Chinese feminists insult women

I like how every actors face (except the woman) looks clean as fuck, like they all just took a nice shower in a hotel room. I guess they forgot that they were supposed to be medeival dudes who live in a dirty forest. :laugh:

And all of them have a clean full set of teeth. :auiqs.jpg:
The film Drive with Dacascas was not too "realistic" but there was good stunts and acrobatics, and the lovely Brittany Murphy. Now look at the "realism" of the Matrix, with Keanu Reeves who does not raise his leg above the navel and animation, but instead of Brittany African American with red pills. It's definitely more realistic lol. Because the left doesn't like it when someone can make quality action, it reminds them of their bodily wretchedness.

You have gone off the deepend. You have gone from chastising a modern army because the officers are not chivalrous to the enlisted below them, to praising knights for disobeying orders, to comparing science fiction films to reality.

Oh, and the Matrx was a better film by every measure.
rupol (ru-paul?) is simple exercising his fantasy life.

Funny. :laughing0301:

Actually I think it means "Russian political - something or other." The "2000" could be his birth date, I'm guessing.

Makes you wonder why he's not down south with his classmates getting shit at by Ukrainians, instead of shitposting Soviet-era propaganda on here.

Maybe he has bone spurs or something. :04:
The film Drive with Dacascas was not too "realistic" but there was good stunts and acrobatics, and the lovely Brittany Murphy. Now look at the "realism" of the Matrix, with Keanu Reeves who does not raise his leg above the navel and animation, but instead of Brittany African American with red pills. It's definitely more realistic lol. Because the left doesn't like it when someone can make quality action, it reminds them of their bodily wretchedness.
True, The Matrix would have been a much better movie if this film crew had made it. :laugh:

There are also a lot of special effects in the drive, they organically complement a good production, and the fighters are real. The matrix has a mediocre production and mediocre actors, there is absolutely no taste and sense of proportion, it looks like a cheap cartoon
I think that the action genre went to shit because of the politics of the left. They teach people to be mediocre. The same thing happens in sports. The ass-sniffing champion has never been seen before in history.

The same in music etc
It's just a qualitatively different level compared to the Obama-Biden era

The aesthetics were different, there was the spirit of America, the spirit of the wild west everywhere.
What Hollywood is doing now is no different from Russian action films. The Russians never knew how to do action, everything they did looked ridiculous, and it was embarrassing to watch. Now Hollywood has caught up with them.
And Brittany was an actress from God. In any genre, she was divine, she really played the roles as an actress, and not just flashed her face in front of the camera.
it's just unbelievable what squalor we have fallen into since then, it has manifested itself in everything
It's just a qualitatively different level compared to the Obama-Biden era

Ok, in The Matrix Neo could do crazy stuff because he had powers. How did that dipshit in Drive do a flip over a guy? Unrealistic horseshit. Also, the acting is attrocious in Drive.
Not only do they engage in slave drill, they verbally abuse women. In the subtitles they write: you are marshing like pregnant ducks, I will apply punishments to you ... and so on

They cry

Also it seems they hungry they have signs of malnutrition

It follows from the text that they have a guardhouse for women. The guardhouse is a terrible thing, I know what it is. There people eat food for animals and they consider it good luck.

You're one of those "nice guys", aren't you?
Ok, in The Matrix Neo could do crazy stuff because he had powers. How did that dipshit in Drive do a flip over a guy? Unrealistic horseshit. Also, the acting is attrocious in Drive.
you're just an idiot who doesn't understand men's things
The point here is not realism, of course there is no realism, but Dacascas is a good athlete and stunts are masterful. It looks beautiful.
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you're just an idiot who doesn't understand men's things
The point here is not realism, of course there is no realism, but Dacascas is a good athlete and stunts are masterful. It looks beautiful.
Who gives a flying fuck about his athleticism? You cant shit on a highly beloved movie series and then trot out this Drive trash as a better version of The Matrix.

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