Chris Kyle: American Liar

Having read the book, I went and did some more research of Chris Kyle and his life. The things I found were pretty astounding. If you thought the Jesse Ventura fight was a hell of a yarn, wait until you get a load of some of the other stories Chris Kyle told about himself but left out of his book.

Chris told many people, and some reporters, that just after his return from Iraq in 2009, he was carjacked by two men at a gas station on a remote Texas highway. Chris asked the men if he could reach into his truck to get his keys, and as he did he pulled a pistol from his waistband and shot both men in the chest from under his armpit. The two men were killed instantly. Chris called the police and waited for them while leaning against his truck. The police came, Chris handed them a phone number to call at the Pentagon. The cops called the number, and the people at the Pentagon told the cops that Chris Kyle was a war hero and a Navy SEAL. The police also went inside and watched the gas station surveillance video of the incident. The cops then let Chris go on his way. Chris claimed he got emails from cops all across the country after the incident thanking him for "keeping the streets clean". Great story. Except none of it is true. Not a word. There were no carjackers, no dead bodies, no cops, none of it. He made the whole thing up. His big mistake was then telling the story to his SEAL friend, Marcus Lutrell, author of Lone Survivor, and Marcus put the story in his second book, Service: A Navy SEAL at Work. Now it wasn't just a tall-tale, it was in the public record, and it is demonstrably a lie. The New Yorker magazine and other journalists have investigated the story. They all come to the same conclusion. There were no carjackers. There were no dead bodies. There were no cops. None of it happened. No police departments know anything about it, no coroner ever saw the bodies, no gas station had any surveillance video or ever heard of such a thing and no cops ever responded to the scene and called the Pentagon.
Good thing Jesse Ventura never tells stories.
Deflect much?

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From what? Jesse Ventura's sterling reputation for scrupulous honesty?
Which you cannot refute, apparently.
Jesse Ventura is such a compelling nut job, he wouldn't would he.

The case didn't hinge on Ventura being truthful.
The guy slandered the Governor when he was a guest on the O'Really Factor. He was a patriot like the n00b POS SeniorChief_Polock
Good thing Jesse Ventura never tells stories.
Deflect much?

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk
From what? Jesse Ventura's sterling reputation for scrupulous honesty?
Which you cannot refute, apparently.
Jesse Ventura is such a compelling nut job, he wouldn't would he.

The case didn't hinge on Ventura being truthful.
Of course not, it hinges on Ventura, a loud mouth lying asshole, taking money from Kyle's widow and child. He should be real proud since the money is obviously all about Ventura's honor and reputation.
Thangod someone bumped this thread. The guy talked a lot of trash, his lifelong-civilian supporters ate it up, and karma did what it always does
only a dumbass like dottie would be happy someone bumped his thread when he is being made fun of.....and yet he will go and do another and the same shit will happen...
Kyle's widow and child
They're doing just fine, profiting off of death.

Save your concern for the poor kids who had legs blown off and have no support from fucking Republican assholes who sent them to war in Bush's Fuckup, then won't pay for their treatment and healthcare.
No doubt Chris Kyle is responsible for the decisions of the Bush Administration as well.
Kyle's widow and child
They're doing just fine, profiting off of death.

Save your concern for the poor kids who had legs blown off and have no support from fucking Republican assholes who sent them to war in Bush's Fuckup, then won't pay for their treatment and healthcare.
No doubt Chris Kyle is responsible for the decisions of the Bush Administration as well.
No, Bush owns every one of those fuckups.

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