China suggests it might declare war aginst America

That's an economic program, not a plan for military aggression.

I'm not saying you are....but you come across as a Communist.
That's just stupid. Stop being stupid. Your ignorance is not my responsibility.

You are free to feel however you am I
But your opinion is not necessarily correct, nor I necessarily wrong
You do say things that seem to favor China. The hit dog howls loudest.
Think about it.
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CCP can murder people at will.
The CCP can harvest your organs as it desires
Only a lying piece of cock-sucking scum would try to tell me Democrats aren't doing exactly that right here in the good old USA.

I haven't read of any organ harvesting.......oh wait......Planned parenthood :eek:

yikes, you may be right.
That's an economic program, not a plan for military aggression.

I'm not saying you are....but you come across as a Communist.
That's just stupid. Stop being stupid. Your ignorance is not my responsibility.

You are free to feel however you am I
But your opinion is not necessarily correct, nor I necessarily wrong
You do say things that seem to favor China. The hit dog howls loudest.
Think about it.

I'm not "feeling" anything. I have studied political science, international relations, and world history seriously and academically for a long, long time. You may have an "opinion." I am telling you what the current understanding of the situation is according to American and Chinese official documents and analysis over the past 70 years. It is almost a certainty that I understand the evil of communism more comprehensively than you ever will. This is due to many years of study and experience. "Feeling" is your game.
That's an economic program, not a plan for military aggression.

I'm not saying you are....but you come across as a Communist.
That's just stupid. Stop being stupid. Your ignorance is not my responsibility.

You are free to feel however you am I
But your opinion is not necessarily correct, nor I necessarily wrong
You do say things that seem to favor China. The hit dog howls loudest.
Think about it.

I'm not "feeling" anything. I have studied political science, international relations, and world history seriously and academically for a long, long time. You may have an "opinion." I am telling you what the current understanding of the situation is according to American and Chinese official documents and analysis over the past 70 years. It is almost a certainty that I understand the evil of communism more comprehensively than you ever will. This is due to many years of study and experience. "Feeling" is your game.

You don't come over as being that bright. Sry. Just the truth.
But you do indeed come over as one of those arrogant, know it all leftist types.

That said, so far you haven't shown any particular in depth knowledge of China US relations.

I'm still quite certain you are benefitting somehow from the Chinese. Leftist US Academia is turning out to
be a hot bed of Chinese collaboration.

Wanna deny that?
Just open source intel.
The world oligarchs steered the world into both WWI, the Great Depression, and WWII.
If you don't know what is going on, you won't see how they are steering tensions now.

Can you name these oligarchs ?
What is your opinion on Agenda21 ?

I would like to know more about what you know.

Of course, the global oligarchs are easily identified, at least the newer ones are.

They are separated into old money and new money.

New money? Just check the Forbes billionaire list.

Old money? Well, we have laws in the U.S. where they set up these "non-profit" foundations, which are actually social engineering tools, tax-free, which manipulate society. They are the roots of the Deep State. There was even a congressional hearing on them back in the 1954.

I HIGHLY recommend G. Edward Griffin direct interview of Norman Dodd himself on the whole fiasco, if you are at all interested in this topic, as it related directly to the topic of Agenda 21.

The oligarchs knew that patriots were getting too close, so they basically sacrificed McCarthy, and the whole thing was scuttled. How do you think American Universities are so liberal and public radio and TEE VEE are so in lock step with authoritarian socialism?

So, the billionaires, the new money, they go on to set up their own foundations to become old money, to drop out of the public eye, become tax free, and do social engineering. Most folks don't even know that Anderson Cooper is old money (A Vanderbilt) and trained by the CIA.

Finding out the old oligarchs? That takes a little more leg work. :heehee:

America's 60 Families

"Dynasties listed below were included in America's 60 Families, Ferdinand Lundberg's 1937 expose on the super-rich. Lundberg used tax records to uncover the often impenetrable financial and political machinations of the 60 Families, effectively publishing a directory of names and occupations of family scions as well as estimates of their fortunes.. . . "

As far as the topic of Agenda 21 and the coming technocracy? I know all about it. James Corbett regularly has Patrick Wood, Editor-In-Chief of as a guest on his pod-cast.

The Oligarchs have used China as the test laboratory for technocracy. China is involved in all the world institutions, and it is the model that all the world elites aspire to make the US into.

I highly recommend you acquaint yourself with his site, so that you are not surprised by what is coming.

I HIGHLY recommend this article, where Woods exposes that the elite agenda of climate modeling came out of the same circles as the Covid modeling, which shut down the world economy. This is just a fast forward stratagem since the world was not accepting the AGW emergency to get to their goals;

Just open source intel.
The world oligarchs steered the world into both WWI, the Great Depression, and WWII.
If you don't know what is going on, you won't see how they are steering tensions now.

Can you name these oligarchs ?
What is your opinion on Agenda21 ?

I would like to know more about what you know.

Of course, the global oligarchs are easily identified, at least the newer ones are.

They are separated into old money and new money.

New money? Just check the Forbes billionaire list.

Old money? Well, we have laws in the U.S. where they set up these "non-profit" foundations, which are actually social engineering tools, tax-free, which manipulate society. They are the roots of the Deep State. There was even a congressional hearing on them back in the 1954.

I HIGHLY recommend G. Edward Griffin direct interview of Norman Dodd himself on the whole fiasco, if you are at all interested in this topic, as it related directly to the topic of Agenda 21.

The oligarchs knew that patriots were getting too close, so they basically sacrificed McCarthy, and the whole thing was scuttled. How do you think American Universities are so liberal and public radio and TEE VEE are so in lock step with authoritarian socialism?

So, the billionaires, the new money, they go on to set up their own foundations to become old money, to drop out of the public eye, become tax free, and do social engineering. Most folks don't even know that Anderson Cooper is old money (A Vanderbilt) and trained by the CIA.

Finding out the old oligarchs? That takes a little more leg work. :heehee:

America's 60 Families

"Dynasties listed below were included in America's 60 Families, Ferdinand Lundberg's 1937 expose on the super-rich. Lundberg used tax records to uncover the often impenetrable financial and political machinations of the 60 Families, effectively publishing a directory of names and occupations of family scions as well as estimates of their fortunes.. . . "

As far as the topic of Agenda 21 and the coming technocracy? I know all about it. James Corbett regularly has Patrick Wood, Editor-In-Chief of as a guest on his pod-cast.

The Oligarchs have used China as the test laboratory for technocracy. China is involved in all the world institutions, and it is the model that all the world elites aspire to make the US into.

I highly recommend you acquaint yourself with his site, so that you are not surprised by what is coming.

I HIGHLY recommend this article, where Woods exposes that the elite agenda of climate modeling came out of the same circles as the Covid modeling, which shut down the world economy. This is just a fast forward stratagem since the world was not accepting the AGW emergency to get to their goals;

Good post !
. . . but if the elites on both sides, at least the nationalist factions can get their populations whipped up into a war fever? That will only be good for the global oligarchs and investment bankers. . . they need stuff to rebuild, to stimulate growth.

I don't think the ruling classes would be affected, they plan for that, they never are.

This lecture is a bit dated. . . but it checks out.

James Corbett - Echoes of WWI: China, the US and the Next “Great” War
" In the early 20th century, the world’s dominant superpower looked warily on the rise of a competitor to its supremacy. The machinations of the British to contain the rise of Germany led inexorably to the First World War. Once again in the early 21st century, the world’s dominant superpower is looking warily on the rise of a competitor. Will the American Empire’s machinations to contain the rise of China lead to the Third World War? Or is the American/Chinese conflict another engineered cold war to keep the world in a state of static tension? James Corbett will explore these issues at the Open Mind Conference 2017. "

China will not stop until it dominates the world.
We have a VERY small window where the US and NATO forces can stop China.
Yesterday, a fleet of 260 Chinese fishing vessels / military scout ships arrived in the Galapagos Islands where they
will wreak havoc on the marine ecosystem. They have decimated their own seas and land and are now
reaching out to take from other parts of the world with ZERO concern for the ecosystem.

Chinese Military advisors are urging bejing to rapidly and massively ramp up nuclear arms to obliterate the US.
The US government has made a GRAVE tactical error over the last few decades by allowing US firms to cozy up to Communist China
in spite of the vast majority of intelligent people knowing full well of the mistake.

Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda
Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda

We ARE eventually going to war with China, the question is do we now, while we have a good chance of winning such a conflict....or later when we have little chance?
We either face the obvious and do what we have to now, or kick the can down the road where China will be FAR more likely to prevail.
Truth be told, I fully support going to war with China now. I hereby volunteer for service in the Air Force.

What do you think?
China already has the available weapons @ their disposal to burn America within an hour. In an offensive nuclear strike he who strikes first is the winner by default. If an attacked nation fires back they still lose as they lose all habitable land masses to migrate to(if any folks survive @ all). Uranium 235 has a half life of just over 700 million years.
We are not going to war with China - neither nation has any interest in doing so and it would not benefit anyone.

The power struggle is NOT expressed in another world war with the US and China leading the way - it is in who is going to be the primary influencer across the globe. China is desperately trying to reclaim its supremacy in the world and the US must not allow that to happen. The danger is very real and perhaps even worse than a shooting war that would have an end rather than the current horror that is China's government directing world affairs but you are looking for it in the wrong place.

Right, let's just ignore the massive military buildup going on across the globe. Let's ignore HongKong and Taiwan. Never mind the Philippines.
Let's ignore the Defense Departments EMERGENCY order for 400 new F15X figher aircraft.
Let's ignore that China will probably be sending MANY more "gifts" to America in addition to covid19, covid20, covid21 and a host of others especially now that they CCP has fully engaged their military scientists into a bioweapons race.

Yep, you certainly know a whole lot more than me.
Who said anything about ignore?

I said it is not going to be a war. Period. Sorry you cant read.
We are not going to war with China - neither nation has any interest in doing so and it would not benefit anyone.

The power struggle is NOT expressed in another world war with the US and China leading the way - it is in who is going to be the primary influencer across the globe. China is desperately trying to reclaim its supremacy in the world and the US must not allow that to happen. The danger is very real and perhaps even worse than a shooting war that would have an end rather than the current horror that is China's government directing world affairs but you are looking for it in the wrong place.

Right, let's just ignore the massive military buildup going on across the globe. Let's ignore HongKong and Taiwan. Never mind the Philippines.
Let's ignore the Defense Departments EMERGENCY order for 400 new F15X figher aircraft.
Let's ignore that China will probably be sending MANY more "gifts" to America in addition to covid19, covid20, covid21 and a host of others especially now that they CCP has fully engaged their military scientists into a bioweapons race.

Yep, you certainly know a whole lot more than me.
Who said anything about ignore?

I said it is not going to be a war. Period. Sorry you cant read.

I think the decider of the Primary Influencer will most likely be determined by physical conflict.
We seem to be leaving a period of diplomacy and tolerance and moving to a period of force and might.

If you research you will see that one of the largest military buildups in history is well underway.

If China continues it's global aggression, I see no choice. What will they claim next? The Gulf of Mexico?
China is a bad player upsetting the global apple cart.

They are currently ravaging the Galapagos Islands with armadas of vessels and destroying the Marine ecosystem, thousands of miles from China since they have destroyed their own ecosystems already.

we simply cannot afford to do nothing.
almost all marine life within hundreds of miles of China.
China will not stop until it dominates the world.
We have a VERY small window where the US and NATO forces can stop China.
Yesterday, a fleet of 260 Chinese fishing vessels / military scout ships arrived in the Galapagos Islands where they
will wreak havoc on the marine ecosystem. They have decimated their own seas and land and are now
reaching out to take from other parts of the world with ZERO concern for the ecosystem.

Chinese Military advisors are urging bejing to rapidly and massively ramp up nuclear arms to obliterate the US.
The US government has made a GRAVE tactical error over the last few decades by allowing US firms to cozy up to Communist China
in spite of the vast majority of intelligent people knowing full well of the mistake.

Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda
Beijing Promotes Idea of War With US as Relations Deteriorate, Amps up Anti-US Propaganda

We ARE eventually going to war with China, the question is do we now, while we have a good chance of winning such a conflict....or later when we have little chance?
We either face the obvious and do what we have to now, or kick the can down the road where China will be FAR more likely to prevail.
Truth be told, I fully support going to war with China now. I hereby volunteer for service in the Air Force.

What do you think?
The American Taliban will, of course, take side with their elder brothers in Faith, the ChiComs

"Look, they do mass murder right. See, guy, they know how to handle their domestic enemies. We could learn a thing or two from them" - anonymous USMB Prog

"Ya dupes let Reagan destroy the middle class. See line 14 of my sig line" - another USMB poster
We are not going to war with China - neither nation has any interest in doing so and it would not benefit anyone.

The power struggle is NOT expressed in another world war with the US and China leading the way - it is in who is going to be the primary influencer across the globe. China is desperately trying to reclaim its supremacy in the world and the US must not allow that to happen. The danger is very real and perhaps even worse than a shooting war that would have an end rather than the current horror that is China's government directing world affairs but you are looking for it in the wrong place.

Right, let's just ignore the massive military buildup going on across the globe. Let's ignore HongKong and Taiwan. Never mind the Philippines.
Let's ignore the Defense Departments EMERGENCY order for 400 new F15X figher aircraft.
Let's ignore that China will probably be sending MANY more "gifts" to America in addition to covid19, covid20, covid21 and a host of others especially now that they CCP has fully engaged their military scientists into a bioweapons race.

Yep, you certainly know a whole lot more than me.
Who said anything about ignore?

I said it is not going to be a war. Period. Sorry you cant read.

I think the decider of the Primary Influencer will most likely be determined by physical conflict.
We seem to be leaving a period of diplomacy and tolerance and moving to a period of force and might.

If you research you will see that one of the largest military buildups in history is well underway.

If China continues it's global agression, I see no choice. What will they claim next? The Gulf of Mexico?
Why would armed conflict be necessary - at least open conflict with another great power? That is not how geo-politics works anymore and it has not worked that way since WWII. They are going to use economic influence to keep other powers in line and the more that we withdraw from the world the more we leave on the table for them if they can take advantage of that of the vacuum.

The US has essentially controlled world politics for a long damn time without going to war with any major power. We fight proxy wars and that is exactly what they have been doing and will continue to do. The idea that China wants to devastate their own economy and infrastructure to replace the US is silly - it would set us both back to the stone age and neither would gain any influence for it.

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