and perhaps even worse than a shooting war that would have an end rather than the current horror that is China's government directing world affairs but you are looking for it in the wrong place.
We are not going to war with China - neither nation has any interest in doing so and it would not benefit anyone.

The power struggle is NOT expressed in another world war with the US and China leading the way - it is in who is going to be the primary influencer across the globe. China is desperately trying to reclaim its supremacy in the world and the US must not allow that to happen. The danger is very real and perhaps even worse than a shooting war that would have an end rather than the current horror that is China's government directing world affairs but you are looking for it in the wrong place.
The only way to end it may be a shooting war.............................................just sayin' :smoke:
China will not stop until it dominates the world.
We have a VERY small window where the US and NATO forces can stop China.
Yesterday, a fleet of 260 Chinese fishing vessels / military scout ships arrived in the Galapagos Islands where they
will wreak havoc on the marine ecosystem. They have decimated their own seas and land and are now
reaching out to take from other parts of the world with ZERO concern for the ecosystem.

Chinese Military advisors are urging bejing to rapidly and massively ramp up nuclear arms to obliterate the US.
The US government has made a GRAVE tactical error over the last few decades by allowing US firms to cozy up to Communist China
in spite of the vast majority of intelligent people knowing full well of the mistake.

Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda
Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda

We ARE eventually going to war with China, the question is do we now, while we have a good chance of winning such a conflict....or later when we have little chance?
We either face the obvious and do what we have to now, or kick the can down the road where China will be FAR more likely to prevail.
Truth be told, I fully support going to war with China now. I hereby volunteer for service in the Air Force.

What do you think?

Dems get in and no war with China. They will suck up to them. If Trump stays in then a possibility. If they whip us then guess they are the new superpower.
We are not going to war with China - neither nation has any interest in doing so and it would not benefit anyone.

The power struggle is NOT expressed in another world war with the US and China leading the way - it is in who is going to be the primary influencer across the globe. China is desperately trying to reclaim its supremacy in the world and the US must not allow that to happen. The danger is very real and perhaps even worse than a shooting war that would have an end rather than the current horror that is China's government directing world affairs but you are looking for it in the wrong place.

Right, let's just ignore the massive military buildup going on across the globe. Let's ignore HongKong and Taiwan. Never mind the Philippines.
Let's ignore the Defense Departments EMERGENCY order for 400 new F15X figher aircraft.
Let's ignore that China will probably be sending MANY more "gifts" to America in addition to covid19, covid20, covid21 and a host of others especially now that they CCP has fully engaged their military scientists into a bioweapons race.

Yep, you certainly know a whole lot more than me.
So, they think that they're ready?
Better now, than later!
It's one way to improve our GDP! Kill 2 birds with one stone!
Afterall, they already unleashed a bioweapon on the world!

They're ready.

Only if they use nukes.
But how many of their 260 nukes would actually work compared to our over 5k nukes.
And we'd kick their ass in a conventional war.

C'mon, we lost first time in Korea. And we had real men then...not soyboyz.
China will not stop until it dominates the world.
Why do you say that?

It's their policy.

There is plenty to criticize the CCP for, but world domination has never been a stated goal. Study Chinese history and you'll see it has never been a goal at all. They are much more likely to demand the rest of the world look away while they abuse their own internally.

You're wrong. Global domination has ALWAYS been a Communist goal.
You suffer from the limitations of someone who only read the back cover of textbooks. Communism in China was never the same as in the Soviet Union (which itself did not adhere strictly to Marxist ideology). Maoism is significantly, if not completely, different. Still an abomination against humanity, but not the same as Marxism or Stalinism.

I watched the video.

You do realize there is a US Based Communist party don't you?
This is a propaganda video to convince people that everything is status quo and that China "ain't so bad after all"

I like the way it points out how the terrible US threatened China when the truth is, the US came to Chinas aid in the 30's diring the Sino-Japanaese War when Japan attacked China.

This video is rife with the fingerprints of Communist Bullshit.

It's also a jab at Trump who has done more to re balance international financial equity than any other president in modern history.

If you like propaganda, this should please you.
That's an economic program, not a plan for military aggression.

I'm not saying you are....but you come across as a Communist.

It is both. How on Earth did you miss China's militarization of the South China Sea?

Seriously??? Sweet Jesus !!
China will not stop until it dominates the world.
We have a VERY small window where the US and NATO forces can stop China.
Yesterday, a fleet of 260 Chinese fishing vessels / military scout ships arrived in the Galapagos Islands where they
will wreak havoc on the marine ecosystem. They have decimated their own seas and land and are now
reaching out to take from other parts of the world with ZERO concern for the ecosystem.

Chinese Military advisors are urging bejing to rapidly and massively ramp up nuclear arms to obliterate the US.
The US government has made a GRAVE tactical error over the last few decades by allowing US firms to cozy up to Communist China
in spite of the vast majority of intelligent people knowing full well of the mistake.

Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda
Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda

We ARE eventually going to war with China, the question is do we now, while we have a good chance of winning such a conflict....or later when we have little chance?
We either face the obvious and do what we have to now, or kick the can down the road where China will be FAR more likely to prevail.
Truth be told, I fully support going to war with China now. I hereby volunteer for service in the Air Force.

What do you think?

And Leftists all across the World will be FULLY supporting China if there was a War, in America your already Traitors aka Democrats have been in the China Corner for 20 years-25 years. Democrats WORK FOR China and NOT America.
Well have to follow the FDR example and put dangerous white liberals in the camps while we crush china
China will not stop until it dominates the world.
We have a VERY small window where the US and NATO forces can stop China.
Yesterday, a fleet of 260 Chinese fishing vessels / military scout ships arrived in the Galapagos Islands where they
will wreak havoc on the marine ecosystem. They have decimated their own seas and land and are now
reaching out to take from other parts of the world with ZERO concern for the ecosystem.

Chinese Military advisors are urging bejing to rapidly and massively ramp up nuclear arms to obliterate the US.
The US government has made a GRAVE tactical error over the last few decades by allowing US firms to cozy up to Communist China
in spite of the vast majority of intelligent people knowing full well of the mistake.

Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda
Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda

We ARE eventually going to war with China, the question is do we now, while we have a good chance of winning such a conflict....or later when we have little chance?
We either face the obvious and do what we have to now, or kick the can down the road where China will be FAR more likely to prevail.
Truth be told, I fully support going to war with China now. I hereby volunteer for service in the Air Force.

What do you think?

Saber rattling and threats only makes them look foolish.

They aren't sabre rattling.
China will not stop until it dominates the world.
We have a VERY small window where the US and NATO forces can stop China.
Yesterday, a fleet of 260 Chinese fishing vessels / military scout ships arrived in the Galapagos Islands where they
will wreak havoc on the marine ecosystem. They have decimated their own seas and land and are now
reaching out to take from other parts of the world with ZERO concern for the ecosystem.

Chinese Military advisors are urging bejing to rapidly and massively ramp up nuclear arms to obliterate the US.
The US government has made a GRAVE tactical error over the last few decades by allowing US firms to cozy up to Communist China
in spite of the vast majority of intelligent people knowing full well of the mistake.

Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda
Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda

We ARE eventually going to war with China, the question is do we now, while we have a good chance of winning such a conflict....or later when we have little chance?
We either face the obvious and do what we have to now, or kick the can down the road where China will be FAR more likely to prevail.
Truth be told, I fully support going to war with China now. I hereby volunteer for service in the Air Force.

What do you think?

And Leftists all across the World will be FULLY supporting China if there was a War, in America your already Traitors aka Democrats have been in the China Corner for 20 years-25 years. Democrats WORK FOR China and NOT America.
Well have to follow the FDR example and put dangerous white liberals in the camps while we crush china
There are a lot of people who will happily kiss Communist Chinese ass :mad:
China will not stop until it dominates the world.
Why do you say that?

It's their policy.

There is plenty to criticize the CCP for, but world domination has never been a stated goal. Study Chinese history and you'll see it has never been a goal at all. They are much more likely to demand the rest of the world look away while they abuse their own internally.

Times have changed. They are working very hard to control the seas between them and the Phillipines. They are actively engaged in hostile actions with India.

They are building a blue water navy, which is only needed if you plan on projecting power, they are taking control of large areas in Africa, etc. Etc. Etc.

You need to pay attention to their actions NOW. What they did in the past is no longer pertinent.

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