Chris Christie

edthecynic, your talking points don't matter.
I don't know if you are from the Jersey Shore like me, but this is STILL a very big thing here because The Federal Emergency Management Agency warned the Christie administration just days after Hurricane Sandy that its decision to award a no-bid contract to a politically connected firm to haul away debris could jeopardize maximum federal reimbursement for towns. That means that WE local taxpayers will have to pay the difference between what FEMA pays and AshBritt charges!!!!!!!!! If you don't think our paying for Christie's political kickbacks doesn't matter, then you have never paid property taxes in NJ.

I didn't realize there was that kind of shit going on Ed....that sucks.
I like Christie as well.

edthecynic is going to have to do more than post talking points.
Wouldn't you think every politician would take lessons from a fat guy with a set of balls and the willingness to confront issues and people with straight talk?
I think we agree but it is just the terminology that needs to be clarified. It isn't that the nominee of either party needs to be a centrist. All they need to do is to move to the center in order to win the election. It was the failure to appeal to the independents that cost both McCain and Romney their elections. Both of them were "real" republicans. Both of them supported what was important to registered republican voters like small government. But in order to win they must appeal to more than just their base. That is why Christie has a better shot than Paul Ryan. Besides the experience of being a governor and embracing core republican principles he is pragmatic enough to know that he can't win if he alienates the independents. Ryan and the rest of the Tea Party don't understand that basic principle of election math. Christie does.

That is somewhat true. I think that also plays into the idea that the R’s primaries are closed. This can lead to a politician that better supports what you are looking for BUT it also leads the NEED to pander to the base, specifically the moral majority. That kills the candidate in the main because they focus like a laser on gay marriage, abortion and other social issues that are moot.

FWIW, I don’t think Romney had the problem though. He did quite well in the primaries in staying away from making those his central pieces and controlling the narrative enough to not get bogged down by that kind of rhetoric.
And you sound like the German people who remained complacent during Hitler's rise to tyranny.

This thread doesn't even have 100 posts yet but already you are invoking Godwin's Law? Perhaps you might be happier on the Freeper message boards.
Perhaps you should kiss my ass.

An SA Nazi would love too. Stop that nonsense, please.

Being against Christi is not being Nazi, for heaven's sake.

Being against Christie is simply stupid.
This thread doesn't even have 100 posts yet but already you are invoking Godwin's Law? Perhaps you might be happier on the Freeper message boards.
Perhaps you should kiss my ass.

Doubling down by resorting to vulgarities? Tut-tut.
When you post bullshit remarks like suggesting I should find another site, you deserve whatever I throw back at you. Are you here to discuss something, or are you here to poke a stick at everyone who doesn't share your opinions?
When you resort to Godwin's law, S. J., you open yourself to insult. CK has perhaps the most open and best board, period, but you have to play by the rules (as I am told all the time :lol:) and when you talk stupidly, as you do at times, you will get hit hard.

Don't whine.
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When you resort to Godwin's law, S. J., you open yourself to insult. CK has perhaps the most open and best board, period, but you have to play by the rules (as I am told all the time :lol:) and when you talk stupidly, as you do at times, you will get hard.

Don't whine.
I truly believe that you get hard when you talk stupidly, Jake, but I don't. :lol:
When you resort to Godwin's law, S. J., you open yourself to insult. CK has perhaps the most open and best board, period, but you have to play by the rules (as I am told all the time :lol:) and when you talk stupidly, as you do at times, you will get hit hard.

Don't whine.
I truly believe that you get hard when you talk stupidly, Jake, but I don't. :lol:

You just proved my point. You don't think, just emote.

Don't whine.
When you resort to Godwin's law, S. J., you open yourself to insult. CK has perhaps the most open and best board, period, but you have to play by the rules (as I am told all the time :lol:) and when you talk stupidly, as you do at times, you will get hit hard.

Don't whine.
I truly believe that you get hard when you talk stupidly, Jake, but I don't. :lol:

You just proved my point. You don't think, just emote.

Don't whine.
Troll on, Jake.
Perhaps you should kiss my ass.

Doubling down by resorting to vulgarities? Tut-tut.
When you post bullshit remarks like suggesting I should find another site, you deserve whatever I throw back at you. Are you here to discuss something, or are you here to poke a stick at everyone who doesn't share your opinions?

So according to you America with President Obama is identical to pre-WW2 Germany and you expect to be taken seriously? Suggesting that you look elsewhere for kindred spirits who share your paranoia was being kind. Feel free to remain here and destroy your own credibility with ridiculous allegations. The rest of us will continue to deal with reality and the future. Have a nice day.
Doubling down by resorting to vulgarities? Tut-tut.
When you post bullshit remarks like suggesting I should find another site, you deserve whatever I throw back at you. Are you here to discuss something, or are you here to poke a stick at everyone who doesn't share your opinions?

So according to you America with President Obama is identical to pre-WW2 Germany and you expect to be taken seriously? Suggesting that you look elsewhere for kindred spirits who share your paranoia was being kind. Feel free to remain here and destroy your own credibility with ridiculous allegations. The rest of us will continue to deal with reality and the future. Have a nice day.
One does not have to be paranoid to see the similarities between Hitler and Obama, but one DOES have to be somewhat blind to NOT see them. The last few weeks alone should be enough to make all Americans take notice. You may think it's fine for a president to use the IRS to silence his political opponents, or to eaves drop on journalists and their families, but even some of Obama's most ardent supporters in the media recognize that these are the tactics of a tyrant. I don't give a shit if you want to bend over for Obama, that's your business, but if you talk down to me, you can expect a response. Comprende?
One does not have to be paranoid to see the similarities between Hitler and Obama. . .

Yeah, one does have to be very paranoid to make that comparison. That is why the TPM is losing weight and power in the GOP.
What are your thoughts on him?

Not much and not often.

He's amongst this crop of current Republican governors who thinks that people who work for the state need to be abused just like their private enterprise counterparts.

I guess because he doesn't throw adjectives in front of the word "rape" in order to push anti-choice views, that makes him more acceptable. Not really.
When you post bullshit remarks like suggesting I should find another site, you deserve whatever I throw back at you. Are you here to discuss something, or are you here to poke a stick at everyone who doesn't share your opinions?

So according to you America with President Obama is identical to pre-WW2 Germany and you expect to be taken seriously? Suggesting that you look elsewhere for kindred spirits who share your paranoia was being kind. Feel free to remain here and destroy your own credibility with ridiculous allegations. The rest of us will continue to deal with reality and the future. Have a nice day.
One does not have to be paranoid to see the similarities between Hitler and Obama,
Mea culpa. One has to suffer from paranoid delusions. Thank you for making that distinction.
but one DOES have to be somewhat blind to NOT see them. The last few weeks alone should be enough to make all Americans take notice. You may think it's fine for a president to use the IRS to silence his political opponents, or to eaves drop on journalists and their families, but even some of Obama's most ardent supporters in the media recognize that these are the tactics of a tyrant. I don't give a shit if you want to bend over for Obama, that's your business, but if you talk down to me, you can expect a response. Comprende?

The evidence of your paranoid delusions is right there because neither of those allegations are happening. There was no directive from Obama to the IRS to "silence" anyone and the Justice department did NOT listen to any conversations.

There is no evidence that Obama had anything at all to do with the way the IRS chose to interpret tax laws. The DoJ is investigating a serious national security leak and legally obtained the phone records only.

But FACTS have always been meaningless to those who prefer kneejerk emoting rather than think for themselves.

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