Chris Christie is gonna be our next president

I would prefer Cruz, but I believe that most underestimate the likelihood that it could be Jeb Bush. He's married to a Hispanic, and is one smart guy. After eight years of the Obamination, a Bush like Jeb will be welcomed more than most realize.
You honestly believe that America will vote in another Bush?


Jeb could win against a weak Democratic candidate if he would do a good job of differentiating himself from his brother.
Except for a few good points, Christie is disloyal. I mean seriously. He practically gave Obama the boost he needed by doing his little publicity stunt after Sandy.

He's so fat he could hide behind himself and still get caught.

Says the fat, basement dwelling, unemployed loser who just demonstrated that he's more loyal to his ideology than his country.

If there is even a chance that you might accidentally get laid someday you should be sterilized.
Vintage [MENTION=31258]BDBoop[/MENTION] ignorance....

Obama has done such a bang up job that the Dumbocrats are a sure thing in 2016, right? :eusa_doh:

(Psst - you might want to see the pissing match going on between Bill Clinton and Barack Obama right now and then have someone give you a clue as to why that pissing match is going on).

Democrats have the 2016 presidential election locked up. You wanna make a $1000 bet on it?

Oh hell no [MENTION=45921]Iceman[/MENTION]... you guys have that shit locked up! :lmao:

Bush's ratings beat Obama's

You guys? I am not a democrat, I am a realist. So you will take the bet then?
I would prefer Cruz, but I believe that most underestimate the likelihood that it could be Jeb Bush. He's married to a Hispanic, and is one smart guy. After eight years of the Obamination, a Bush like Jeb will be welcomed more than most realize.

I couldn't see anyone voting for a third Bush after the complete disasters the first two were.
Christie has just as good a shot at the win as he does the nom. There's gonna be a veritable shit ton of people who will NOT hold their nose and vote Clinton - AND Clinton has a LOT of baggage.

Frankly Clinton isn't that likable for the Dems. They'd better think long and hard about handing her the nomination.

Hillary has the problem that she grates on people. Although, to be fair,her tenure at State raised her profile quite a bit.

I don't really think Christie has a good shot at the nomination.

First, the schedule is stacked against him. His sort of moderate social issue, sometimes government is allright as long as we aren't paying a teacher a decent wage views isn't going to play well in Iowa or SC.

Secondly, the guy is mean. Okay if you are an attack dog for another candidate. Heck, might even be good in a Veep. But frankly, people want a candidate who feels their pain, and Christie is more the kind of guy who inflicts it.

Third, I don't think the party's conservatives are going to go along with the "electability" argument a third time. They've held their noses twice for candidates they didn't really like, and they lost anyway. To OBAMA!!!!!!!!! Just dont' see them bending over a third time.

Christie is today's news because he was the only bright spot the GOP had in the 2013 elections. 2014 will create a whole new slew of heroes.
There's a glitch in the Matrix.

Unfortunately for you, that's no "glitch" - that's Obama's pitiful performance. It's so bad, he's even more hated in the Arab world that George W. Bush. :lmao:

Now tell us again how the Dumbocrats have the White House all locked up in 2016...
There's a glitch in the Matrix.

Unfortunately for you, that's no "glitch" - that's Obama's pitiful performance. It's so bad, he's even more hated in the Arab world that George W. Bush. :lmao:

Now tell us again how the Dumbocrats have the White House all locked up in 2016...

Ooooh, Poodle....

you guys think you can win with Crazy Rand or Ted the Canadian?
Return of the practical white male leader. I love it

This must be a troll post: not racist or sexist or anything. No ageism? What's wrong with you? LOL

As far as Christie being a viable candidate: this is the best the GOP has to offer? Tee hee.

Trust me, Chistie is not even in the top 100 best the GOP has to offer. Clearly you're a Dumbocrat who doesn't pay attention to anything with a comment like that.

Christie is just another liberal RINO...
Return of the practical white male leader. I love it

As of this post in time, I DO believe Christie would carry crucial, independents, women, Hispanics and some Democrats.

Poor guy....what a diverse load to keep happy....:lol:

He will carry single women, northeast indepenents and some hispanics. If he continues to support same sex marriage he will lose blacks.

Christie is popular in the northeast.
That is correct, and the further you move away from the east coast, the more his approval ratings sink.

He doesn't have a chance.

The only republican ticket that even has a chance will have to be true conservatives, as in Cruz, or Paul, or Lee, or West, or Carson. Those are the top contenders. Put any two together in any order and they will win.
I wont vote for him.

Neither will I.

I think the OP is full of shit.

Ted Cruz is going to be the next president.


Fat ass is just another one of those flash in the pans like Giuliani was that people get all excited about far too early. In all reality, he doesn't stand a snow balls chance in hell. He kissed obama's ass up one side and down the other and praised him like a democrat, and people have not and will not forget that. He would never get the needed conservative vote. He stands zero chance of ever being president. Not to mention, if you're for gun control as fat ass is, you will NEVER see the White House as a republican president. That just ain't gonna happen.

So laugh it up moron, but you're only making yourself look stupid. The republican that will be the nominee will be one of the ones that's established themselves as a conservative, and has OPPOSED obama at every turn, and that's Cruz, and Paul, and Lee, and the like.

So sorry to burst your libtard bubble about fat ass.
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As of this post in time, I DO believe Christie would carry crucial, independents, women, Hispanics and some Democrats.

Poor guy....what a diverse load to keep happy....:lol:

He will carry single women, northeast indepenents and some hispanics. If he continues to support same sex marriage he will lose blacks.

Christie is popular in the northeast.
That is correct, and the further you move away from the east coast, the more his approval ratings sink.

He doesn't have a chance.

The only republican ticket that even has a chance will have to be true conservatives, as in Cruz, or Paul, or Lee, or West, or Carson. Those are the top contenders. Put any two together in any order and they will win.

I agree! Go with those guys. I take back what I said before about whatever 007 says! Go more conservative!

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