Christian curriculum using textbooks that deny climate change and say evolution is impossible

Then prove evolution! Where can I go to see it happen?
Are you denying that species have evolved over time?
You can't actually watch it happen, you can't watch a water species evolve over time and become a land species.

.But men in your cult can get pregnant. :laughing0301:
Men can't get pregnant, unless there is some medical procedure that gives them women's parts.

All this shit is weird.
But I don't let them bother me.

You are the cult, quit deflecting.
People that go to trump rallies in mass, to hear the same bullshit over and over, yeah, those people are part of a cult.
people that don't attend biden rallies, yeah, NOT a cult.
There are 400 breeds of dogs. Where did he keep them on his Ark ? How did he feed them ?
Dogs can be bred from basic stock. Selective breeding came up with the different breeds we see today. The Bible doesn't say that all the animals on the ark were adults. Baby elephants, baby giraffes, baby everything else. Also, the animals could have been in a temporary hibernation to keep food and water intake to a minimum. They only had to be on the ark for 40 days and nights.
Dogs can be bred from basic stock. Selective breeding came up with the different breeds we see today. The Bible doesn't say that all the animals on the ark were adults. Baby elephants, baby giraffes, baby everything else. Also, the animals could have been in a temporary hibernation to keep food and water intake to a minimum. They only had to be on the ark for 40 days and nights.

Look how many new breeds of dogs have arisen just in the 21st century.

I counted 47 in just 23 years. Easy to believe that there was only one breed of dog, the wolf, thousands of years ago. In fact, I'd be very surprised to learn that there was more than one canine 4,000 to 5,500 years ago.

"If you read texts predating the Bible, you'll find that the well-known Old Testament Noah did not make his literary debut in the Holy Scriptures. Rather, he made his first appearance about 2,000 years or so earlier in the Sumerian civilization of Mesopotamia. Holding power from roughly 3500 B.C. to 2000 B.C., the Sumerians were the first people to sketch out the story of Noah, except they called him Ziusudra."

Dogs can be bred from basic stock. Selective breeding came up with the different breeds we see today. The Bible doesn't say that all the animals on the ark were adults. Baby elephants, baby giraffes, baby everything else. Also, the animals could have been in a temporary hibernation to keep food and water intake to a minimum. They only had to be on the ark for 40 days and nights.
There are 260 breeds of monkey as well. Your loopy hibernation theory is just nonsense. You are making shit up.
I would hope that the authorities crack down on this nonsense. ...

What a nonsense. Everyone speaks bullshit on this planet. So why should some few Christians not speak bullshit too? Because you like to be an authority who likes to tell Christians what they have to say and how to censor this?

And why for heavens sake do you use in Great Britain a "Christian" curriculum from Texas ... and do you like to say you have homeschooling in GB?
source: "The Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum originated in Texas in 1970 and is used by at least 11 schools in the UK, as well as by some homeschooling parents."
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This could have worked better in the 'Religion' section Tommy. Many Christians believe that the god has complete control over the earth and that includes the climate.
All Christians believe in the freedom of human beings to do bad things - on reason of really existing freedom - like for example to help the climate change to become more worse. We call such a behavior often "sin". It's not good to do a sin.
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But when a Christian states a belief that a virgin gave birth about 2000 years ago, they go off in a spinning tizzy..

Virgin means "young woman who is not married". We say the young unmarried woman Mary got a child but nevertheless she was without any sin. Read what Joseph thought in this context and how god solved his conflict. Short: Real love always opens a way - for everyone. The conflict of Mary was a little dimension harder: She knew she will lose her son on a cross. God did not betray her, god did not force her. She was always able to say "no". But it was also her own totally free will to become the mother of Jesus - on reason of trust in god and on reason of love to all mankind. But only few men and women know her broken heart when she saw her son dying.

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If Noah saved two of everything how did they all fit on that boat ? You believe in fairies.

No. You don't understand what every child understands. The "two of everything" is by the way a myth. And: How many animals did you save during your life?
What a nonsense. Everyone speaks bullshit on this planet. So why should some few Christians not speak bullshit too? Because you like to be an authority who likes to tell Christians what they have to say and how to censor this?

And why for heavens sake do you use in Great Britain a "Christian" curriculum from Texas ... and do you like to say you have homeschooling in GB?
source: "The Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) curriculum originated in Texas in 1970 and is used by at least 11 schools in the UK, as well as by some homeschooling parents."
You are free to believe what you like. But schools should teach kids. They have rights.
You are free to believe what you like. But schools should teach kids. They have rights.
And which rights are hurted when Brits are idiots who use a curriculum from Texas and think it is wrong to do so?
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Your friends on here believe the bible to be literal. That is the level of stupid on disolay.

You don't like to understand - that's all. And it's by the way thousand times better to think Darwinism is pure nonsense than not to be able to see the difference between the "normal" standardized racist Darwinism and the real scientific theory of evolution.
You don't like to understand - that's all. And it's by the way thousand times better to think Darwinism is pure nonsense than not to be able to see the difference between the "normal" standardized racist Darwinism and the real scientific theory of evolution.
I have little interest in any theory. But clearly creationism is junk.
I have little interest in any theory. But clearly creationism is junk.

And clearly Darwinism is more than only bullshit. Because of wrong Darwinistic ideas from England people were murdered in extermination camps - and it is said: While the ark was made from naive laymen the Titanic was made from professionals. I am nearly always shocked when I speak with people who refer to Darwinism - specially in the English speaking world. Their knowledge about the real scientific theory of evolution is often more than only bad. And I am also shocked from the "Christians" who never listen to anyone - because such people deny the Holy Spirit.

Nevertheless is your concrete problem a British problem - and a very little side issue. If someone believes the ark is verbally and in reality exactly this what he reads in the bible - why not? Also in this case someone understands the message. The story is written so every child is able to understand who likes to understand.


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... you can't watch a water species evolve over time and become a land species. ...

Fossils did watch this for us. Short: Two living structures on our planet always have a common ancestor. More concrete: The tree in your near - his name is Mike - has a common ancestor with you; you and Mike are somehow brothers.

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