Chris Matthews: "I'm So Glad We Had That Storm Last Week"


Matthews went completely over the edge in 2008. Absolutely, stone cold crazy. He's capable of saying anything.


he also apologized for that comment. said he felt horrible having said it.

Sure he did. Libs say anything they want cuz they know they can get away with it.

[ame=]Mitt Romney in video: 47 percent of Americans 'Believe they are Victims' and feel 'Entitled' - YouTube[/ame]
Matthews is an idiot, I bet he wishes the storm was worse and more people would have died, typical dumb ass.

Matthews went completely over the edge in 2008. Absolutely, stone cold crazy. He's capable of saying anything.


he also apologized for that comment. said he felt horrible having said it.

And I'm sure stupid partisan hacks believe him, however, he said it, I think it came from his heart and after all the stupid comments he has made over the years, he really means it and his apologizes are empty.
Why are wingnuts so attracted to shiny objects rather than things that really matter?
You mean like Benghazi?

Oh, that's right -- the left has decided that 4 dead Americans killed by this Administration's incompetence doesn't matter.

Benghazi is only a shiny object because of low information morons. The New York Times and others have done some excellent reporting on the subject. The facts will all come out in the final investigative report. Lunatics like you are what kept Obama in the White House. Thanks.

Repeating verbatim White House press releases is not "reporting".

Obama lied to you. And you're too stupid to question him.
Chris Matthews: "I'm So Glad We Had That Storm Last Week"

What a douche! In very sense of the word. He should have another drink. The guy is clearly in love with barry. Why doesn't he just give in to his homosexuality. Don't liberals promote that. Look at that dude Rachel Maddow. That is the manliest dude I know. Rachel is another libby brainwashed jackass as well.

Matthews went completely over the edge in 2008. Absolutely, stone cold crazy. He's capable of saying anything.


he also apologized for that comment. said he felt horrible having said it.

And I'm sure stupid partisan hacks believe him, however, he said it, I think it came from his heart and after all the stupid comments he has made over the years, he really means it and his apologizes are empty.

I think he said it from the heart too. I think he really meant that he was happy that the storm hit because he believed it helped Obama win the election although I cannot see how it helped. I do not for a second think that as he was making that statement, that he was thinking about the devastation caused by Sandy. It was not on the top of his mind. He made the statement, and then realized what he had said. I don't like Matthews, but I do not for a moment believe he reveled in the suffering caused by the storm.

he also apologized for that comment. said he felt horrible having said it.

And I'm sure stupid partisan hacks believe him, however, he said it, I think it came from his heart and after all the stupid comments he has made over the years, he really means it and his apologizes are empty.

I think he said it from the heart too. I think he really meant that he was happy that the storm hit because he believed it helped Obama win the election although I cannot see how it helped. I do not for a second think that as he was making that statement, that he was thinking about the devastation caused by Sandy. It was not on the top of his mind. He made the statement, and then realized what he had said. I don't like Matthews, but I do not for a moment believe he reveled in the suffering caused by the storm.


You give him more credit than I do, to me he views the deaths as collateral damage.
Does this thread make all you marginalized, fringe extremist wingnuts feel better after having your asses handed to you and your ideology soundly rejected by the American people?

I sure hope so! Because you really have nothing left except your hatred. :lol:
Typical liberal cares only for themselves.

Chris Matthews: "I'm So Glad We Had That Storm Last Week"

Chris Matthews: "I'm So Glad We Had That Storm Last Week" | RealClearPolitics
Going by the time on your post, I assume you heard about it when Matthews apologized for his comment a few minutes before your post.

Wow! He apologized! How many have made similar stupid, thoughtless, all around disgusting comments and lost their job?

Double standard by is set by a group of intolerant thugs, who decide whose apology is acceptable and whose apology isn't. Howard Cosell, Tommy Lasorda, Hank Williams Jr., Rush Limbaugh, Don Imus and the list goes on. Now, we got a fat turd liberal and we now should jump at his apology and accept it, even though he is known for his insensitivity.

Liberal idiots.

Democrats Now the ‘Party of Hurricanes’

November 7, 2012
By Daniel Greenfield

Leading fat liberal apparatchiks, Chris Matthews and Michael Moore have both cheered Hurricane Sandy for killing a bunch of Americans and giving Obama the perfect photo op on his quest for another four years of wrecking the country. The Democratic Party is now the Party of Hurricanes.

Whenever there’s a natural disaster, be it an earthquake, a hurricane, a tornado or a volcanic eruption, Air Force One will be used to transport Democratic candidates to the scene, to stare aimlessly at the victims and the rubble, and then fly off without offering the least bit of help, but a few choice soundbites.

Michael Moore had famously wondered why Al Qaeda chose New York City instead of a state that voted for Bush. This time around he did not seem at all upset that New York had been targeted. A 100 dead people, even in blue states, are just collateral damage for the political career of a party hack.


Democrats Now the ‘Party of Hurricanes’
I heard it live. Yes, it was stupid to say, but I knew what he meant. He has sincerely apologized for it. Wingnuts couldn't wait to jump on it. What Matthews says when tired is mild compared to the rested shit that routinely comes from Fox News and wingnut hate media.

of course you did:eusa_boohoo:

Had a rightwinger said this, it would have been front page news for the next 150 years.

Of course Matthews apologized. The fact remains that the thought went through his head. Hard to take that back.

What a stunning thing to say, but Matthews is a crazy person.

Does this thread make all you marginalized, fringe extremist wingnuts feel better after having your asses handed to you and your ideology soundly rejected by the American people?

I sure hope so! Because you really have nothing left except your hatred. :lol:

Will you mindless bootlickers stop pretending that every single person in America voted for your little tin god?

No. You probably won't.
you go Mikey, Chrissy Matthews....WAY TO GO

Michael Moore thanks ‘Mother Nature’ for sending Hurricane Sandy to help Obama

November 7, 2012 | 2:59 pm

Charlie Spiering

Commentary Staff Writer
The Washington Examiner
E@charliespieringDCharlie on FB

This morning, liberal filmmaker Michael Moore wrote a joyful blogpost this morning celebrating President Obama’s victory.

In his post, he thanked a number of people who helped make the president’s re-election possible, especially “Mother Nature.”

“You, Mother Nature, with all your horrific damage, death and destruction you caused last week, you became, ironically, the undoing of a Party that didn’t believe in you or your climate changing powers,” Moore wrote, referring to Hurricane Sandy that hit the East Coast before the election.

Moore also thanked Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey for being cordial with Obama during his visit.

“Thank you Governor Christie for your new bromance with Obama,” he wrote. “You know, you really didn’t have to!”

from with comments
Michael Moore thanks
And I'm sure stupid partisan hacks believe him, however, he said it, I think it came from his heart and after all the stupid comments he has made over the years, he really means it and his apologizes are empty.

I think he said it from the heart too. I think he really meant that he was happy that the storm hit because he believed it helped Obama win the election although I cannot see how it helped. I do not for a second think that as he was making that statement, that he was thinking about the devastation caused by Sandy. It was not on the top of his mind. He made the statement, and then realized what he had said. I don't like Matthews, but I do not for a moment believe he reveled in the suffering caused by the storm.


You give him more credit than I do, to me he views the deaths as collateral damage.

He apologized for it, it was thoughtless and he knows it. Hannity says shitty things everyday and never gives it a second thought.

Question for you, is that Will Ferrell in you avatar?

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