Christian Minister Arrested for Stating Homosexuality is a Sin

The UK has managed, despite the efforts of the idiotic European courts, to toss out a couple of Muslim hate preachers.
They also managed to keep a couple of American hate preachers out of the UK and it looks like they've arrested another.

The above link is to video of this dude preaching in London and a few things come to mind:

* Only 1.5% of people in the UK attend church so he's probably wasting his time anyway
* No bugger is actually listening to him so my point above is probably right
* He set up loudspeakers - they don't seem to be very loud as no one is cringing at the noise but it's still a bit anti social
* He's bleating on about sexual immorality but the majority of people really don't agree with him
* He claims the homosexual population is very low but it's far larger than the Christian community in the UK
* He's being very clear about his hatred for homosexuals
* He's ranting on about sex in front of very young children
* They're using very young kids to hand out leaflets but there is no close control of those kids and they're on a busy road - Stupidity at best.
* "Where is your tolerance?", he asks whist ranting on about poofters
* He accuses a woman of being a lesbian because she disagreed with him (He could be sued for that in the civil courts and it could probably be taken as a hate crime)
* Tony Miano, whist being a bloody idiot, in my opinion, didn't break the law (Except maybe against the woman he called a lesbian) but he was extremely stupid. (He seems to have been correct about the law)
* The cop was right to arrest him as he received a complaint and, at that time, wasn't aware of the content of the rant and there was material evidence available that could be destroyed if they let him go.
* The arrest was fair as hate preachers from other countries have also been arrested and deported.

My conclusion - he's just a nut job who hates anyone who doesn't agree with his version of the truth but disguises that hate as love.
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Why do Christians feel they have to make a public nuisance of themselves?

When I was a Methodist, for decades, we just went to church and tried to be nice. What is this new Christian thing where you have to stand on street corners screaming hate speech at people? What is that going to GET you?

I'm not a Christian, but I know some believe it's their duty to convert others in order to "save" the human race. Really can't do that just sitting in a Church with others who believe the exact same thing.

Also, I think we need to distinguish between the actual hate speech spewing from the mouths of the Westboro Baptists and this guy who is seemingly just stating his views and not really targeting or heckling any people in particular.

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Um, no. I don't even understand what you're talking about.


Have you perhaps confused the conversation we're having with some imaginary conversation that exists only in your head?

You lefties don't like it one bit when people mock your hypocrisy... :lol:

Again with the moral relativism. It really doesn't fit you guys.

And you won't tolerate it? :eusa_whistle:

Apparently, it'd more accurate to say "There's no hypocrisy like the stuff you make up then assign to others".


Say goodnight, Gracie
Why do Christians feel they have to make a public nuisance of themselves?

When I was a Methodist, for decades, we just went to church and tried to be nice. What is this new Christian thing where you have to stand on street corners screaming hate speech at people? What is that going to GET you?

I'm not a Christian, but I know some believe it's their duty to convert others in order to "save" the human race. Really can't do that just sitting in a Church with others who believe the exact same thing.

Also, I think we need to distinguish between the actual hate speech spewing from the mouths of the Westboro Baptists and this guy who is seemingly just stating his views and not really targeting or heckling any people in particular.


There's no such thing as "hate speech", just speech. Hate is an emotion, speech is an action.

There is certainly speech that comes from hate, just as there is speech that comes from love, or any other emotion (or combination thereof).

But trying to define the root emotion that certain speech comes from is entirely subjective. The difference between "actual hate speech" and "stating his views" would be defined differently by each and every human being on earth.
Um, no. I don't even understand what you're talking about.


Have you perhaps confused the conversation we're having with some imaginary conversation that exists only in your head?

You lefties don't like it one bit when people mock your hypocrisy... :lol:

Again with the moral relativism. It really doesn't fit you guys.

And you won't tolerate it? :eusa_whistle:

Apparently, it'd more accurate to say "There's no hypocrisy like the stuff you make up then assign to others".


Say goodnight, Gracie

Why do Christians feel they have to make a public nuisance of themselves?

When I was a Methodist, for decades, we just went to church and tried to be nice. What is this new Christian thing where you have to stand on street corners screaming hate speech at people? What is that going to GET you?

I'm not a Christian, but I know some believe it's their duty to convert others in order to "save" the human race. Really can't do that just sitting in a Church with others who believe the exact same thing.


Well, it isn't their duty. It's a damned impertinence.

So how many people here are doing what the London crazy did, going onto the public sidewalks with a bullhorn and screeching at people about whatever kind of sex you disapprove of?

What these guys are REALLY doing is trying to foment violence against their target group, of course. That's why the police get involved quickly, especially in London where there is so much violence already.

The preacher with the bullhorn in Chicago was sexually titillated by all his ranting about whores, whores, whores to any women who passed in the street going to restaurants in this fashionable area. He was surely sex-deprived, like the Muslims who attack women because some hair shows under that head thing they have to wear --- really, they just want sex and aren't allowed to have any. So they try for rape and abuse. My guess is this Bible college in Chicago did NOT encourage these guys to get any sex in any way but marriage and be sure, no woman would ever have had anything to do with that disgusting preacher.

The preacher with the bullhorn and obscenities against homosexual may have been homosexual himself and hated the fact. Or he may have been trying to get people around there to kill homosexuals!

The one thing he wasn't was Christian. I'm pretty sure hate-mongering with a bullhorn is NOT Christian. I was in the church for many decades and I'm real sure hate speech with a bullhorn to get people beat up never came up in our religious services.

So that's the new Christianity, huh? If the best they can do is meanness and violence, the sooner this kind of "Christianity" dies out the better.
The UK has managed, despite the efforts of the idiotic European courts, to toss out a couple of Muslim hate preachers.
They also managed to keep a couple of American hate preachers out of the UK and it looks like they've arrested another.

The above link is to video of this dude preaching in London and a few things come to mind:

* Only 1.5% of people in the UK attend church so he's probably wasting his time anyway
* No bugger is actually listening to him so my point above is probably right
* He set up loudspeakers - they don't seem to be very loud as no one is cringing at the noise but it's still a bit anti social
* He's bleating on about sexual immorality but the majority of people really don't agree with him
* He claims the homosexual population is very low but it's far larger than the Christian community in the UK
* He's being very clear about his hatred for homosexuals
* He's ranting on about sex in front of very young children
* They're using very young kids to hand out leaflets but there is no close control of those kids and they're on a busy road - Stupidity at best.
* "Where is your tolerance?", he asks whist ranting on about poofters
* He accuses a woman of being a lesbian because she disagreed with him (He could be sued for that in the civil courts and it could probably be taken as a hate crime)
* Tony Miano, whist being a bloody idiot, in my opinion, didn't break the law (Except maybe against the woman he called a lesbian) but he was extremely stupid. (He seems to have been correct about the law)
* The cop was right to arrest him as he received a complaint and, at that time, wasn't aware of the content of the rant and there was material evidence available that could be destroyed if they let him go.
* The arrest was fair as hate preachers from other countries have also been arrested and deported.

My conclusion - he's just a nut job who hates anyone who doesn't agree with his version of the truth but disguises that hate as love.

So, not too keen on an adult talking about things of a sexual nature in public (in front of kids), but he clearly doesn't sound like a hateful person.

I mean, I think it's possible for someone to think homosexuality is wrong while not "hating" the group. I mean, personally I think it's wrong that so many parents teach their kids to grow up being obsessed with sports or to eat shitty food, or to watch TV (vs read); I'm sometimes openly vocal about that too.

Does that make me hateful? I don't think so.

Note that I personally have no moral objections to homosexuality, and support gay marriage, etc.
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There's no such thing as "hate speech", just speech. Hate is an emotion, speech is an action.

There is certainly speech that comes from hate, just as there is speech that comes from love, or any other emotion (or combination thereof).

But trying to define the root emotion that certain speech comes from is entirely subjective. The difference between "actual hate speech" and "stating his views" would be defined differently by each and every human being on earth.

My understanding of this issue is that "hate speech" is intended to foment violence against the hated group.

He used a bullhorn? Yep, that'll be hate speech.
Why do Christians feel they have to make a public nuisance of themselves?

When I was a Methodist, for decades, we just went to church and tried to be nice. What is this new Christian thing where you have to stand on street corners screaming hate speech at people? What is that going to GET you?

I'm not a Christian, but I know some believe it's their duty to convert others in order to "save" the human race. Really can't do that just sitting in a Church with others who believe the exact same thing.


Well, it isn't their duty. It's a damned impertinence.

So how many people here are doing what the London crazy did, going onto the public sidewalks with a bullhorn and screeching at people about whatever kind of sex you disapprove of?

What these guys are REALLY doing is trying to foment violence against their target group, of course. That's why the police get involved quickly, especially in London where there is so much violence already.

The preacher with the bullhorn in Chicago was sexually titillated by all his ranting about whores, whores, whores to any women who passed in the street going to restaurants in this fashionable area. He was surely sex-deprived, like the Muslims who attack women because some hair shows under that head thing they have to wear --- really, they just want sex and aren't allowed to have any. So they try for rape and abuse. My guess is this Bible college in Chicago did NOT encourage these guys to get any sex in any way but marriage and be sure, no woman would ever have had anything to do with that disgusting preacher.

The preacher with the bullhorn and obscenities against homosexual may have been homosexual himself and hated the fact. Or he may have been trying to get people around there to kill homosexuals!

The one thing he wasn't was Christian. I'm pretty sure hate-mongering with a bullhorn is NOT Christian. I was in the church for many decades and I'm real sure hate speech with a bullhorn to get people beat up never came up in our religious services.

So that's the new Christianity, huh? If the best they can do is meanness and violence, the sooner this kind of "Christianity" dies out the better.

I dunno Circe, I think you're making too many assumptions here on intent without actually knowing the individual at the center of the discussion. I don't know him either so I'm not going to speculate.

There's no such thing as "hate speech", just speech. Hate is an emotion, speech is an action.

There is certainly speech that comes from hate, just as there is speech that comes from love, or any other emotion (or combination thereof).

But trying to define the root emotion that certain speech comes from is entirely subjective. The difference between "actual hate speech" and "stating his views" would be defined differently by each and every human being on earth.

My understanding of this issue is that "hate speech" is intended to foment violence against the hated group.

He used a bullhorn? Yep, that'll be hate speech.

That's about as subjective a definition as you could possibly get. How can you know someone's "intent" without reading their minds?
I mean, I think it's possible for someone to think homosexuality is wrong while not "hating" the group. I mean, personally I think it's wrong that so many parents teach their kids to grow up being obsessed with sports or to eat shitty food, or to watch TV (vs read); does that make me hateful? I don't think so.

Note that I personally have no moral objections to homosexuality, and support gay marriage, etc.

The day you get an electric bullhorn and go out to the boardwalk at Atlantic City and start using loud obscenities to describe parents who let kids watch Nick at Night and Dora the Explorer will be the day you have gone into hate speech.
[OK all you London Christians to the back of the bus and start singing we shall overcome.

Why do Christians feel they have to make a public nuisance of themselves?

When I was a Methodist, for decades, we just went to church and tried to be nice. What is this new Christian thing where you have to stand on street corners screaming hate speech at people? What is that going to GET you?

Attention-getting and that need to feel persecuted.
There's no such thing as "hate speech", just speech. Hate is an emotion, speech is an action.

There is certainly speech that comes from hate, just as there is speech that comes from love, or any other emotion (or combination thereof).

But trying to define the root emotion that certain speech comes from is entirely subjective. The difference between "actual hate speech" and "stating his views" would be defined differently by each and every human being on earth.

My understanding of this issue is that "hate speech" is intended to foment violence against the hated group.

He used a bullhorn? Yep, that'll be hate speech.

That's about as subjective a definition as you could possibly get. How can you know someone's "intent" without reading their minds?

The bullhorn is a real, real good clue.

Besides, remember that I saw one of these characters. Yep, he was a hater.

It wasn't subtle.
My understanding of this issue is that "hate speech" is intended to foment violence against the hated group.

He used a bullhorn? Yep, that'll be hate speech.

That's about as subjective a definition as you could possibly get. How can you know someone's "intent" without reading their minds?

The bullhorn is a real, real good clue.

Besides, remember that I saw one of these characters. Yep, he was a hater.

It wasn't subtle.

I'm not saying that I disagree with you - the guy was, in my opinion, full of hate - as I already said.

The problem is the term "hate speech".
I mean, I think it's possible for someone to think homosexuality is wrong while not "hating" the group. I mean, personally I think it's wrong that so many parents teach their kids to grow up being obsessed with sports or to eat shitty food, or to watch TV (vs read); does that make me hateful? I don't think so.

Note that I personally have no moral objections to homosexuality, and support gay marriage, etc.

The day you get an electric bullhorn and go out to the boardwalk at Atlantic City and start using loud obscenities to describe parents who let kids watch Nick at Night and Dora the Explorer will be the day you have gone into hate speech.

Well, don't think this guy in particular was using any curse/derogatory words, right?

And I don't know if I agree; if I go out to the boardwalk at Atlantic City and talk about how I think too much TV is bad, and that it's wrong that parents feed their kids food that will kill them in 50 years, etc, that will make me a hateful person using hate speech?

I don't think so. I have no qualms with people speaking their mind so long as they're not being an asshole doing it (using curse words, aggressively targeting people, etc). The more info you have the better.

I dunno Circe, I think you're making too many assumptions here on intent without actually knowing the individual at the center of the discussion. I don't know him either so I'm not going to speculate.


I actually read the article.

He was doing bad things, bullhorn, obscenities, fomenting violence, police came. It's obvious.

This would not have gone over well as Christianity in the churches I went to!

I just wish I knew who the people here are who go out with bullhorns haranguing and abusing people about sex in crowds on the sidewalks. Do lots of you think that's an okay thing to do?

Is that what you now call ..........................CHRISTIAN?????

Darn. That is just sorry.
I mean, I think it's possible for someone to think homosexuality is wrong while not "hating" the group. I mean, personally I think it's wrong that so many parents teach their kids to grow up being obsessed with sports or to eat shitty food, or to watch TV (vs read); does that make me hateful? I don't think so.

Note that I personally have no moral objections to homosexuality, and support gay marriage, etc.

The day you get an electric bullhorn and go out to the boardwalk at Atlantic City and start using loud obscenities to describe parents who let kids watch Nick at Night and Dora the Explorer will be the day you have gone into hate speech.

Well, don't think this guy in particular was using any curse/derogatory words, right?

And I don't know if I agree; if I go out to the boardwalk at Atlantic City and talk about how I think too much TV is bad, and that it's wrong that parents feed their kids food that will kill them in 50 years, etc, that will make me a hateful person using hate speech?

I don't think so. I have no qualms with people speaking their mind so long as they're not being an asshole doing it (using curse words, aggressively targeting people, etc). The more info you have the better.


As much as I would agree with you if you did so, I would interpret your need to scream about it on the boardwalk as a manifestation of your "hatred" towards television.

Hate is an emotion that we've all felt before.
To me, preachers have every right to share all parts of the Lord's word if they want to and if certain members of the congregation do not like what they are hearing, what is stopping them from getting up and leaving when they have a right to?

God bless you and the preacher always!!! :) :) :)

I actually read the article.

He was doing bad things, bullhorn, obscenities, fomenting violence, police came. It's obvious.

This would not have gone over well as Christianity in the churches I went to!

I just wish I knew who the people here are who go out with bullhorns haranguing and abusing people about sex in crowds on the sidewalks. Do lots of you think that's an okay thing to do?

Is that what you now call ..........................CHRISTIAN?????

Darn. That is just sorry.

I'm glad you read the article, but I watched the video in full (the primary source). I suggest you do the same because it might change your opinion on the matter.

Despite not agreeing with him, the dude was being very pleasant overall and actually quite respectful with the cops. To say he was formatting violence is simply not true, and he expressed on numerous occasions that he does not hate homosexuals.

I did express that I don't think it's appropriate to talk about things of a sexual nature in front of kids; but was he being hateful? Don't really think so.

Anyways, don't care enough about this guy or his cause to defend him any longer so I'm signing off!...

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