Chris Kyle, Author Of 'American Sniper,' Shot And Killed At Gun Range

Gee, if only there was a "good guy with a gun" at the shooting range this never would have happened.
If there were not enough good guys with guns at a shooting range to keep him safe, how will more guns make us any safer?

It's a miracle that everyone at the gun range didn't end up dead once those guns started killing people.

By Benjamin Hart

Chris Kyle, an ex-Navy SEAL who wrote the bestelling book American Sniper about his service in Iraq, was shot and killed at a gun range in Texas, multiple outlets reported Saturday night. A second man was also killed.

According to local TV station KHOU, officials said that Kyle was shot at point-blank range "while helping another soldier who was recovering from post traumatic stress syndrome" at a range near the town of Glen Rose.

The Dallas Morning News reports that Lancaster, Texas police arrested a suspect, 25-year-old Eddie Ray Routh, after a brief chase.

Kyle had become well-known for his exploits in Iraq, where he deployed four times, set the record for sniper kills at 150, received numerous commendations, and, according to the Stephensville Empire Tribune, was given the nickname "The Devil of Ramadi" by insurgents.

Chris Kyle, Author Of 'American Sniper,' Shot And Killed At Gun Range

Sniper Chris Kyle killed in Erath County Saturday, man arrested in his, another's slaying | Crime Blog

Jesus Christ wtf is wrong with people?
US Marine murders American war heroes

GLEN ROSE, Texas — The 25-year-old man charged with murdering former Navy SEAL and "American Sniper" author Chris Kyle and his friend at a Texas gun range was an Iraq war veteran.

The U.S. military confirmed Sunday that Eddie Ray Routh was in the Marines from 2006 to 2010. He was deployed to Iraq in 2007. His current duty status is listed as reserve.
Someone suffering with PTSD at a gun range? Yeah, nothing could have gone wrong there.

he took the guy there, hello. he saw it as therapeutic and took others with PTSD as well.
There was no reason to go to Iraq.

All of the top Intelligence Agencys in the western world disagree with you.

Not now and some disagreed when we invaded as well.
Remember Freedom Fries?

Germany maybe as well?

~yawn~ Almost everyone of the top intelligence agency (and) including many of the left-wing democrats that you guys adore agreed about Saddam Hussein and WMDs. John Kerry and Hillary Clinton to name just two from memory. Their statements have been posted many times here on this forum and I would bet that you are aware of that. But as dishonest as you left-wingers are you have to have it rubbed into your face over and over again.
He killed 125 people and you call him a good man?

If you wanted those 125/160 men to stay alive and kill American soldiers, you could call him a bad man. As a vet, I will say he was a damned good man.
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The real problem is that these hero's are repeatedly deployed to the war zone. Unless you've been in a war zone you can't know the stress you are under constantly, and it takes a toll. Some of these guy's are on a 5th or 6th deployment in the last 10yrs. It's too much. If we are going to be involved in constant war we need to make everyone serve and spread around the stress. If all troops are limited to 1 or 2 deployments you'll see a lot less problems. God bless these HERO'S

Absolutely true but better than fewer deployments would be no deployments at all.

We still fight wars in exactly the same way we fought our first war. While scum like haliburton/cheney would like for us to keep right on killing millions and costing trillions, it makes a lot more sense to use surgical strikes to kill as few innocents and cost as little as possible.

Needless to say, rw's disagree but who cares what fools think?

Have you ever thought of applying for the Sec of Defense position? Your ideas are about as good as Chuck Hagels.
Someone suffering with PTSD at a gun range? Yeah, nothing could have gone wrong there.

he took the guy there, hello. he saw it as therapeutic and took others with PTSD as well.

about as smart as the moves Bremer and Bush made in Iraq after a successful invasion.

gawd, how crazy is this?

Hello? Mental health issues? What do crazy veterans get a pass?

Armed Citizens Fail NRA Test: So much for protection argument(s)
Gee, if only there was a "good guy with a gun" at the shooting range this never would have happened.
If there were not enough good guys with guns at a shooting range to keep him safe, how will more guns make us any safer?

It's a miracle that everyone at the gun range didn't end up dead once those guns started killing people.

Why didn't all the armed citizens prevent this?

Everyone was armed? Wayne? NRA, where are you? Why didn't the armed citizens take this guy out? Were they all untrained cowards or shocked, or sympathetic to the shooter? wtf?

Armed Citizens Fail NRA Test: So much for protection argument(s)
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