Chris Wallace Suffering 'Daily Breakdowns' After Big Failure at CNN

CNN used him to create a story FOR them of HIM bashing FOX news for them. That was his only value. Don't think anyone including them (besides Wallace) actually expected to a CNN WALLACE show amounting to anything.

Well when you're too old for 60 minutes (and that's a low bar) -- your options become limited.

Chris Wallace Suffering 'Daily Breakdowns'​

So much good news today.

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!

Another Never-Trumper RINO POS goat bladder goes SPLAT against the brick wall. :happy-1:

It was beautiful to watch: CNN reels the idiot RINOs in, they burn all their bridges behind them, then CNN tosses them into the drink!
The Shep is as much a partisan Hack as any other MSM Talking Head

Not like "any other". In the spectrum of ACTUAL JOURNALISTS on mainstream, he beats most.

Ya gotta sample wider than "favorable" sources these days. Even if it's just to not be blind-sided or look stupid for depending on the "dependable" partisans.

Shep will actually ADMIT he got it wrong before. I've seen it happen.
Another lefty life and career broken by Donald Trump. Excellent!
I recall one of those YT vids where the Young Turks were in full meltdown mode over the 2016 election and Cenk said Trump was one of only a couple of people he ever banned from TYT, then as an aside, he said to be honest, he broke us on that :)
It's heavenly pay-back for censoring Trump in the 2020 debates anytime he mentioned "the laptop" or Biden family business.
It's almost surreal how many of those who attacked Trump and lied and defamed him wound up being ruined later on. It's almost enough to make me believe in Karma.
It's almost surreal how many of those who attacked Trump and lied and defamed him wound up being ruined later on. It's almost enough to make me believe in Karma.

It IS karma for journalists that got indoctrinated in J-School that their primary missions were social justice, political activism and taking sides on issues.

Latest example is -- the WashPo "reporter" who has bullied and doxxed SEVERAL people mercilessly and then breaks down in full out teary terror and PTSD when the tables turn on her. THEN after this shameful public breakdown - she turns right around and doxxes and post personal info on the lady behind the "Libs of Tik Tok" channel on Tik Tok.

There's a room in a sanitarium somewhere reserved for her.


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