Chris Cornell dead

So faggots aren't supposed to like his music? Was he homophobic? Or is that just you?
Shut up, you ridiculous douche.
So fags ARE allowed to like his music? What about suicidal people?
Shut up douche.
Douche? You mean the people who like his music?
No, as in the device you use to fuck your own ass, you sad little piece of shit
Do all his fans and his music reference anal plunging or is it just you?
And finally he broke its rusty cage of life, now you can get drunk in heaven with Kurt and Layne. RIP.
Chris Cornell's last song was Slaves and Bulldozers.

This is an awesome song, but he seems a bit messed up with his singing. I wonder if heroin played a role in his death? I would be willing to bet that it did. He had a known about problem with heroin. All of these guys seem to do heroin. Why on earth would they do something SO stupid? It must be the environment/atmosphere they are in.

That's one of the best Soundgarden songs ever! I graduated in 1991 and I lived in the Seattle area at the height of grunge, so I got to see EVERY memorable grunge band live, multiple times. I met Chris Cornell once back stage too. Nice guy.

I love that song. I will definitely miss his music. I've been a huge grunge fan since I first heard it in the early 90s. :( I just cannot wrap my head around how someone who seemingly has everything a person could want could want to kill himself, especially when he has a family and young kids.

He had his demons with opioids. That's a rough one. When I met him he was shy and bashful. He didn't seem comfortable being a star at all. Combine fame with secret depression and somethings bound to happen I suppose.

He quit hard drugs long ago and I don't think he went back. He did get into drinking too much after a divorce. His family says he was taking antivan which is a potentially addictive opiod based pill. Prescription drugs are messing up a lot of people nowadays.
Just be thankful that it was Chris Cornell, and not Corey Taylor. That would've been a national tragedy.
Wow. I'm guessing self inflicted, and/or drugs (which is also self inflicted). "Sudden and unexpected". I was not a big fans of 90's music, but two of the bands I could at least listen to their best songs were Stone Temple Pilots and Soundgarden. Both lead singers are dead now, well before their time.

Chris had been doing alot of solo concerts covering a broad range of songs from different genres in his post Soundgarden years. He had a voice that was recognizable by many.

He has been sober for years. Maybe he finally fell off the wagon. Or a health issue from singing his ass off on tour.

He was taking Ativan for anxiety. He called his wife the night of the show and told her he thought he had taken too many. maybe he got mixed up with the dose? forgot he took one already? or had some alcohol as well. Well, I think anxiety seems to be a pretty common thing with a lot of performers. If you take too many ativan, it can make you pretty loopy and disconnected. He ended up having a real bad show that night from what i hear he forgot whole parts of songs and was wandering off the stage, which would fit right in with taking too much of that drug. Who knows what was going through his mind? His wife was pretty concerned after he called her so she called Cornell's security detail, but they got there too late.
Chris Cornell's last song was Slaves and Bulldozers.

This is an awesome song, but he seems a bit messed up with his singing. I wonder if heroin played a role in his death? I would be willing to bet that it did. He had a known about problem with heroin. All of these guys seem to do heroin. Why on earth would they do something SO stupid? It must be the environment/atmosphere they are in.

That's one of the best Soundgarden songs ever! I graduated in 1991 and I lived in the Seattle area at the height of grunge, so I got to see EVERY memorable grunge band live, multiple times. I met Chris Cornell once back stage too. Nice guy.

I love that song. I will definitely miss his music. I've been a huge grunge fan since I first heard it in the early 90s. :( I just cannot wrap my head around how someone who seemingly has everything a person could want could want to kill himself, especially when he has a family and young kids.

He had his demons with opioids. That's a rough one. When I met him he was shy and bashful. He didn't seem comfortable being a star at all. Combine fame with secret depression and somethings bound to happen I suppose.

He quit hard drugs long ago and I don't think he went back. He did get into drinking too much after a divorce. His family says he was taking antivan which is a potentially addictive opiod based pill. Prescription drugs are messing up a lot of people nowadays.

His wife is saying that he called her 30 minutes before his death, and he wasn't making a lot of sense. He said he took more ativan than normal because he was upset with something. Some of these prescription drugs are worse than the illegal drugs.
Chris Cornell's last song was Slaves and Bulldozers.

This is an awesome song, but he seems a bit messed up with his singing. I wonder if heroin played a role in his death? I would be willing to bet that it did. He had a known about problem with heroin. All of these guys seem to do heroin. Why on earth would they do something SO stupid? It must be the environment/atmosphere they are in.

That's one of the best Soundgarden songs ever! I graduated in 1991 and I lived in the Seattle area at the height of grunge, so I got to see EVERY memorable grunge band live, multiple times. I met Chris Cornell once back stage too. Nice guy.

I love that song. I will definitely miss his music. I've been a huge grunge fan since I first heard it in the early 90s. :( I just cannot wrap my head around how someone who seemingly has everything a person could want could want to kill himself, especially when he has a family and young kids.

He had his demons with opioids. That's a rough one. When I met him he was shy and bashful. He didn't seem comfortable being a star at all. Combine fame with secret depression and somethings bound to happen I suppose.

He quit hard drugs long ago and I don't think he went back. He did get into drinking too much after a divorce. His family says he was taking antivan which is a potentially addictive opiod based pill. Prescription drugs are messing up a lot of people nowadays.

His wife is saying that he called her 30 minutes before his death, and he wasn't making a lot of sense. He said he took more ativan than normal because he was upset with something. Some of these prescription drugs are worse than the illegal drugs.

Yeah, people can easily let down their guard when taking these meds, and then in times of extreme stress someone could be pretty vulnerable. This whole thing really bothers me. i don't think he was an addict anymore and turned his life around. maybe just had a weak moment and a bad show, that might have been amplified as a big failure in his mind. could have pushed him over the edge. To bad, he just didnt have one person there to talk to at the right moment. I suppose it could be sort of a lesson. being aware of those around us. maybe just taking that extra moment to make sure they are ok.
Just be thankful that it was Chris Cornell, and not Corey Taylor. That would've been a national tragedy.

I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. It fucking better be.
No. It wasn't sarcasm. Corey Taylor is a far more gifted musician, and he too battled depression, and nearly commited suicide. Thankfully he pulled out of it.
Just be thankful that it was Chris Cornell, and not Corey Taylor. That would've been a national tragedy.

I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. It fucking better be.
No. It wasn't sarcasm. Corey Taylor is a far more gifted musician, and he too battled depression, and nearly commited suicide. Thankfully he pulled out of it.
Give us the best example of his song writing ability. He has a great voice too, but I don't think he is quite the musician that Chris Cornell was. There is more to being a great musician than simply singing well.
Song writing ability? Okay...

And that's just scratching the surface...
Yes... You are seeing that correctly... He headlines two major bands each with Grammy winning songs written by Corey Taylor.
Song writing ability? Okay...

And that's just scratching the surface...
Yes... You are seeing that correctly... He headlines two major bands each with Grammy winning songs written by Corey Taylor.

Taylor is great, I wouldnt take away from either of the two musician's abilities. I guess people can just have their biases in what kind of music is more inspiring. I do think though that Cornell played a larger part in transforming the early 90s music scene. I'd say the last song I posted easily rivals this song here in songwriting but then why should it really be a contest? Personally there was just something in Chris Cornell's voice that i really liked, that he was tapping into something.
Song writing ability? Okay...

And that's just scratching the surface...
Yes... You are seeing that correctly... He headlines two major bands each with Grammy winning songs written by Corey Taylor.

Taylor is great, I wouldnt take away from either of the two musician's abilities. I guess people can just have their biases in what kind of music is more inspiring. I do think though that Cornell played a larger part in transforming the early 90s music scene. I'd say the last song I posted easily rivals this song here in songwriting but then why should it really be a contest? Personally there was just something in Chris Cornell's voice that i really liked, that he was tapping into something.

Don't get me wrong... I'm not dogging Cornell. I'm just saying his time was brief. Taylor continues to grow and stay relevant. It sucks that Chris killed himself, but his real career as a shaper of the music scene ended over a decade ago.
Just be thankful that it was Chris Cornell, and not Corey Taylor. That would've been a national tragedy.

I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. It fucking better be.
No. It wasn't sarcasm. Corey Taylor is a far more gifted musician, and he too battled depression, and nearly commited suicide. Thankfully he pulled out of it.

Surprise surprise, a conservatard is a fan of a bunch of demented gimps who play music for faggots. Putting Corey Taylor in the same category as Chris Cornell is insulting to Chris and to music in general.

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