Chris Christie Tied for Second in Latest Rasmussen Poll

holy fuck, you are literally the fucking stoopidest poster on the twaf

keep on clinging, stoopidest poster on the twaf


You literally have no argument.

I suppose that requires an intellect of some sort.

It really is amazing to me how people like you even end up on a message board.

Usually requires a degree of literacy, or at least critical thought.

Both of which, you suffer an extreme paucity of.

Two tons even.
I know Christy is not poor.
I could understand somebody living on a substandard income not being able to afford healthy food. But in his situation it's just a lack of self-control.
That doesn't look good on the person when you're asking people to trust you.
Having said that Trump would be smart to drop about 50 lbs too.
You literally have no argument.

I suppose that requires intellect of some sort.

It really is amazing to me how people like you even end up on a message board.

Usually requires a degree of literacy, or at least critical thought.

Both of which, you suffer an extreme paucity of.


hey RetardyPatriot

You believe that the world is flat and the moon is made of green cheese.

Because your retarded alt-right loon media tells you so.

I suspect he is correct, and he lost the Independents. Donny is screwed and will take the party down with him. This campaign for him is about raising donations for his legal bills, not that he has a big history of fully paying is legal bills.

Trump currently beats Biden with Independents/undecideds.

From CNN today...


"But in our latest poll, Trump leads Biden by 7 points among the 29% of voters who view neither of them favorably. Significantly, a large chunk of this group (21%) said they either won’t vote or will vote for someone else in a Trump-Biden matchup.

Now a 7-point margin isn’t big enough to be too demonstrative; it’s within the margin of error. But recent polls from Quinnipiac University and The New York Times/Siena College also examined similar groups – those who liked neither man or those who disliked both. Both polls found Trump with a single-digit advantage and a lot of voters who said they wouldn’t vote for either likely major-party nominee.

Putting it all together, there’s a clear signal here: A lot of people who don’t like Biden are judging him against the alternative, whom they also don’t like, and deciding that the alternative (Trump) doesn’t sound as bad."

Christie? 2nd? In what? The buffet line?

President Trump gave up what could be a fabulous rich end of life. He saw the corruption, stupidity, lack of common sense in the idiots sent to DC. Or he could see outsiders using lowIQ Dems - R to take over from within. Christie is nothing but a useful idiot.

President Trump has worked his whole life becoming successful. He has the ultimate common sense compared to all the other idiots, on both sides.
I know Christy is not poor.
I could understand somebody living on a substandard income not being able to afford healthy food. But in his situation it's just a lack of self-control.
That doesn't look good on the person when you're asking people to trust you.
Having said that Trump would be smart to drop about 50 lbs too.

He's half the weight of the average retarded Trump cult shut-in on the twaf

It's only 9%, and Trump is almost certainly going to win this thing, but Chris Christie represents the NeverTrumpers who will never vote for Trump. And if 1 in 11 Republicans will not vote for Trump, that's a pretty big hill to climb for MAGA.

Whatever Toto.
It's a decent bet.

I've heard worse predictions.
If they try to run anybody but Biden they'll get washed out.
I'm pretty sure they know that. There's nobody on the other side with any name recognition. I mean nobody.
Unless Michelle Obama decides to jump in the race at the last minute in which case I believe she takes it. I did read an article a few months back where she did an interview discussing a potential run for the white house and her feelings about the entire thing were not subtle at all. She has absolutely no interest in it.
I can't say I blame her.
hey RetardyPatriot

You believe that the world is flat and the moon is made of green cheese.

Because your retarded alt-right loon media tells you so.




Just wow.

Dumbest poster on the entire message board?

It really is possible.

Don't ever change ;)


Just wow.

Dumbest poster on the entire message board?

It really is possible.

Don't ever change ;)

I guess I should have figured this out when someone made a thread about Chris Christie, someone whose relevance ran out years ago.

I guess I'm the sucker for being on this stupid chat.

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