Chris Kyle, Author Of 'American Sniper,' Shot And Killed At Gun Range


By Benjamin Hart

Chris Kyle, an ex-Navy SEAL who wrote the bestelling book American Sniper about his service in Iraq, was shot and killed at a gun range in Texas, multiple outlets reported Saturday night. A second man was also killed.

According to local TV station KHOU, officials said that Kyle was shot at point-blank range "while helping another soldier who was recovering from post traumatic stress syndrome" at a range near the town of Glen Rose.

The Dallas Morning News reports that Lancaster, Texas police arrested a suspect, 25-year-old Eddie Ray Routh, after a brief chase.

Kyle had become well-known for his exploits in Iraq, where he deployed four times, set the record for sniper kills at 150, received numerous commendations, and, according to the Stephensville Empire Tribune, was given the nickname "The Devil of Ramadi" by insurgents.

Chris Kyle, Author Of 'American Sniper,' Shot And Killed At Gun Range

Sniper Chris Kyle killed in Erath County Saturday, man arrested in his, another's slaying | Crime Blog

May he rest in peace, it's tragic that his live ended that way, he's one of America's best. My sincerest heartfelt condolences to his family and his Brothers.
He killed 125 people and you call him a good man?

How many people did he save by killing those people? To quote Winston Churchill:

“We sleep safely at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence on those who would harm us.”

― Winston Churchill

Chris Kyle is one of those 'rough men'. RIP
This all could have been avoided if the victim was also armed and trained to handle a deadly weapon. That would of definitely caused the shooter to think twice before using his weapon.
He killed 125 people and you call him a good man?

How many people did he save by killing those people? To quote Winston Churchill:

“We sleep safely at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence on those who would harm us.”

― Winston Churchill

Chris Kyle is one of those 'rough men'. RIP

The same is true of American drones and frankly, I would rather see Americans live.
Can't say I feel sorry for this guy. This idiot wrote a book bragging about killing people. He basically said, I'M THE GREATEST SNIPER IN THE WORLD...AND YOU SNIVELING LITTLE SHITS CAN'T TOUCH ME. I knew he would get popped when he wrote that book. What a stupid thing for a soldier to do. Don't feel sorry for this idiot one bit. But no one ever said soldiers, especially Marine soldiers, were smart. That's why they joined the military, because they are stupid in the first place and can't get a job in america so they join the military.

LOL, all I can say is FUCK YOU ASSHOLE. If there wasn't a military, you probably would be someone's slave and we would be occupied by a foreign power who DID have a military.

I would love to see your ASVAB scores and see if you could even make the mental and physical cut to make it through basic training.
so you are spouting off without having any idea about anything of what actually happened? You might want to go back and actually read the links I posted.

Just posted from a Fox link.
And it proves that Kyle helped karma along a bit.

what you don't seem to understand is that facing ones fear sometimes is the best thing for it. Was that their intent? Unfortunately it went wrong this time, for whatever reason. We don't know if he had gone with them previously or not. We have no idea the mind set of this gentleman. But we do know that Kyle was trying to help the guy and yet he is being blamed for that. Seems he has devoted himself to trying to help those that suffer from PTSD, showing he is a caring individual.

Was either guy trained in psychology or psychiatry?
A tourniquet around the neck wil stop bleeding in any body part in about 4 minutes.
But it is not the proper way to stop bleeding.
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Abortion, I was wondering how long till someone brought that up.

Want me to post some car crash death specs?
I have to be all touchy feely for the most part now of course. But you people who are mocking this guy's service are freaking pathetic. None of you would ever have the balls to step up and serve your country.

True heroes don't write books or go on TV talk shows bragging about how many people they sniped.

I have to agree with that part of it.

By Benjamin Hart

Chris Kyle, an ex-Navy SEAL who wrote the bestelling book American Sniper about his service in Iraq, was shot and killed at a gun range in Texas, multiple outlets reported Saturday night. A second man was also killed.

According to local TV station KHOU, officials said that Kyle was shot at point-blank range "while helping another soldier who was recovering from post traumatic stress syndrome" at a range near the town of Glen Rose.

The Dallas Morning News reports that Lancaster, Texas police arrested a suspect, 25-year-old Eddie Ray Routh, after a brief chase.

Kyle had become well-known for his exploits in Iraq, where he deployed four times, set the record for sniper kills at 150, received numerous commendations, and, according to the Stephensville Empire Tribune, was given the nickname "The Devil of Ramadi" by insurgents.

Chris Kyle, Author Of 'American Sniper,' Shot And Killed At Gun Range

Sniper Chris Kyle killed in Erath County Saturday, man arrested in his, another's slaying | Crime Blog

The author of the "Joy of Running" dropped dead while running so what's your point?

And Adkins of Adkins diet fame fell to heart disease.
Sorry bout that,

1. Its a wonder why there is so much PTSD???
2. Killing muslims is the thing to do, can't kill them fast enough in reality, or even they can't kill each other fast enough in my book.
3. Could be just killing these low life bastards in their depressing realities, desserts and nothing for miles in a living hell, or could it be it is hell?
4. That is the question, is that part of the world, actually hell on earth and eternity???


Have I negged you in the last 48 hours? I must check.
I have to be all touchy feely for the most part now of course. But you people who are mocking this guy's service are freaking pathetic. None of you would ever have the balls to step up and serve your country.

True heroes don't write books or go on TV talk shows bragging about how many people they sniped.

I have to agree with that part of it.

It doesnt matter if you people approved of his personality.

He is a war hero.

He preformed his job with top level skills and did everything his country asked of him.

It doesnt matter to me if I would have liked him as a person.

he likely was a con.

I dont hold that against his war service.

No one should

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