Christian bakers who refused to make cake for homosexual "wedding" break gag order

"The ultimate goal is white genocide. Plus any white "woman" that would lower themselves to the level of beastiality is better off ending the blood line they are ending...because something OBVIOUSLY got messed up in their genetics. My ex sister is a disgusting race mixing whore with 2 UGLY nigglets with their shit colored skin and kinky hair it must be depressing waking up every day to 2 kids that look NOTHING like you.I wouldn't know I married within my own race and have 4 awesome white children that have features of me and their mother.

New posters and people unfamiliar with the Trump supporter who wrote this horribly racist screed need to see just what kind of trash the OP is -- ICYMI
As you conveniently leave out the link to the post.

roflmao you libtards are too stupid to even lie well.
Hey look above folks, the typical racist Trump supporter.
Hey look above folks, the typical racist leftist ass hole.

So you support whites only having children with other white peoples them? Because I was calling out the racist who was talking about half breeds that are destroying the whites. By supporting him you are saying more about yourself
Behaviors aren't protected in the Constitution outside religion. Has the cult of LGBT gotten tax exempt status, declaring themselves as a religion? No? Then there is no protection. Even if there was, no religion can force others to practice it. A Christian couldn't force a member of the Church of LGBT to print giant highway billboards that read "Homosexuality is an abomination before God", for instance... :popcorn: A Muslim can't force a jew to advertise for "Pork, the other white meat". A Mormon can't force a Muslim to print a picture of a cartoon of Muhammed.

Bullroar. Speech is a behavior.

One that is explicitly affirmed and protected under the First Amendment, along with religion.

And inherent in the right to express what one believes and supports, is equally a right not to be compelled to express that which one does not believe or support.

Yep. They're gonna lose this one. This time, the law is clear and concise. The Constitution would have be fundamentally rewritten in two of the Amendments for the church of LGBT to get a victory on this one...

Except of course, they didn't. The Supreme Court already allowed the lower court rulings to stand and denied Cert. Exactly as they did for Kim Davis.

See, doesn't matter what you and Bob tell each other about what the constitution means. It matters what the law and courts recognize the constitution to mean. And your pseudo-legal gibberish ignores the law and the courts and replaces both with your imagination.

Alas, your imagination is functionally irrelevant to actual legal outcomes.
Which might explain why your every legal prediction, without exception, is wrong.
As much as I and many others may hate it, you are right for practical purposes, the constitution says what the courts and ultimately the supreme court interpret it to say. I will not be surprised if the next ruling says that the constitution means "pineapple".

This isn't a 'liberal/Conservative' thing. THe justice I'm quoting that explicitly contradicts the 'religion trumps civil law' meme is Justice Scalia. Arguably the most conservative justice on the court until his passing. This is well established in our system of law. And frankly, should be.

As 'free excercise' doesn't mean immunity to any law you disagree with. If it did, we'd be 'courting anarchy', as Scalia put it. As religion is so diverse and the standard of 'religious belief' so utterly subjective that virtually all law would be voluntary. Its essentially a religiously based 'Sovereign Citizen' argument.

Worse, faux 'religious liberty' Christians don't think this through. If religious belief alone allows Christians to be exempted from any law they disagree with......the same is true of any religious person. Sharia law is suddenly elevated as supreme over all US civil law. With any Muslim being the sole arbiter of whether or not any US law applies to them.

Oh, and I love your handle. Its hilarious!
I know it is a shock- Christians have to follow the law like everyone else.
No, the shock is still coming for the liberal establishment.

They have awakened the Dragon with all this one sided bullshit.

A person should not be compelled by law to violate his own conscience. That is the very definitionof tyranny.

And for the past fifty years Christians have been warned that the liberals would eventually get around to suppressing their religious speech and making them adapt to the amoral establishment. But they would argue about it.

Now itis in plain sight and you homos are going to have Trump all over your shit with much more to come, bubba.

Awaken the dragon lol more like poked the pussies. you've lost so just chew on that. You are just pissed because you can't legally discriminate gays with your businesses. Such whiners you are all and I'd be willing to be 90% of the bible thumping pussies don't follow their religion to the fullest
Same sex marriage is the law of the land

Bake the fucking cake and stop being such drama queens
It won't be when President Cruz appoints 3 new justices to the SCOTUS. No court is bound by the unconstitutional edicts of an out of control Court.
It will still be the law of the land.
Till the court over rules it.

Yeah just like the court will overturn interracial marriage hahahahahaha
So you support whites only having children with other white peoples them? Because I was calling out the racist who was talking about half breeds that are destroying the whites. By supporting him you are saying more about yourself

Lol, no, I am saying that racists like Odium are not typical of Trump supporters.

In fact, I wouldnt be at all surprised if he was some liberal college student spoofing a racist in order to smear legit conservatives like Trump by association.

But racists like Odium are irrelevant.

You leftist fucks are the new fascists. The KKK and the neoNazis are no threat to anyone. They can not get people fired for giving money to an anti gay marriage group. They cant get people fired for maybe saying the N Word forty years ago.

YOU fucking leftwing fascists are the new threat, not fringe folks like Odium.

So go fuck yourself, goose stepping fool.
Baking a cake for a gay wedding does not violate anybody's religious beliefs.

My religion says that it is immoral to participate in an evil ceremony, and they declare homosexual 'weddings' to be evil.

So how on Earth can you back up your claim that participating in a fag wedding does not violate anybody's religious beliefs?

I think what you really mean is that you dont give a shit if it violates anyone religious beliefs.
what does your book, you never said which book, say about blacks you PoS JimBowie1958
Why do you idiots keep saying that? Of course they aren't a race.
Then you need to ejumakate your fellow butt humping fag buddies so we dont have to correct them all the god damned time.

They aren't a race but it is something they are. Tell us if homosexuality is a choice you can choose to be come attracted to the same sex. Let us see you do that one and get back with us lol
I know it is a shock- Christians have to follow the law like everyone else.
No, the shock is still coming for the liberal establishment.

They have awakened the Dragon with all this one sided bullshit.

A person should not be compelled by law to violate his own conscience. That is the very definitionof tyranny.

And for the past fifty years Christians have been warned that the liberals would eventually get around to suppressing their religious speech and making them adapt to the amoral establishment. But they would argue about it.

Now itis in plain sight and you homos are going to have Trump all over your shit with much more to come, bubba.

Awaken the dragon lol more like poked the pussies. you've lost so just chew on that. You are just pissed because you can't legally discriminate gays with your businesses. Such whiners you are all and I'd be willing to be 90% of the bible thumping pussies don't follow their religion to the fullest

Lol, Trump has defied all the experts not just because he is a brilliant man, but because he has become aware of the depth of hatred of you liberal ass holes.

Trump is winning because we are sick of you stupid lying sacks of shit.

And there is much more to come. Promise
I know it is a shock- Christians have to follow the law like everyone else.
No, the shock is still coming for the liberal establishment.

They have awakened the Dragon with all this one sided bullshit.

A person should not be compelled by law to violate his own conscience. That is the very definitionof tyranny.

And for the past fifty years Christians have been warned that the liberals would eventually get around to suppressing their religious speech and making them adapt to the amoral establishment. But they would argue about it.

Now itis in plain sight and you homos are going to have Trump all over your shit with much more to come, bubba.

Awaken the dragon lol more like poked the pussies. you've lost so just chew on that. You are just pissed because you can't legally discriminate gays with your businesses. Such whiners you are all and I'd be willing to be 90% of the bible thumping pussies don't follow their religion to the fullest

Lol, Trump has defied all the experts not just because he is a brilliant man, but because he has become aware of the depth of hatred of you liberal ass holes.

Trump is winning because we are sick of you stupid lying sacks of shit.

And there is much more to come. Promise

As basis before part of me wants trump singe can show you cons exactly how he conned you.

Trump won't win in the general election. Promise
They aren't a race but it is something they are. Tell us if homosexuality is a choice you can choose to be come attracted to the same sex. Let us see you do that one and get back with us lol
Homosexuality is a perversion, dumbass. It is the culmination of many many choices, not just one that some one took one day, idiot.

Just like people dont choose to become alcoholics either.
I know it is a shock- Christians have to follow the law like everyone else.
No, the shock is still coming for the liberal establishment.

They have awakened the Dragon with all this one sided bullshit.

A person should not be compelled by law to violate his own conscience. That is the very definitionof tyranny.

And for the past fifty years Christians have been warned that the liberals would eventually get around to suppressing their religious speech and making them adapt to the amoral establishment. But they would argue about it.

Now itis in plain sight and you homos are going to have Trump all over your shit with much more to come, bubba.

LOL.....yeah....those poor 'Christians'- being required to follow the law- and not being able to prosecute gays any more.

Trump has absolutely no anti-gay agenda.

That you think that Trump will suddenly become your own anti-Gay Hitler is really amusing.
They aren't a race but it is something they are. Tell us if homosexuality is a choice you can choose to be come attracted to the same sex. Let us see you do that one and get back with us lol
Homosexuality is a perversion, dumbass. It is the culmination of many many choices, not just one that some one took one day, idiot.

Just like people dont choose to become alcoholics either.

As someone who has very good gay friends and have gays that are raising children your comments only show how ignorant you are in regards to gays. If you were to see them and hear them talk on the street you wouldn't even be able tomtellmtheybare gay until they hold their hands.

Grow up, gays are exactly the same as everyone else living next to you
LOL.....yeah....those poor 'Christians'- being required to follow the law- and not being able to prosecute gays any more.

Now baking a cake is prosecution? lol

Trump has absolutely no anti-gay agenda.

That you think that Trump will suddenly become your own anti-Gay Hitler is really amusing.

Lololol, yeah, he has no intention of doing anything more than overhauling case law and dumping the liberal bullshit accumulated over the last 50 years.

But not specifically targetting fags.

He doesnt have to.
When you open a business in the public square, you must serve the public ... which includes blacks at the lunch counter and gays in the bakery, etc.

Business owners have the right to refuse service to just about anyone and always have. .

That hasn't been true for 50 years.

Notice the homophobic bigots only seem to have noticed this issue when States decide to pass laws to make the law apply to sexual orientation too.

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