Chris Christie

One does not have to be paranoid to see the similarities between Hitler and Obama. . .

Yeah, one does have to be very paranoid to make that comparison. That is why the TPM is losing weight and power in the GOP.
Your opinion, which is irrelevant, like you.

Your paranoia is irrelevant, S. J., because you have little political power. The American people are tired of the far right's "the sky is falling" nonsense.
The evidence of your paranoid delusions is right there because neither of those allegations are happening. There was no directive from Obama to the IRS to "silence" anyone and the Justice department did NOT listen to any conversations.

There is no evidence that Obama had anything at all to do with the way the IRS chose to interpret tax laws. The DoJ is investigating a serious national security leak and legally obtained the phone records only.

But FACTS have always been meaningless to those who prefer kneejerk emoting rather than think for themselves.
The thing about your "FACTS" is that they require the assumption that the POTUS is being honest. There is a pattern with this president and a track record of him going after his political opponents. Let's have an unobstructed investigation to find out exactly what he knew, and what he did or didn't authorize. Either he's totally incompetent, or he's a liar.
Only brown nose sycophants like you are willing to accept anything and everything he says and does without question, and I'm not surprised you are defending him. The rest of us, however, want an investigation.
The evidence of your paranoid delusions is right there because neither of those allegations are happening. There was no directive from Obama to the IRS to "silence" anyone and the Justice department did NOT listen to any conversations.

There is no evidence that Obama had anything at all to do with the way the IRS chose to interpret tax laws. The DoJ is investigating a serious national security leak and legally obtained the phone records only.

But FACTS have always been meaningless to those who prefer kneejerk emoting rather than think for themselves.
The thing about your "FACTS" is that they require the assumption that the POTUS is being honest. There is a pattern with this president and a track record of him going after his political opponents. Let's have an unobstructed investigation to find out exactly what he knew, and what he did or didn't authorize. Either he's totally incompetent, or he's a liar.
Only brown nose sycophants like you are willing to accept anything and everything he says and does without question, and I'm not surprised you are defending him. The rest of us, however, want an investigation.

There are already investigations under way into both scandals. Too bad your faux "news sources" don't provide you with the FACTS. Needless to say you were proved wrong on both counts but can't admit as much. That is one of your greatest weaknesses.
What? Another call for an investigation? The haters have been doing it since inauguration day 2009.

Fools, this over. Move on.
What? Another call for an investigation? The haters have been doing it since inauguration day 2009.

Fools, this over. Move on.

In the instance of the IRS there does need to be an investigation, Jake. There should never be any reason why the IRS would target a political organization based upon it's affiliation. That is simply wrong and whomever is responsible (up and including anyone in the WH if needs be) must be held accountable.

The DoJ investigation into the national security leak was simply BAU. There was no violation of anyone's rights. This one is going nowhere but a failure to investigate will be seen as a "cover up". Basically a Lose-Lose but that is how politics is played.

The biggest risk to having these investigations is to the Tea Party itself. If they overplay their hand (and given their track record they will) then they end up losing more than they gain. The political game takes finesse. Something that is in short supply amongst the TPers.
It is called 'common sense', and that is why this thing should be over. They vote, generally, for my candidates, but the trick is to keep them from alienating more votes than they themselves cast.
The evidence of your paranoid delusions is right there because neither of those allegations are happening. There was no directive from Obama to the IRS to "silence" anyone and the Justice department did NOT listen to any conversations.

There is no evidence that Obama had anything at all to do with the way the IRS chose to interpret tax laws. The DoJ is investigating a serious national security leak and legally obtained the phone records only.

But FACTS have always been meaningless to those who prefer kneejerk emoting rather than think for themselves.
The thing about your "FACTS" is that they require the assumption that the POTUS is being honest. There is a pattern with this president and a track record of him going after his political opponents. Let's have an unobstructed investigation to find out exactly what he knew, and what he did or didn't authorize. Either he's totally incompetent, or he's a liar.
Only brown nose sycophants like you are willing to accept anything and everything he says and does without question, and I'm not surprised you are defending him. The rest of us, however, want an investigation.

There are already investigations under way into both scandals. Too bad your faux "news sources" don't provide you with the FACTS. Needless to say you were proved wrong on both counts but can't admit as much. That is one of your greatest weaknesses.
You disagreeing with me is not proving me wrong, asshole. You haven't proven shit.
What? Another call for an investigation? The haters have been doing it since inauguration day 2009.

Fools, this over. Move on.

In the instance of the IRS there does need to be an investigation, Jake. There should never be any reason why the IRS would target a political organization based upon it's affiliation. That is simply wrong and whomever is responsible (up and including anyone in the WH if needs be) must be held accountable.

The DoJ investigation into the national security leak was simply BAU. There was no violation of anyone's rights. This one is going nowhere but a failure to investigate will be seen as a "cover up". Basically a Lose-Lose but that is how politics is played.

The biggest risk to having these investigations is to the Tea Party itself. If they overplay their hand (and given their track record they will) then they end up losing more than they gain. The political game takes finesse. Something that is in short supply amongst the TPers.
Shakey Jake gets bitch slapped by his own butt buddy. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
S. J. just walked into the wall and is seeing stars. :lol: You are delusional, son.
You are living in another reality. America rejected the far right ideologues of the Republican party. Republicans rejected the far right ideologues. Nut jobs posting on message boards do not represent America or the Republican party in general. This is why Romney had to pander to nut jobs when running for the Republican nomination, yet saw his poll numbers rise after leaning back towards the middle in the general election. However loud you are, people like you and the other far right USMB whackos are a minority.

I always have to laugh when someone on the Left declares that "America has rejected the right", meanwhile groups like the Tea Party are still gaining strength and scare the left so much that they had to break the laws to keep them silent for the past two elections.

Teabaggers are old, white, half dead bitter crazies. Youth aren't buying their snake oil but are mocking them. as we have seen in this past election:eusa_whistle:

No, you are thinking of.....


How is that dinosaur McCain even still alive? Is he secretly stealing peoples organs like Dick Cheney again?
What? Another call for an investigation? The haters have been doing it since inauguration day 2009.

Fools, this over. Move on.

In the instance of the IRS there does need to be an investigation, Jake. There should never be any reason why the IRS would target a political organization based upon it's affiliation. That is simply wrong and whomever is responsible (up and including anyone in the WH if needs be) must be held accountable.

The DoJ investigation into the national security leak was simply BAU. There was no violation of anyone's rights. This one is going nowhere but a failure to investigate will be seen as a "cover up". Basically a Lose-Lose but that is how politics is played.

The biggest risk to having these investigations is to the Tea Party itself. If they overplay their hand (and given their track record they will) then they end up losing more than they gain. The political game takes finesse. Something that is in short supply amongst the TPers.
Shakey Jake gets bitch slapped

More delusions? If you believe that constitutes a "bitch slapping" then your cluelessness has been seriously underrated.
In the instance of the IRS there does need to be an investigation, Jake. There should never be any reason why the IRS would target a political organization based upon it's affiliation. That is simply wrong and whomever is responsible (up and including anyone in the WH if needs be) must be held accountable.

The DoJ investigation into the national security leak was simply BAU. There was no violation of anyone's rights. This one is going nowhere but a failure to investigate will be seen as a "cover up". Basically a Lose-Lose but that is how politics is played.

The biggest risk to having these investigations is to the Tea Party itself. If they overplay their hand (and given their track record they will) then they end up losing more than they gain. The political game takes finesse. Something that is in short supply amongst the TPers.
Shakey Jake gets bitch slapped

More delusions? If you believe that constitutes a "bitch slapping" then your cluelessness has been seriously underrated.

Then why are you backtracking?

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