Chinese feminists insult women

Oh, how - I think - could you
With a hand full of rings
And caress the curls of the maidens - and manes of
your horses.

In one incredible leap
You have lived your short life...
And your curls, your sideburns
It snow falls.

Three hundred won - three!
Only the dead did not get up from the ground.
You were children and heroes
You all could.

Marina Tsvetaeva
I have no idea what's going on in this thread. I'm just here to bump up my post count by one.
This kind of "warriors" who fight with women

I like how every actors face (except the woman) looks clean as fuck, like they all just took a nice shower in a hotel room. I guess they forgot that they were supposed to be medeival dudes who live in a dirty forest. :laugh:
I like how every actors face (except the woman) looks clean as fuck, like they all just took a nice shower in a hotel room. I guess they forgot that they were supposed to be medeival dudes who live in a dirty forest. :laugh:
Perhaps they licked each other with their tongues, as is customary among dogs.
I like how every actors face (except the woman) looks clean as fuck, like they all just took a nice shower in a hotel room. I guess they forgot that they were supposed to be medeival dudes who live in a dirty forest. :laugh:

That was about as cheesy as a Rambo movie.

"Slavbo - First Blood"

That was about as cheesy as a Rambo movie.

"Slavbo - First Blood"

The worthy dream of the heroism of Rambo, and the fence dogs dream of ganging up on a young child and robbing him. It's a question of values, not a question of "realism"
The film Drive with Dacascas was not too "realistic" but there was good stunts and acrobatics, and the lovely Brittany Murphy. Now look at the "realism" of the Matrix, with Keanu Reeves who does not raise his leg above the navel and animation, but instead of Brittany African American with red pills. It's definitely more realistic lol. Because the left doesn't like it when someone can make quality action, it reminds them of their bodily wretchedness.
If I were Reeves, I would turn down this role. Why is he such a disgrace? Why play in an action movie if you have nothing to show?
Yes, nobility does not always win, so what? Need to lick the ass of the villains?

Slaves did not gain anything from the fact that they were driven to war, they fought for their slavery.

Does it apply now? Yes. The American army is the epitome of the knightly army today.
At least it's close.

Does nobility apply to smelly dogs? No, you just need to kill them.

Did I answer your questions?

Crossbows are not the end of cavalry. Cavalry was successful even in the 20th century

Polish hussars crushed the Ottoman Empire. Then there were already mass musketeers.

I did not say that cavalry was not successful. I said knights were not successful. They are what you used as an example of nobility. Knights were a form of cavalry, but most cavalry did not involve knights.

And cavalry was very tightly disciplined. They did not ignore orders, they followed them.

The US military is not a "knightly army". It is not solo warriors fighting and ignoring orders. Quite the contrary, it is a disciplined organization in which chivalry from officers towards their subordinates does not exist. And in the American army you follow orders.

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