Chris Matthews: Trump wants to put his enemies in front of a firing squad

First you have to understand that we have a dishonest media. Trump should know that better than anyone. You are correct, they will paint him whatever color suites them to meet their ends.

If you don't factor their dishonesty in, then you get what he got. And you abuse our votes in the process.

So I disagree with you. Part of the problem is with him.

If he isn't such an asshole during COVID, he wins term 2 hands down.

In their minds they are right. It's what makes them the left-wing. Like Al Gore, they think they know better than we do what is good for us. If you know that, you combat them at that level. You don't hand them grenades to lob at you.
If we had an honest media about what Trump really said, what he actually did, what he actually accomplished including his handling of COVID, he wins 50 states and DC and the territories in 2020 even with the massive cheating by Democrats. But we don't have that. . .
If we had an honest media about what Trump really said, what he actually did, what he actually accomplished including his handling of COVID, he wins 50 states and DC and the territories. But we don't have that. . .

I don't agree.


He was not empathetic and he was not acknowledging of what we didn't know. We didn't need his pugilism then.

I'll never change my mind on that one. I watched him first hand. I didn't need the media to tell me a thing.
Well if they assassinate Trump I will be very eager for the full force of law to be applied. I am not saying at all he should leave in power those who have been bad actors. All I am saying he should not do as they have done by weaponizing government to go after them. That is what he is saying too. The 'drain the swamp' policy is still very much on the table.
Beware the Aides of Marsh

Trump was being sabotaged by many of the people he hired. That is equivalent to Caesar's assassination.
By the way, Scarborough on at least two separate occasions said basically the same thing, that Trump would execute his opponents.
These people are lunatics.
Beware the Aides of Marsh

Trump was being sabotaged by many of the people he hired. That is equivalent to Caesar's assassination.
That was Trump's huge handicap. Not being a professional politician, having no big government experience, he was pretty much at the mercy of advisors as to who to appoint to various positions. And he got some very bad advice. And he learned the hard way that the expedient way to test people in business by giving them responsibility and see how they handle it doesn't always work that well in politics. He got a lot of things done via trial and error until he hit on something that was effective and accomplished the objective, but he also hurt himself when some of the 'errors' he appointed were used against him.

His trial and error method of course provided great fodder for his enemies in politics and media who focused on what didn't work and never gave him credit when it finally did work. He got a lot right on the first try too and didn't get credit for that either.

He probably had never dealt with the level of dishonesty that politics can produce. Because it worked for them before, his opposition will continue to misquote him, put words in his mouth he didn't say, interpret his expressions and mannerisms dishonestly, accuse him of intending what he has never intended, etc. And I fully expect he will accomplish very good things for America and Americans anyway.

I honestly don't know how his opposition can talk, behave, act, accuse, be as dishonest as they are and stand themselves. It used to be that the very huge majority of Americans tried to be honest and honorable. That America seems to be gone for those on the left.
That was Trump's huge handicap. Not being a professional politician, having no big government experience, he was pretty much at the mercy of advisors as to who to appoint to various positions. And he got some very bad advice. And he learned the hard way that the expedient way to test people in business by giving them responsibility and see how they handle it doesn't always work that well in politics. He got a lot of things done via trial and error until he hit on something that was effective and accomplished the objective, but he also hurt himself when some of the 'errors' he appointed were used against him.

His trial and error method of course provided great fodder for his enemies in politics and media who focused on what didn't work and never gave him credit when it finally did work. He got a lot right on the first try too and didn't get credit for that either.

He probably had never dealt with the level of dishonesty that politics can produce. Because it worked for them before, his opposition will continue to misquote him, put words in his mouth he didn't say, interpret his expressions and mannerisms dishonestly, accuse him of intending what he has never intended, etc. And I fully expect he will accomplish very good things for America and Americans anyway.

I honestly don't know how his opposition can talk, behave, act, accuse, be as dishonest as they are and stand themselves. It used to be that the very huge majority of Americans tried to be honest and honorable. That America seems to be gone for those on the left.
The Road to Perdition Is Patrician

Just as in Rome, our Richkid Reich is too far gone to continue with this form of government and its division into aggressive factions. Emperor Augustus stabilized the rocking, sinking boat by doing away with it.

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