Chris Christie is gonna be our next president

We on the left love them. They are tearing the right apart. More Tea people please.

You will continue to shake in your boots as Christie tramples the far right.

Just like McCain and Romney did...oh, wait...

Dude, just stop. The bogus "moderate Republican" line has always been BS and everyone realizes it.

Dude, you just stop. :lol: The far right BS has come to an end. Christie will bow you guys over and make you like it.

Truly, kid, the far right's hey-day is ovah foh eva!
If you think ANYONE still buys your "moderate Republican" line of horse shit, you truly are the STUPIDEST poster on this board. You are a liberal, have quite likely NEVER been a Republican of any kind, and are simply lying through your teeth.
I wont vote for him.

I'd have a hard time voting for tubby……However, if it's a choice between the Kool_Aid man and Hillary "The Murderer" Clinton….I'd cast my vote for KoolAid. I'd hold my nose and cast my vote. Why? If you don't vote you have no right to bitch….
If you think ANYONE still buys your "moderate Republican" line of horse shit, you truly are the STUPIDEST poster on this board. You are a liberal, have quite likely NEVER been a Republican of any kind, and are simply lying through your teeth.

You far righty reactionaries are finding out you have no say anymore.

Notice the GOP efforts to reform, not repeal, ACA.

It's called governance.

You are a far right conservative, nothing more, not a mainstream Republican.
If you think ANYONE still buys your "moderate Republican" line of horse shit, you truly are the STUPIDEST poster on this board. You are a liberal, have quite likely NEVER been a Republican of any kind, and are simply lying through your teeth.

You far righty reactionaries are finding out you have no say anymore.

Notice the GOP efforts to reform, not repeal, ACA.

It's called governance.

You are a far right conservative, nothing more, not a mainstream Republican.

You are so full of crap that it is seeping out of your mouth. "Governance". To you, it means being a subject. You wouldn't know "freedom" if it jumped up and bit you on your communist ass.
There are too many republicans who don't live in the northeast for Christie to win the primary. He's got a very narrow constituency.
If you think ANYONE still buys your "moderate Republican" line of horse shit, you truly are the STUPIDEST poster on this board. You are a liberal, have quite likely NEVER been a Republican of any kind, and are simply lying through your teeth.

Actually, Jake is what Republicans looked like before the religious nuts and the Randian idoits got a seat at the table...
If you think ANYONE still buys your "moderate Republican" line of horse shit, you truly are the STUPIDEST poster on this board. You are a liberal, have quite likely NEVER been a Republican of any kind, and are simply lying through your teeth.

Actually, Jake is what Republicans looked like before the religious nuts and the Randian idoits got a seat at the table...

100% correct: no social con, no randian, no libertarian, no reactionary, no TPM. I am not stained by those aberrations of American values.
You're totally wrong about Christy getting the nomination, though.

Just saying, bud.

I think the GOP's best shot will be someone like the governor of Indiana. Low key, gets things done.

Definitely someone from outside of Washington.
If you think ANYONE still buys your "moderate Republican" line of horse shit, you truly are the STUPIDEST poster on this board. You are a liberal, have quite likely NEVER been a Republican of any kind, and are simply lying through your teeth.

You far righty reactionaries are finding out you have no say anymore.

Notice the GOP efforts to reform, not repeal, ACA.

It's called governance.

You are a far right conservative, nothing more, not a mainstream Republican.

Wow, you POUNDED that straw man, kid! I will give you one trillion dollars if you can point out ONE POST where I claimed to be a "mainstream Republican"...or hell, ANY kind of Republican!
If you think ANYONE still buys your "moderate Republican" line of horse shit, you truly are the STUPIDEST poster on this board. You are a liberal, have quite likely NEVER been a Republican of any kind, and are simply lying through your teeth.

Actually, Jake is what Republicans looked like before the religious nuts and the Randian idoits got a seat at the table...

No, not really...and would you and Jake please confine your circle-jerk to PM's!
I don't know why.... but for the life of mine... I can not see Chris Christie as the next Prezzie.

Trying but can't :dunno:
Let me help.

I know why your inner being will not accept Chris Christie as President. In a word, you are perceptive. You see through his skillfully constructed facade. He is an artfully deceptive authoritarian who knows how to manipulate the simple minds of the vast majority of New Jerseyans -- who are basically good and decent people but who are extremely unsophisticated.


You are able to push aside the veil and catch a glimpse of the real Chris Christie when the mask slips.
If you think ANYONE still buys your "moderate Republican" line of horse shit, you truly are the STUPIDEST poster on this board. You are a liberal, have quite likely NEVER been a Republican of any kind, and are simply lying through your teeth.

Actually, Jake is what Republicans looked like before the religious nuts and the Randian idoits got a seat at the table...

No, not really...and would you and Jake please confine your circle-jerk to PM's!

Yup, really, son. You are on the outside looking in, where you are going to remain.
I wont vote for him.

I'd have a hard time voting for tubby……However, if it's a choice between the Kool_Aid man and Hillary "The Murderer" Clinton….I'd cast my vote for KoolAid. I'd hold my nose and cast my vote. Why? If you don't vote you have no right to bitch….
Jesus, what a choice to make. It will be like choosing between pancreatic or brain cancers.

The trick played on us by the ruling class is manipulating the candidate selection, such as the choice between McCain and Obama when we could have had Dennis Kucinich or Mike Gravel, either of whom would have put the Nation back on track by enabling prosecutions of the Bush Crime Family, seizing control of the banks and prosecuting the bankers.

We could have choices like Bernie Sanders and Sherrod Brown but here we are talking about Chris Christie and Hillary Clinton. And it's done with money.
I wont vote for him.

I'd have a hard time voting for tubby……However, if it's a choice between the Kool_Aid man and Hillary "The Murderer" Clinton….I'd cast my vote for KoolAid. I'd hold my nose and cast my vote. Why? If you don't vote you have no right to bitch….
Jesus, what a choice to make. It will be like choosing between pancreatic or brain cancers.

The trick played on us by the ruling class is manipulating the candidate selection, such as the choice between McCain and Obama when we could have had Dennis Kucinich or Mike Gravel, either of whom would have put the Nation back on track by enabling prosecutions of the Bush Crime Family, seizing control of the banks and prosecuting the bankers.

We could have choices like Bernie Sanders and Sherrod Brown but here we are talking about Chris Christie and Hillary Clinton. And it's done with money.

YOu mean the money goes on teh smart candidate...

The reason why we don't get Kucinich or Herman Cain as a candidate is because even though they appeal to the great unwashed, they are unelectable by the main. which is why the powerful push what they think are "electable" candidates.
I wouldn't vote for Christie because he has made a lot of political points screwing over working folks in NJ by wanting to cut their pay and benefits, and unfortunately, playing on the envy of working class folks who don't get good pay and benefits.

Kind of like when the Koch brother wolfs down 9 out of 10 cookies and then says "Hey, that union guy wants your cookie" to the Teabagger.
Christie appears to be the man who gets things done and looks out for people before his party which is just what the voters would want. He's more apt to get Congress working again because he can work across the aisle. That is exactly the kind of leader we need right now. A uniter!
Christie appears to be the man who gets things done and looks out for people before his party which is just what the voters would want. He's more apt to get Congress working again because he can work across the aisle. That is exactly the kind of leader we need right now. A uniter!

And that's why the tea baggers hate him with the heat of a thousand white hot suns...because he worked with the President.
Christie appears to be the man who gets things done and looks out for people before his party which is just what the voters would want. He's more apt to get Congress working again because he can work across the aisle. That is exactly the kind of leader we need right now. A uniter!

And that's why the tea baggers hate him with the heat of a thousand white hot suns...because he worked with the President.

sorry, wytch, but the hate is all on your side of the aisle. You hate anyone who dare disagree with your messiah, the great obama, savior of the USA and the world!.

you hate anyone who disagrees with your lesbian lifestyle

you hate anyone who is not a raving tax and spend liberal

you hate anyone who has worked hard and made money for themselves

you hate big business

you hate profit

you hate our military

But you love: muslims, huge national debt, gay marriage, illegal immigration, high taxes, govt control over your lives, and you feel sorry for murderers and rapists.

Now, tell me again who is fucked up.

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