Chris Christie is gonna be our next president

Christie has just as good a shot at the win as he does the nom. There's gonna be a veritable shit ton of people who will NOT hold their nose and vote Clinton - AND Clinton has a LOT of baggage.

Frankly Clinton isn't that likable for the Dems. They'd better think long and hard about handing her the nomination.

Hillary has the problem that she grates on people. Although, to be fair,her tenure at State raised her profile quite a bit.

I don't really think Christie has a good shot at the nomination.

First, the schedule is stacked against him. His sort of moderate social issue, sometimes government is allright as long as we aren't paying a teacher a decent wage views isn't going to play well in Iowa or SC.

Secondly, the guy is mean. Okay if you are an attack dog for another candidate. Heck, might even be good in a Veep. But frankly, people want a candidate who feels their pain, and Christie is more the kind of guy who inflicts it.

Third, I don't think the party's conservatives are going to go along with the "electability" argument a third time. They've held their noses twice for candidates they didn't really like, and they lost anyway. To OBAMA!!!!!!!!! Just dont' see them bending over a third time.

Christie is today's news because he was the only bright spot the GOP had in the 2013 elections. 2014 will create a whole new slew of heroes.

I keep going back to the "If not Christie then who?" argument. Jeb Bush is the only one that comes to mind that fits the mold of the classic GOP candidate.

I'm a liberal who is not affiliated with any party but here is what I think. I think the basic republican is alot like Grumps; tired of the culture war where the nominee wears his religion on his sleeve, is staunchly pro-life, anti-immigrant, etc... The basic republican wants someone who is going to make the trains run on time, strengthen the military, hold the line on domestic spending, be a cheerleader for the party.

Basically a politician; not a pope.

I don't see who is fitting into that mold very easily with the gravitas to head the ticket outside of Jeb Bush. Paul Ryan could have but he's been subjugated by the party elders and has been relegated to where ever he won't be in a line of sight to a TV camera... Scott Walker? I think he's wounded himself already by being pre-defined.

Sort of a de-facto nomination (in my mind) for the GOP at this point. Way too early.
He will carry single women, northeast indepenents and some hispanics. If he continues to support same sex marriage he will lose blacks.

Christie is popular in the northeast.
That is correct, and the further you move away from the east coast, the more his approval ratings sink.

He doesn't have a chance.

The only republican ticket that even has a chance will have to be true conservatives, as in Cruz, or Paul, or Lee, or West, or Carson. Those are the top contenders. Put any two together in any order and they will win.

I agree! Go with those guys. I take back what I said before about whatever 007 says! Go more conservative!
You're too stupid to realize your bull shit is actually what's good for the republican party.

But then... you ARE a libtard so... I don't expect you to be very smart.
Frankly Clinton isn't that likable for the Dems. They'd better think long and hard about handing her the nomination.

Hillary has the problem that she grates on people. Although, to be fair,her tenure at State raised her profile quite a bit.

I don't really think Christie has a good shot at the nomination.

First, the schedule is stacked against him. His sort of moderate social issue, sometimes government is allright as long as we aren't paying a teacher a decent wage views isn't going to play well in Iowa or SC.

Secondly, the guy is mean. Okay if you are an attack dog for another candidate. Heck, might even be good in a Veep. But frankly, people want a candidate who feels their pain, and Christie is more the kind of guy who inflicts it.

Third, I don't think the party's conservatives are going to go along with the "electability" argument a third time. They've held their noses twice for candidates they didn't really like, and they lost anyway. To OBAMA!!!!!!!!! Just dont' see them bending over a third time.

Christie is today's news because he was the only bright spot the GOP had in the 2013 elections. 2014 will create a whole new slew of heroes.

I keep going back to the "If not Christie then who?" argument. Jeb Bush is the only one that comes to mind that fits the mold of the classic GOP candidate.

I'm a liberal who is not affiliated with any party but here is what I think. I think the basic republican is alot like Grumps; tired of the culture war where the nominee wears his religion on his sleeve, is staunchly pro-life, anti-immigrant, etc... The basic republican wants someone who is going to make the trains run on time, strengthen the military, hold the line on domestic spending, be a cheerleader for the party.

Basically a politician; not a pope.

I don't see who is fitting into that mold very easily with the gravitas to head the ticket outside of Jeb Bush. Paul Ryan could have but he's been subjugated by the party elders and has been relegated to where ever he won't be in a line of sight to a TV camera... Scott Walker? I think he's wounded himself already by being pre-defined.

Sort of a de-facto nomination (in my mind) for the GOP at this point. Way too early.
This is what you leftards do every election. You try and pick the republican candidate based on your libtard standards.

Doesn't work that way, but I know why you do it. You're leftist operatives here spreading your garbage in hopes that you'll influence someone here into thinking like YOU do, which you know is wrong.

Problem with that his, most conservatives here know you're full shit, so you might as well be talking to the wall. We're not listening to your moronic crap.
That is correct, and the further you move away from the east coast, the more his approval ratings sink.

He doesn't have a chance.

The only republican ticket that even has a chance will have to be true conservatives, as in Cruz, or Paul, or Lee, or West, or Carson. Those are the top contenders. Put any two together in any order and they will win.

I agree! Go with those guys. I take back what I said before about whatever 007 says! Go more conservative!
You're too stupid to realize your bull shit is actually what's good for the republican party.

But then... you ARE a libtard so... I don't expect you to be very smart.

Why so angry? I'm agreeing with you. I think the Republican party should follow you and do what you say and you get angry?
Bored democrats throw out a name, claim this is the republican front runner, then attack whoever it is they put up. It's so transparent. What it is, a rehersal for whoever eventually runs to see how good their arguments will be?
Except for a few good points, Christie is disloyal. I mean seriously. He practically gave Obama the boost he needed by doing his little publicity stunt after Sandy.

He's so fat he could hide behind himself and still get caught.
That's right. More of that Party-over-country nonsense that the Republicans have become synonymous for in the last 20 years.

Keep it up. :thup:

non sequitur
non sense.
I would prefer Cruz, but I believe that most underestimate the likelihood that it could be Jeb Bush. He's married to a Hispanic, and is one smart guy. After eight years of the Obamination, a Bush like Jeb will be welcomed more than most realize.

I couldn't see anyone voting for a third Bush after the complete disasters the first two were.

The first one wasn't so bad. Better than Reagan IMO... by a considerable margin.
Hillary has the problem that she grates on people. Although, to be fair,her tenure at State raised her profile quite a bit.

I don't really think Christie has a good shot at the nomination.

First, the schedule is stacked against him. His sort of moderate social issue, sometimes government is allright as long as we aren't paying a teacher a decent wage views isn't going to play well in Iowa or SC.

Secondly, the guy is mean. Okay if you are an attack dog for another candidate. Heck, might even be good in a Veep. But frankly, people want a candidate who feels their pain, and Christie is more the kind of guy who inflicts it.

Third, I don't think the party's conservatives are going to go along with the "electability" argument a third time. They've held their noses twice for candidates they didn't really like, and they lost anyway. To OBAMA!!!!!!!!! Just dont' see them bending over a third time.

Christie is today's news because he was the only bright spot the GOP had in the 2013 elections. 2014 will create a whole new slew of heroes.

I keep going back to the "If not Christie then who?" argument. Jeb Bush is the only one that comes to mind that fits the mold of the classic GOP candidate.

I'm a liberal who is not affiliated with any party but here is what I think. I think the basic republican is alot like Grumps; tired of the culture war where the nominee wears his religion on his sleeve, is staunchly pro-life, anti-immigrant, etc... The basic republican wants someone who is going to make the trains run on time, strengthen the military, hold the line on domestic spending, be a cheerleader for the party.

Basically a politician; not a pope.

I don't see who is fitting into that mold very easily with the gravitas to head the ticket outside of Jeb Bush. Paul Ryan could have but he's been subjugated by the party elders and has been relegated to where ever he won't be in a line of sight to a TV camera... Scott Walker? I think he's wounded himself already by being pre-defined.

Sort of a de-facto nomination (in my mind) for the GOP at this point. Way too early.
This is what you leftards do every election. You try and pick the republican candidate based on your libtard standards.

Doesn't work that way, but I know why you do it. You're leftist operatives here spreading your garbage in hopes that you'll influence someone here into thinking like YOU do, which you know is wrong.

Problem with that his, most conservatives here know you're full shit, so you might as well be talking to the wall. We're not listening to your moronic crap.

Yet you read every word we write. I have you on ignore but saw where you quoted me and took a look. This one was humorous so I thought I'd respond and give you a treat there little boy.

Humorous on two fronts; that you don't care enough to respond yet you respond...funny. Also that you think I'm some sort of operative. Liberalism has it's own cache that doesn't need any cheerleading from me.

As for picking your candidates, the republican voters pick your candidates and they have done a really sorry job lately but, in their defense, the republican leadership is more interested in cashing checks and filling your trough with what they want you to consume. Shit-for-brains-morons likey you are only too happy to sop up every drop that Limbaugh, Palin, and Hannity pour in front of you. Those three are the leaders of your party and you will never, repeat NEVER, see their name on a ballot. Why? Because they have shit-for-brains-morons like yourself are a marionette for them; you'll say what they want you to say, act how they want you to act, and believe what they tell you to believe.

You don't believe me, do you kid? is your homework.

This Saturday or Sunday morning go out to your local sporting goods store and see if there is a line standing in front of the store. There will be if they sell bullets. Why? Because your "leaders" have convinced you shit-for-brains-morons that Obama is going to confiscate the guns and bullets. So there is now rationing taking place.

In 5 years; there hasn't been a gun or bullet rationed; yet the neaderthals willfully sop up the pig slop prepared for them and act exactly how you're controlled to act.
I agree! Go with those guys. I take back what I said before about whatever 007 says! Go more conservative!
You're too stupid to realize your bull shit is actually what's good for the republican party.

But then... you ARE a libtard so... I don't expect you to be very smart.

Why so angry? I'm agreeing with you. I think the Republican party should follow you and do what you say and you get angry?

I'm hoping for a Cruz/Paul ticket myself.
You honestly believe that America will vote in another Bush?


You folks seem to think America will vote for another Clinton, so why not?
Because the Clintons are all beloved, and the Bushes are all hiding in the bushes.


Oh wait. You are serious??????

Return of the practical white male leader. I love it

Not so FAST. I don't think so. It was clear when he was giving his speech for Romney at the convention it wasn't in his interest to promote Romney but himself.

I really don't care for Christy--I think he is self-motivated--a little too arrogant--and too fat for me.

We've got along ways to go here--and while I understand that the Tea Party and moderates need to come together--there's got to be a better candidate than Christy out there.
I would prefer Cruz, but I believe that most underestimate the likelihood that it could be Jeb Bush. He's married to a Hispanic, and is one smart guy. After eight years of the Obamination, a Bush like Jeb will be welcomed more than most realize.

I couldn't see anyone voting for a third Bush after the complete disasters the first two were.
Yeah, I think the Bush name is mud for the foreseeable future.
Except for a few good points, Christie is disloyal. I mean seriously. He practically gave Obama the boost he needed by doing his little publicity stunt after Sandy.

He's so fat he could hide behind himself and still get caught.

And this is the reason Christie will never win the WH. There are members of the GOP, mostly TP types, that will sit at home rather than vote for a man that said Obama is doing a good job. That is Christie's big problem. I think he would make a good resident, but unless the GOP smashed the TP in the upcoming battle, until they have no influence in the Primaries....Christie is dead in the water.

The Tea Party wasn't exactly enamored with Mitt Romney, yet he still got the nomination.

And look how well THAT turned out! :cuckoo:
I would prefer Cruz, but I believe that most underestimate the likelihood that it could be Jeb Bush. He's married to a Hispanic, and is one smart guy. After eight years of the Obamination, a Bush like Jeb will be welcomed more than most realize.

I couldn't see anyone voting for a third Bush after the complete disasters the first two were.
Yeah, I think the Bush name is mud for the foreseeable future.


Pretty funny the way dubya has dropped off the face of the earth only to pop up now and then with another really tacky "painting".

And Jeb doesn't have much to recommend him. He sure as hell can't ask his bro to stump for him.
T E A = taxed enough already. Not ultra right, not radical, but scares the shit out of dems and libs.

We on the left love them. They are tearing the right apart. More Tea people please.

You will continue to shake in your boots as Christie tramples the far right.

Just like McCain and Romney did...oh, wait...

Dude, just stop. The bogus "moderate Republican" line has always been BS and everyone realizes it.
He will carry single women, northeast indepenents and some hispanics. If he continues to support same sex marriage he will lose blacks.

Christie is popular in the northeast.
That is correct, and the further you move away from the east coast, the more his approval ratings sink.

He doesn't have a chance.

The only republican ticket that even has a chance will have to be true conservatives, as in Cruz, or Paul, or Lee, or West, or Carson. Those are the top contenders. Put any two together in any order and they will win.

I agree! Go with those guys. I take back what I said before about whatever 007 says! Go more conservative!

Considering the last FOUR "moderates" that ran (Bush Sr., Dole, McCain, Romney) have gotten pasted...yep, go conservative!

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