Chris Kyle, Author Of 'American Sniper,' Shot And Killed At Gun Range

Can't say I feel sorry for this guy. This idiot wrote a book bragging about killing people. He basically said, I'M THE GREATEST SNIPER IN THE WORLD...AND YOU SNIVELING LITTLE SHITS CAN'T TOUCH ME. I knew he would get popped when he wrote that book. What a stupid thing for a soldier to do. Don't feel sorry for this idiot one bit. But no one ever said soldiers, especially Marine soldiers, were smart. That's why they joined the military, because they are stupid in the first place and can't get a job in america so they join the military.

You can say whatever you want about me...but you get negged for your comments about those who serve.

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You can say whatever you want about me...but you get negged for your comments about those who serve. And you got nagged because you\'re a lying, fake-vet, dishonorable, fraud enlisted piece of shit.


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Don't feel sorry for this idiot one bit. But no one ever said soldiers, especially Marine soldiers, were smart. That's why they joined the military, because they are stupid in the first place and can't get a job in america so they join the military.

I'd kick your ass right up to your throat if you were man enough to say that to my face.
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this is where he was - and I have found zero linking this to being Kyle's place.
Dallas Conference Center Fort Worth Conference Center Dallas Fort Worth Texas Wedding
Rough Creek Lodge and Resort

K I am likely wrong on this but his business did attract those types and was the shooter associated with the victim?

so you are spouting off without having any idea about anything of what actually happened? You might want to go back and actually read the links I posted.

Just posted from a Fox link.
And it proves that Kyle helped karma along a bit.
It is a bit surprising that someone so involved in killing was still interested in playing with weapons.
Yeah take a PTSD suffering vet to a shooting range give him a gun to help him deal with his demons?
Get back on that horse and ride pussy?

I feel some sympathy for the shooter....
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K I am likely wrong on this but his business did attract those types and was the shooter associated with the victim?

so you are spouting off without having any idea about anything of what actually happened? You might want to go back and actually read the links I posted.

Just posted from a Fox link.
And it proves that Kyle helped karma along a bit.

what you don't seem to understand is that facing ones fear sometimes is the best thing for it. Was that their intent? Unfortunately it went wrong this time, for whatever reason. We don't know if he had gone with them previously or not. We have no idea the mind set of this gentleman. But we do know that Kyle was trying to help the guy and yet he is being blamed for that. Seems he has devoted himself to trying to help those that suffer from PTSD, showing he is a caring individual.
Meh, a vet who took unsuspecting people out at a great distance from under cover, taken out by a ptsd suffering vet at a range by being shot in the back.

Karma is a bitch.

You might add at a range at the victims military style training camp.
Which attracts those like the shooter.

Yep Karma had some help.
this is where he was - and I have found zero linking this to being Kyle's place.
Dallas Conference Center Fort Worth Conference Center Dallas Fort Worth Texas Wedding
Rough Creek Lodge and Resort

He helped to design the range that is his only connection that I have found out.
"What I know is Chris and a gentleman -- great guy, I knew him well, Chad Littlefield -- took a veteran out shooting who was struggling with PTSD to try to assist him, try to help him, try to, you know, give him a helping hand and he turned the gun on both of them, killing them," Cox said. Routh then took Kyle's truck and fled, he said.

Read more: Former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle fatally shot at Texas shooting range | Fox News

so they too a guy with PTSD to a shooting range?
Yeah Karma had some help here.

I used to work with PTSD vets. and I am a vet who suffered with PTSD.
And taking them shooting is the last thing I wanted to do with them.

That really is like giving someone with lung cancer another cigarette. Instead of trying to help the poor guy, he literally gave him more of what made him sick - gun violence.
"What I know is Chris and a gentleman -- great guy, I knew him well, Chad Littlefield -- took a veteran out shooting who was struggling with PTSD to try to assist him, try to help him, try to, you know, give him a helping hand and he turned the gun on both of them, killing them," Cox said. Routh then took Kyle's truck and fled, he said.

Read more: Former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle fatally shot at Texas shooting range | Fox News

so they too a guy with PTSD to a shooting range?
Yeah Karma had some help here.

I used to work with PTSD vets. and I am a vet who suffered with PTSD.
And taking them shooting is the last thing I wanted to do with them.

That really is like giving someone with lung cancer another cigarette. Instead of trying to help the poor guy, he literally gave him more of what made him sick - gun violence.

You don't have to be so dramatic we know what your agenda is
You want less guns so their will be more violence of all types.
"What I know is Chris and a gentleman -- great guy, I knew him well, Chad Littlefield -- took a veteran out shooting who was struggling with PTSD to try to assist him, try to help him, try to, you know, give him a helping hand and he turned the gun on both of them, killing them," Cox said. Routh then took Kyle's truck and fled, he said.

Read more: Former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle fatally shot at Texas shooting range | Fox News

so they too a guy with PTSD to a shooting range?
Yeah Karma had some help here.

I used to work with PTSD vets. and I am a vet who suffered with PTSD.
And taking them shooting is the last thing I wanted to do with them.

That really is like giving someone with lung cancer another cigarette. Instead of trying to help the poor guy, he literally gave him more of what made him sick - gun violence.

You don't have to be so dramatic we know what your agenda is
You want less guns so their will be more violence of all types.

Dudley wants.....NO GUNS......don't believe his bullshit about owning guns and being for Gun Rights.....have you ever seen this asshole post anything supporting Guns?....everything he posts is Negative towards Guns......everything he says .....just like his Left Nut LaKunta.......say they are for gun rights ....but everything they post ....negative about guns....two nuts in a ballsack.....
He killed 125 people and you call him a good man?

“Another question people ask a lot: Did it bother you killing so many people in Iraq? I tell them, “No.” And I mean it. The first time you shoot someone, you get a little nervous. You think, can I really shoot this guy? Is it really okay? But after you kill your enemy, you see it’s okay. You say, Great. You do it again. And again. You do it so the enemy won’t kill you or your countrymen. You do it until there’s no one left for you to kill. That’s what war is.”

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