Chinese feminists insult women

This is the slavish principle of building an army. A free warrior will follow the commander only if he agrees with him. Slave can be used for any vile plot against the truth.

That sort of thinking will get both the warrior and his fellow soldiers killed. A soldier follows commands, regardless of whether he agrees with them or not. Your view on war is very much a juvenile fantasy, much like your view of women.
America became great because it followed the Heroic principle. From childhood, the American boy aspired to become Superman. Now the USA has entered the stage of feminist decay, and if they do not return their culture, they will turn into a slave left country. It is necessary to save at least a free army of Nixon. In the USA there are no parades, no drill, they bring up real warriors and officers of the knightly type.

And the soldiers follow commands or face punishment. That is the fact of life for the military.
An independent warrior against a well disciplined group of soldiers is doomed. A real warrior is not some movie character. It is a soldier in an army, fighting as much for his comrade in arms as for any cause.
As a rule, this is not the case. Professional Aryan warriors defeated everyone in the period from 2000-500 BC. They dominated everywhere. As a rule, they lost because of the betrayal of the elites. In military terms, they have always been stronger than slave troops.

Probably mass firearms changed the situation. But now this is not relevant, now technology and intellect are winning, now it is again the time of the right army.
As a rule, this is not the case. Professional Aryan warriors defeated everyone in the period from 2000-500 BC. They dominated everywhere. As a rule, they lost because of the betrayal of the elites. In military terms, they have always been stronger than slave troops.

Probably mass firearms changed the situation. But now this is not relevant, now technology and intellect are winning, now it is again the time of the right army.

You never answered my question about whether chivalry applies to enemy combatants.
That sort of thinking will get both the warrior and his fellow soldiers killed.
So it was. The knights died but refused to accept the help of merchants and rabble. It was the question of honor.
But every drop of blood of a noble warrior will be paid tenfold by the blood of the enemy.
So it was. The knights died but refused to accept the help of merchants and rabble. It was the question of honor.
But every drop of blood of a noble warrior will be paid tenfold by the blood of the enemy.

Your fantasies should never be confused with facts.

And this discussion is about modern military and warfare. Not ancient knights and outdated ideologies.
So it was. The knights died but refused to accept the help of merchants and rabble. It was the question of honor.
But every drop of blood of a noble warrior will be paid tenfold by the blood of the enemy.

And if the knights were ordered into battle by their commander or king, they did not disobey those orders if they disagreed. They followed orders.
You never answered my question about whether chivalry applies to enemy combatants.
Yes, the knights respected noble rivals, there were certain honors and rules if your rival was a knight and worthy of you. Perfidy was not allowed, and so on. Sometimes the outcome of the battle was decided by a duel between the 2 strongest.

But the right has nothing to share, it was the intrigues and provocations of feminists that led to such clashes.
And if the knights were ordered into battle by their commander or king, they did not disobey those orders if they disagreed. They followed orders.
Nobody asked the slaves anything. They didn't even know the politics behind the war. There is a big difference here. Sex is not violence, union is not submission, consent is not slavery.
Yes, the knights respected noble rivals, there were certain honors and rules if your rival was a knight and worthy of you. Perfidy was not allowed, and so on. Sometimes the outcome of the battle was decided by a duel between the 2 strongest.

But the right has nothing to share, it was the intrigues and provocations of feminists that led to such clashes.

That is a very nice answer. Pity it was not an answer to the question I asked.

This thread is about modern military discipline. You say that chivalry should override everything, and yet refuse to answer my question about whether it applies to enemy combatants in modern times. The actions of knights has zero bearing on the topic. The invention of the crossbow and the longbow spelled the end of mounted knights. During the Crusades, the organized footsoldiers defeated the knights.
Nobody asked the slaves anything. They didn't even know the politics behind the war. There is a big difference here. Sex is not violence, union is not submission, consent is not slavery.

So now knights were slaves? The point is, in every military in the world orders come down and will be obeyed. The fact that you disagree with them has no bearing.
That is a very nice answer. Pity it was not an answer to the question I asked.

This thread is about modern military discipline. You say that chivalry should override everything, and yet refuse to answer my question about whether it applies to enemy combatants in modern times. The actions of knights has zero bearing on the topic. The invention of the crossbow and the longbow spelled the end of mounted knights. During the Crusades, the organized footsoldiers defeated the knights.
Yes, nobility does not always win, so what? Need to lick the ass of the villains?

Slaves did not gain anything from the fact that they were driven to war, they fought for their slavery.

Does it apply now? Yes. The American army is the epitome of the knightly army today.
At least it's close.

Does nobility apply to smelly dogs? No, you just need to kill them.

Did I answer your questions?

Crossbows are not the end of cavalry. Cavalry was successful even in the 20th century

Polish hussars crushed the Ottoman Empire. Then there were already mass musketeers.

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