Chris Christy on Trump

Chrispy Cream says that Trump is a grifter and a liar.

However, not a word about Biden being the same.

Why is Chris running as a Republican again?
Crispy working to undermine Trump only validates Trump as far as I'm concerned. Crispy is just a bloated republicrat.
Crispy working to undermine Trump only validates Trump as far as I'm concerned. Crispy is just a bloated republicrat.
That's the problem with you guys. You don't care that the media, Democrats, Half the Republican party or rest of the world believes about Trump. He's your missiah. Your Mishugina. LOL It's a big cult. You've split the party.
If you believe that or

man made climate change isn't real
The election was rigged
Trump cares about you
The charges against Trump are political
Vaccines didn't work
Abortion should be illegal

I really have no respect for your opinion.
Look at that list of con jobs. It’s what you get off on
Any hopes he had for an elected office, as a Republican, went up in smoke with that nonsense.
That's all it took? But Trump can be found guilty of rape, impeached twice, have 80 counts and counting in upcoming criminal trials, all that. Trump can do whatever he wants and Christie makes 2 mistakes and that disqualifies him?

Too bad. He'd be your best debater.
Yup. And regarding your other question. Just recently. How embarrassing for Trump. He raped that woman. Got caught lying in classic Don fashion. They showed him a picture of the woman and he said "not my type". Showed him another picture of the woman and he said, "that's my ex wife".


Not his type. Cornered is his type.
Yup. And regarding your other question. Just recently. How embarrassing for Trump. He raped that woman. Got caught lying in classic Don fashion. They showed him a picture of the woman and he said "not my type". Showed him another picture of the woman and he said, "that's my ex wife".


Not his type. Cornered is his type.
As usual
Trump is his own worst enemy in a legal case
He needs to learn to keep his mouth shut
That's the problem with you guys. You don't care that the media, Democrats, Half the Republican party or rest of the world believes about Trump. He's your missiah. Your Mishugina. LOL It's a big cult. You've split the party.
Trump was the one who tried to get max national growth every year with minimal government interference. We are a dying nation, and you think we are not. It is slow or it is fast. You actually believe everyone getting paid off is natural. With a global owned fiat currency where the owners takes a legalized gangster cut from.
Trump was the one who tried to get max national growth every year with minimal government interference. We are a dying nation, and you think we are not. It is slow or it is fast. You actually believe everyone getting paid off is natural. With a global owned fiat currency where the owners takes a legalized gangster cut from.

Hey, the baby boomers ripped this country off big time. And I don't want the government to have to get involved. Other than making it so seniors can retire with dignity. That's how I judge a great nation. Not by how well it's richest citizens are doing. How's the middle class doing?

In the years since corporations and Republicans broke unions, the rich have gotten extremely wealthy and the middle class has taken a step backward.

I compare myself, a college educated man with no kids and no debt to my dad who never graduated from High School and went to work for Ford (union job). Man he had it good. And so did a lot of the baby boomers. They got paid a fair wage. Then they got older and took over the government and now tell us sorry we can't have it as good as them. We have to work till we are 70 and we may have to take a pay cut. And pensions are unaffordable, even though they gave them to themselves.
Trump was the one who tried to get max national growth every year with minimal government interference. We are a dying nation, and you think we are not. It is slow or it is fast. You actually believe everyone getting paid off is natural. With a global owned fiat currency where the owners takes a legalized gangster cut from.
Trump rode the Obama economy until he crashed it
Trump was the one who tried to get max national growth every year with minimal government interference. We are a dying nation, and you think we are not. It is slow or it is fast. You actually believe everyone getting paid off is natural. With a global owned fiat currency where the owners takes a legalized gangster cut from.
Trump promised 4, 5 maybe even 6% growth. I remember in 2019 he had 2.3% growth. Obama had 2.2% growth.

Trump gave the biggest tax break in US history and we got a .01 bump.
Trump rode the Obama economy until he crashed it
He gave HUGE tax breaks to us all. It was supposed to create a boom. In 2019 he only did .01% better than Obama. Why? Because he started a fucking trade war with China.

Republicans defended him and said it was the best time. Sorry but manufacturing is going to take a hit until we win the trade war with China. I seem to recall the last time manufacturing took a big hit. THE BUSH YEARS!!!

Republicans are horrible to manufacturing.

Hell, MI was struggling when Bush 1 was POTUS. I remember I was graduating college and it was hard to find a job in Michigan back then.

Maybe it's why I hate Republicans. The fuck us every 4 or 8 years.

I can't believe in my lifetime I've seen 3 1 term POTUS'. Carter, Bush 1 and Trump.
Yup. And regarding your other question. Just recently. How embarrassing for Trump. He raped that woman. Got caught lying in classic Don fashion. They showed him a picture of the woman and he said "not my type". Showed him another picture of the woman and he said, "that's my ex wife".


Not his type. Cornered is his type.
What lady?
Trump and the criminals he hired and fired or went to jail weren't the swamp?

Again, don't forget the Saudi Prince himself invested $2 bill in Jared K's company. That's the swamp pal.
No, dummy. The swamp is in DC, it ain't in Saudi Arabia. The swamp is bureaucrats like that little weasel Garland, bootlicking yes men who are entirely beholden to their elitist masters for their position and status in life.

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