Chris Matthews: "I'm So Glad We Had That Storm Last Week"

Disasters have a way of reminding people that government serves a real purpose.

So in that sense, yes, Hurricane Sandy probably helped Obama.

As (if) more frequent and more destructive natural disasters continue happening, I expect that even more people will abandon their libertarian contempt for the concept and purpose of government.

Like many of you avowed Libertarians, I wish we could live in an anarchist society where no person is ever compelled by laws or government. Sadly both human nature and human group behavior makes LIBERTOPIA and ANARCHTOPIA impossible dreams.
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I think he said it from the heart too. I think he really meant that he was happy that the storm hit because he believed it helped Obama win the election although I cannot see how it helped. I do not for a second think that as he was making that statement, that he was thinking about the devastation caused by Sandy. It was not on the top of his mind. He made the statement, and then realized what he had said. I don't like Matthews, but I do not for a moment believe he reveled in the suffering caused by the storm.


You give him more credit than I do, to me he views the deaths as collateral damage.

He apologized for it, it was thoughtless and he knows it. Hannity says shitty things everyday and never gives it a second thought.

Question for you, is that Will Ferrell in you avatar?

Spin away, Matthews' apology was only because of the outrage, otherwise your fat boy would have said nothing. How many passes does the left give the talking chimp? I guess Matthews says so many stupid things the left automatically gives him a pass.
Chris Matthews, Bill Maher and Mikey Moore are the perfect example of lefty- liberals and the Democrat party of today..

ugly hate
Chris Matthews, Bill Maher and Mikey Moore are the perfect example of lefty- liberals and the Democrat party of today..

ugly hate

It's only hate when someone on the right makes stupid statements. Then the lefties like Sarah will call it hate and will not accept the apologies.

I used to let stupid, idiotic, thoughtless and hateful statements like Matthews go, but anymore, I hold them to the fire, the same as Demo nuts do, fair is fair.
This thread, still on-going, kicking a dead horse, is yet another example of the right living in a different reality.

How long will you continue to repeat your manufactured outrage over the statement, after you know he has apologized.

It's either you accept the apology, or you don't. Or...perhaps you simply want to make political hay by ginning up yet another trumped up story to slight someone on the left.

I wonder...what. could. it. be?
This thread, still on-going, kicking a dead horse, is yet another example of the right living in a different reality.

How long will you continue to repeat your manufactured outrage over the statement, after you know he has apologized.

It's either you accept the apology, or you don't. Or...perhaps you simply want to make political hay by ginning up yet another trumped up story to slight someone on the left.

I wonder...what. could. it. be?

This thread, still on-going, kicking a dead horse, is yet another example of the right living in a different reality.

How long will you continue to repeat your manufactured outrage over the statement, after you know he has apologized.

It's either you accept the apology, or you don't. Or...perhaps you simply want to make political hay by ginning up yet another trumped up story to slight someone on the left.

I wonder...what. could. it. be?

too bad, we don't and he should be fired for being a compete idiot loser
sums it up

Chris Matthews’ ode to joy
Last Updated: 11:38 PM, November 7, 2012
Posted: November 08, 2012

Is there a smaller, more unprincipled man in the national political debate than Chris Matthews of MSNBC?

No, there is not.

Bereft of decency and devoid of soul, what mattered most for Matthews is that his candidate — in this case, President Obama — somehow was boosted over the top.

And if millions of his fellow citizens encounter appalling deprivations along the way — well, to Matthews, they’re just eggs to be broken for the Obama omelet.

“I’m so glad we had that storm last week,” he said Tuesday.

By which he meant Hurricane Sandy, which sowed death and destruction all along the East Coast — especially in the New York metropolitan region.

Chris Matthews

“The storm brought in possibilities for good politics,” he added — referencing polls suggesting Sandy gave Obama a critical jolt.

Never mind the 100-plus deaths.

Never mind the destruction.

Never mind the tens of thousands still huddled without heat or power on Staten Island. Or Breezy Point. Or the Rockaways and Coney Island.

Matthews says he grew up on the Jersey Shore — as savagely hit by Sandy as any region along its devastating path.


From this pinched little man?


For he’s moved on.

Matthews lives in the very rich and overwhelmingly white Maryland township of Chevy Chase — which makes his pious sermonizing about GOP “elitism” just another bucket of moral bilge.

Reaction to Matthews’ vile outburst was predictable — prompting the little man to take to Twitter.

all of it here
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews’ Sandy barb-Editorial -
Does this thread make all you marginalized, fringe extremist wingnuts feel better after having your asses handed to you and your ideology soundly rejected by the American people?

I sure hope so! Because you really have nothing left except your hatred. :lol:

Will you mindless bootlickers stop pretending that every single person in America voted for your little tin god?

No. You probably won't.
You lost. BIG TIME.

Enjoy the crumbs of twisting events to mean what you want them to mean, in order to salve your self-inflicted wounds.
Does this thread make all you marginalized, fringe extremist wingnuts feel better after having your asses handed to you and your ideology soundly rejected by the American people?

I sure hope so! Because you really have nothing left except your hatred. :lol:

Will you mindless bootlickers stop pretending that every single person in America voted for your little tin god?

No. You probably won't.
You lost. BIG TIME.

Enjoy the crumbs of twisting events to mean what you want them to mean, in order to salve your self-inflicted wounds.

where did you plagiarize that from?
it's pretty dumb you know
sums it up

Chris Matthews’ ode to joy
Last Updated: 11:38 PM, November 7, 2012
Posted: November 08, 2012

Is there a smaller, more unprincipled man in the national political debate than Chris Matthews of MSNBC?

No, there is not.

Bereft of decency and devoid of soul, what mattered most for Matthews is that his candidate — in this case, President Obama — somehow was boosted over the top.

And if millions of his fellow citizens encounter appalling deprivations along the way — well, to Matthews, they’re just eggs to be broken for the Obama omelet.

“I’m so glad we had that storm last week,” he said Tuesday.

By which he meant Hurricane Sandy, which sowed death and destruction all along the East Coast — especially in the New York metropolitan region.

Chris Matthews

“The storm brought in possibilities for good politics,” he added — referencing polls suggesting Sandy gave Obama a critical jolt.

Never mind the 100-plus deaths.

Never mind the destruction.

Never mind the tens of thousands still huddled without heat or power on Staten Island. Or Breezy Point. Or the Rockaways and Coney Island.

Matthews says he grew up on the Jersey Shore — as savagely hit by Sandy as any region along its devastating path.


From this pinched little man?


For he’s moved on.

Matthews lives in the very rich and overwhelmingly white Maryland township of Chevy Chase — which makes his pious sermonizing about GOP “elitism” just another bucket of moral bilge.

Reaction to Matthews’ vile outburst was predictable — prompting the little man to take to Twitter.

all of it here
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews’ Sandy barb-Editorial -
Something is just wrong with Matthews. Something clinical, IMO.
Does this thread make all you marginalized, fringe extremist wingnuts feel better after having your asses handed to you and your ideology soundly rejected by the American people?

I sure hope so! Because you really have nothing left except your hatred. :lol:

Will you mindless bootlickers stop pretending that every single person in America voted for your little tin god?

No. You probably won't.
You lost. BIG TIME.

Enjoy the crumbs of twisting events to mean what you want them to mean, in order to salve your self-inflicted wounds.

The fact that we lost doesn't "tranform" chris matthews into a decent human being, it won't do much for ewe either.
sums it up

Chris Matthews’ ode to joy
Last Updated: 11:38 PM, November 7, 2012
Posted: November 08, 2012

Is there a smaller, more unprincipled man in the national political debate than Chris Matthews of MSNBC?

No, there is not.

Bereft of decency and devoid of soul, what mattered most for Matthews is that his candidate — in this case, President Obama — somehow was boosted over the top.

And if millions of his fellow citizens encounter appalling deprivations along the way — well, to Matthews, they’re just eggs to be broken for the Obama omelet.

“I’m so glad we had that storm last week,” he said Tuesday.

By which he meant Hurricane Sandy, which sowed death and destruction all along the East Coast — especially in the New York metropolitan region.

Chris Matthews

“The storm brought in possibilities for good politics,” he added — referencing polls suggesting Sandy gave Obama a critical jolt.

Never mind the 100-plus deaths.

Never mind the destruction.

Never mind the tens of thousands still huddled without heat or power on Staten Island. Or Breezy Point. Or the Rockaways and Coney Island.

Matthews says he grew up on the Jersey Shore — as savagely hit by Sandy as any region along its devastating path.


From this pinched little man?


For he’s moved on.

Matthews lives in the very rich and overwhelmingly white Maryland township of Chevy Chase — which makes his pious sermonizing about GOP “elitism” just another bucket of moral bilge.

Reaction to Matthews’ vile outburst was predictable — prompting the little man to take to Twitter.

all of it here
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews’ Sandy barb-Editorial -
Something is just wrong with Matthews. Something clinical, IMO.

Something is wrong with PmsNbc they keep someone like that on the air..
the man is a disgrace
sums it up

Chris Matthews’ ode to joy
Last Updated: 11:38 PM, November 7, 2012
Posted: November 08, 2012

Is there a smaller, more unprincipled man in the national political debate than Chris Matthews of MSNBC?

No, there is not.

Bereft of decency and devoid of soul, what mattered most for Matthews is that his candidate — in this case, President Obama — somehow was boosted over the top.

And if millions of his fellow citizens encounter appalling deprivations along the way — well, to Matthews, they’re just eggs to be broken for the Obama omelet.

“I’m so glad we had that storm last week,” he said Tuesday.

By which he meant Hurricane Sandy, which sowed death and destruction all along the East Coast — especially in the New York metropolitan region.

Chris Matthews

“The storm brought in possibilities for good politics,” he added — referencing polls suggesting Sandy gave Obama a critical jolt.

Never mind the 100-plus deaths.

Never mind the destruction.

Never mind the tens of thousands still huddled without heat or power on Staten Island. Or Breezy Point. Or the Rockaways and Coney Island.

Matthews says he grew up on the Jersey Shore — as savagely hit by Sandy as any region along its devastating path.


From this pinched little man?


For he’s moved on.

Matthews lives in the very rich and overwhelmingly white Maryland township of Chevy Chase — which makes his pious sermonizing about GOP “elitism” just another bucket of moral bilge.

Reaction to Matthews’ vile outburst was predictable — prompting the little man to take to Twitter.

all of it here
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews’ Sandy barb-Editorial -
Something is just wrong with Matthews. Something clinical, IMO.

Something is wrong with PmsNbc they keep someone like that on the air..
the man is a disgrace
And ABC's Sawyer was shitfaced on the air...again.

And folks wonder why I don't get my news or info from the tube....

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