Christian Minister Arrested for Stating Homosexuality is a Sin

And I don't know if I agree; if I go out to the boardwalk at Atlantic City and talk about how I think too much TV is bad, and that it's wrong that parents feed their kids food that will kill them in 50 years, etc, that will make me a hateful person using hate speech?

I don't think so. I have no qualms with people speaking their mind so long as they're not being an asshole doing it (using curse words, aggressively targeting people, etc). The more info you have the better.


And your audience doesn't get a choice about whether or not they want to hear all that?

So here you are, Easter Sunday at the Easter Costume parade on the boardwalk at Asbury Park, big crowd, and you have your electric bullhorn cranked up to eleven and you are going through your passionate spiel about how kids should eat spinach instead of McDonald fries and people keep trying to get away from you, I can't THINK why, so you keep chasing them down and running to the thickest part of the crowd because they NEED to HEAR this, it's SO IMPORTANT, and GOD WILLS IT.

I don't know, Kevin, I think your moral position here is very, very shaky even if you aren't using the sex talk and obscenities that somehow these so-called "Christians" are always, always using. Because they are totally insane, of course.
As much as I would agree with you if you did so, I would interpret your need to scream about it on the boardwalk as a manifestation of your "hatred" towards television.

Hate is an emotion that we've all felt before.

I don't think I'd be "screaming" per se, unless I had no mic and it was very noisy.

Too, I never said I hated television, I just think that too much of it can be a bad thing. I think there's a big difference.
As much as I would agree with you if you did so, I would interpret your need to scream about it on the boardwalk as a manifestation of your "hatred" towards television.

Hate is an emotion that we've all felt before.

I don't think I'd be "screaming" per se, unless I had no mic and it was very noisy.

Too, I never said I hated television, I just think that too much of it can be a bad thing. I think there's a big difference.

There is, and I agree - I'm watching TV right now. But you're also not actually on the boardwalk preaching about it. I think that it would take hatred, rather than lukewarm dislike, to bring someone to the extent of public ranting.
To me, preachers have every right to share all parts of the Lord's word if they want to and if certain members of the congregation do not like what they are hearing, what is stopping them from getting up and leaving when they have a right to?

God bless you and the preacher always!!! :) :) :)


You aren't too bright, are you? He was arrested for violating the Public Order Act, which seems to amount to disorderly conduct. There was no congregation or walking away from him. Damn, his man-boobs are a crime against nature.

Just another entitlement junkie is what he is.
To me, preachers have every right to share all parts of the Lord's word if they want to and if certain members of the congregation do not like what they are hearing, what is stopping them from getting up and leaving when they have a right to?

Quite right!

But that's a congregation ---- a voluntary group assembled to hear the Word.

People are not entitled to force everyone within hearing to listen to their preaching on a megaphone during the football game at a stadium! Or on a sidewalk outside restaurants.

That is intrusive and abusive. The police should be called. These are religious maniacs and very possibly will become dangerous.
As much as I would agree with you if you did so, I would interpret your need to scream about it on the boardwalk as a manifestation of your "hatred" towards television.

Hate is an emotion that we've all felt before.

I don't think I'd be "screaming" per se, unless I had no mic and it was very noisy.

Too, I never said I hated television, I just think that too much of it can be a bad thing. I think there's a big difference.

There is, and I agree - I'm watching TV right now. But you're also not actually on the boardwalk preaching about it. I think that it would take hatred, rather than lukewarm dislike, to bring someone to the extent of public ranting.

Don't know if I agree though. Just because I'm passionate in my belief that too much TV is bad (passionate enough to go to the boardwalk) means that I 'hate" TV?

Hate's too strong of a word, I think.

To me, preachers have every right to share all parts of the Lord's word if they want to and if certain members of the congregation do not like what they are hearing, what is stopping them from getting up and leaving when they have a right to?

Quite right!

But that's a congregation ---- a voluntary group assembled to hear the Word.

People are not entitled to force everyone within hearing to listen to their preaching on a megaphone during the football game at a stadium! Or on a sidewalk outside restaurants.

That is intrusive and abusive. The police should be called. These are religious maniacs and very possibly will become dangerous.

I don't know Circe. As long as the person isn't being mean and abusive (by calling out individuals, taunting them, using racial slurs, etc), or targeting children with inappropriate subject matter, I really have no objections to someone speaking their mind in public.

If you're worried about something that's dangerous, I'd say it's laws and regulations against public speech. Why?

What happens when you go to protest the bank that illegally stole your money, and the police (who are owned by the bank) come and tell you that you're being a "public nuisance"? What happens when the criminal candidate running for reelection bars you from exposing him to the public, stating "no one wants to hear that, you're bothering them".

I'd rather have no restrictions to open speech (and deal with hearing a thing or two I don't agree with) than NO open speech. With freedom comes "sacrifices", and having to "deal" with hearing things you don't agree with is one of them. You want to give up those freedoms and you're going to find yourself (potentially) in a very shitty situation.

Hearing this man for 3 seconds walking by does not hurt me... lol

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Does the U.K. not have adequate law in-place to protect Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Religious Expression and Freedom of Speech?

This fellow was correctly citing traditional mainstream Christian belief that homosexuality is a Sin... sick, unclean, unholy, unnatural, perverse, immoral and an aberration in the eyes of God, Man, and Nature itself.

Hey, if you want to go all the way, he should also stone gays and burn witches.

That's what his book says he should be able to do, right?

Oh, wait. We don't do that anymore.
[OK all you London Christians to the back of the bus and start singing we shall overcome.

Why do Christians feel they have to make a public nuisance of themselves?

When I was a Methodist, for decades, we just went to church and tried to be nice. What is this new Christian thing where you have to stand on street corners screaming hate speech at people? What is that going to GET you?

How is preaching the Gospel screaming hate at people?

We are commanded by Christ to share the Gospel with people. We aren't told to quietly live our lives and be nice. We are told to preach and share and exhort one another to give up our sins.
[OK all you London Christians to the back of the bus and start singing we shall overcome.

Why do Christians feel they have to make a public nuisance of themselves?

When I was a Methodist, for decades, we just went to church and tried to be nice. What is this new Christian thing where you have to stand on street corners screaming hate speech at people? What is that going to GET you?

Did you read the Bible when you went to that Methodist church? Street preaching is a fairly old concept practiced by Jesus,the Apostles and the prophets. Not exactly a new thing. Neither is preaching controversial subjects or pointing out what the bible says is sin. Even Jesus pointed out the Hippocrisy of the Pharisees and turned over the money changers tables. Why you think this is new IDK.
To me, preachers have every right to share all parts of the Lord's word if they want to and if certain members of the congregation do not like what they are hearing, what is stopping them from getting up and leaving when they have a right to?

God bless you and the preacher always!!! :) :) :)

You aren't too bright, are you? He was arrested for violating the Public Order Act, which seems to amount to disorderly conduct. There was no congregation or walking away from him. Damn, his man-boobs are a crime against nature.

Just another entitlement junkie is what he is.
Apparently you are not all that bright either if you don't know that you have a right to ignore what other people have to say. Yeah people have the right to speak their mind, but you don't have to pay any attention to whatever it is that you don't want to listen to if you don't want to listen to it. That is another right that we all have. :) :) :)

To me, preachers have every right to share all parts of the Lord's word if they want to and if certain members of the congregation do not like what they are hearing, what is stopping them from getting up and leaving when they have a right to?
Quite right!

But that's a congregation ---- a voluntary group assembled to hear the Word.

People are not entitled to force everyone within hearing to listen to their preaching on a megaphone during the football game at a stadium! Or on a sidewalk outside restaurants.

That is intrusive and abusive. The police should be called. These are religious maniacs and very possibly will become dangerous.
You don't have to listen to what is being said where ever it is that you are at if you don't want to listen to it. If I was in the situation, all I would do is continue to be focused on whatever it is that I would be doing right then. I do it all the time at my job when others are saying their own thing.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I never tell people at my job to be quiet because I don't believe that I have a right to when they have a right to say whatever it is that they want matter how bad it may be in my opinion. I wouldn't want to be told to be quiet, so I never tell anyone else to be quiet.
Did you read the Bible when you went to that Methodist church? Street preaching is a fairly old concept practiced by Jesus,the Apostles and the prophets. Not exactly a new thing. Neither is preaching controversial subjects or pointing out what the bible says is sin. Even Jesus pointed out the Hippocrisy of the Pharisees and turned over the money changers tables. Why you think this is new IDK.

It's not new. It's just insane, and criminal.

So, do you get a megaphone and harangue people about sex outside wherever a crowd gathers? Is that what you call moral? How many times have the police arrested you?
God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)

You two who? Makes no sense to me. Don't DO that, this "God bless" crap with the several smilies like X's and O's. That is so incredibly hypocritical!!

P.S. I never tell people at my job to be quiet because I don't believe that I have a right to when they have a right to say whatever it is that they want matter how bad it may be in my opinion. I wouldn't want to be told to be quiet, so I never tell anyone else to be quiet.

Good; probably best, in your case.

You don't have to listen to what is being said where ever it is that you are at if you don't want to listen to it. If I was in the situation, all I would do is continue to be focused on whatever it is that I would be doing right then. I do it all the time at my job when others are saying their own thing.
God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)

You two who? Makes no sense to me. Don't DO that, this "God bless" crap with the several smilies like X's and O's. That is so incredibly hypocritical!!

P.S. I never tell people at my job to be quiet because I don't believe that I have a right to when they have a right to say whatever it is that they want matter how bad it may be in my opinion. I wouldn't want to be told to be quiet, so I never tell anyone else to be quiet.

Good; probably best, in your case.

You don't have to listen to what is being said where ever it is that you are at if you don't want to listen to it. If I was in the situation, all I would do is continue to be focused on whatever it is that I would be doing right then. I do it all the time at my job when others are saying their own thing.

So you are saying that the burden should be on the person with the bullhorn interrupting the movie in a theater, or megaphoning among the seats at the Superbowl, or shouting sex obscenties at you as you and your 4-year-old daughter try to shop the supermarket; that it's fine if the crazies harass people, that you should just put up with it, and not call the police?

I feel sure others will call the police when you fail to defend normal public decencies.
^^^ If someone is getting vulgar when little ones are present, those in charge of the little ones are responsible for letting the little ones know that what they are hearing is bad.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. The first thing to do of course is leave if you don't want to expose yourself or your little ones to such stuff. Once you have left, then you tell your little ones that what they saw or overheard is bad and that just because other people are doing certain things doesn't mean that they have to do it too. To me its all about common sense, something that I pray is not officially a thing of the past. :) :) :)
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Did you read the Bible when you went to that Methodist church? Street preaching is a fairly old concept practiced by Jesus,the Apostles and the prophets. Not exactly a new thing. Neither is preaching controversial subjects or pointing out what the bible says is sin. Even Jesus pointed out the Hippocrisy of the Pharisees and turned over the money changers tables. Why you think this is new IDK.

It's not new. It's just insane, and criminal.

So, do you get a megaphone and harangue people about sex outside wherever a crowd gathers? Is that what you call moral? How many times have the police arrested you?

Insane - I suppose you could argue that (I sat through a Catholic mass this weekend and found the rituals to be just a tad bizarre (yet interesting)), but criminal? I don't think so.

Again Circe, promoting the restriction of free speech is an extremely dangerous (and truly insane) road to go down. I don't think you want to go down that path.

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Apparently you are not all that bright either if you don't know that you have a right to ignore what other people have to say. Yeah people have the right to speak their mind, but you don't have to pay any attention to whatever it is that you don't want to listen to if you don't want to listen to it. That is another right that we all have. :) :) :)

Yes, people can ignore it, but how do you think a homosexual person walking past this preacher would have felt hearing him say that they are sinning, and going to Hell?
You don't have a right in this country to not be offended. Fuck their pathetic sensibilities. It's called free speech comrade
You don't have a right in this country to not be offended. Fuck their pathetic sensibilities. It's called free speech comrade

Great, can I go out in public and call black people ******* and say they should be rounded up and shot?

Exactly how far does my freedom of speech go?
Christian preacher arrested for calling homosexuality a sin in public - National Social Issues |

OF course this was in leftard England where free speech died a long time ago.

Miano said he did not focus entirely on homosexuality, but addressed all forms of sexual immorality using I Thessalonians 4:1-2 – a biblical passage that mentions sexual immorality.

“All of these are considered mainstream Christian positions and have been taught and believed by Christians for thousands of years," he said.

"Police took the retired deputy sheriff to a nearby jail where he was fingerprinted. Officers also took a sample of his DNA and then he was interrogated," Starnes wrote.

“It was very distressing to be arrested and interrogated for openly expressing my deeply held Christian beliefs,” Miano said.

According to a transcript of the interrogation, Miano was asked if he believed that homosexuality is a sin.

"Okay, and you believe through, your, your religion, that homosexuality is a sin?" the police interviewer asked.

"Yes, I do," Miano replied.

The interviewer then asked Miano how he thought people in the general public might feel hearing his message.

Miano was also asked if he would help a homosexual who asked for a favor.

"The word of God tells me to love your neighbor as myself," Miano answered.

Starnes said Miano was troubled that a hypothetical situation could be used against him in court.

“I was actually going to be tried for how I thought,” he said.

It will eventually be illegal to preach the Gospel here in the US as well. Christians need to prepare now BEFORE the storm.

He is entitled to his opinion, but he shouldn't be broadcasting it to the world. The officer is right - how would homosexual members of the public feel, being told that they are hated?

You do realize you just contradicted yourself?

He is entitled to his opinion BUT he shouldn't be broadcasting it to the world. But the homosexuals have a right to think Christians are evil and intolerant, and don't hesitate to let the world know about it. That's hypocritical, Noomi.

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