China to provide military aid to Russia

Yes it is and we need to avoid getting in all these global conflicts because they usually don't end well.
You should learn from history

If the democracies had stopped hitler when he marched into the Rhineland WWII could have been avoided
You should learn from history

If the democracies had stopped hitler when he marched into the Rhineland WWII could have been avoided

If others hadn't decided to keep Germany poor after WWI, Hitler never comes to power to start with.
Way to go you war mongering dumbfucks

Don't be an ass . The US re-armed Germany between the wars .

Why stop them spending half way ?Like any half decent Cabal they backed both sides .
Hitler did not come to power till 1933 and we sold no arms to the Nazi’s

The germans did buy an early design dive bomber from Curtis and studied its features

But virtually nothing else

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