Christian Minister Arrested for Stating Homosexuality is a Sin

You capitalize "has" and "just" but not "Bible"? :eusa_eh:

That just got noted in your ledger upstairs, son.

I highly doubt God cares about people capitalizing words in sentences.

You'd be highly wrong about that....He knows when a sparrow falls...imagine His dismay at such an intentional slight on His Good Book. :nono:

Besides, it's standard style to cap references to God and the Bible, including pronouns ---- and correct usage is what's REALLY important.
There is a significant amount of Supreme Court precedence protecting the "freedoms" of hateful street preachers.

Is "hate" defined as anything you disagree with?

If you damn street preachers as "hateful," then are you not engaging in hate? Or is it only hate to condemn groups you approve of?

I think it takes a person full of hate to stand on a street corner berating people and threatening them with eternal damnation.

It's really funny watching you guys try to play the moral relativism card.
I think it takes a person full of hate to stand on a street corner berating people and threatening them with eternal damnation.

It's really funny watching you guys try to play the moral relativism card.

I think it takes a person full of hate to berate a person they have never met simply for holding views they disagree with.

Hypocrisy so thick you can cut it with a knife...
There is a significant amount of Supreme Court precedence protecting the "freedoms" of hateful street preachers.

Is "hate" defined as anything you disagree with?

If you damn street preachers as "hateful," then are you not engaging in hate? Or is it only hate to condemn groups you approve of?

I think it takes a person full of hate to stand on a street corner berating people and threatening them with eternal damnation.

It's really funny watching you guys try to play the moral relativism card.

Yeah, that guy I saw years ago was quite a hate-monger. Red-faced, sweat just dripping down his face in the hot Chicago sun, screaming into his bullhorn in that sort of old-style Southern preacher rhythm where he said the same curses over and over again -- Whore! harlot! Whoooooorre of Babylon!

I had a pretty new dress, too. [:-(

So you people standing up for these hate-mongers: IS that what you all do, get out there into a public crowd with an electric bullhorn and shriek obscenities at strangers who pass by? Spoil their day off, their evening out? You do that yourselves, you think that's all right to do? Serious question. You are defending this kind of behavior: do you do it?
Christian preacher arrested for calling homosexuality a sin in public - National Social Issues |

OF course this was in leftard England where free speech died a long time ago.

Miano said he did not focus entirely on homosexuality, but addressed all forms of sexual immorality using I Thessalonians 4:1-2 – a biblical passage that mentions sexual immorality.

“All of these are considered mainstream Christian positions and have been taught and believed by Christians for thousands of years," he said.

"Police took the retired deputy sheriff to a nearby jail where he was fingerprinted. Officers also took a sample of his DNA and then he was interrogated," Starnes wrote.

“It was very distressing to be arrested and interrogated for openly expressing my deeply held Christian beliefs,” Miano said.

According to a transcript of the interrogation, Miano was asked if he believed that homosexuality is a sin.

"Okay, and you believe through, your, your religion, that homosexuality is a sin?" the police interviewer asked.

"Yes, I do," Miano replied.

The interviewer then asked Miano how he thought people in the general public might feel hearing his message.

Miano was also asked if he would help a homosexual who asked for a favor.

"The word of God tells me to love your neighbor as myself," Miano answered.

Starnes said Miano was troubled that a hypothetical situation could be used against him in court.

“I was actually going to be tried for how I thought,” he said.

It will eventually be illegal to preach the Gospel here in the US as well. Christians need to prepare now BEFORE the storm.

OK all you London Christians to the back of the bus and start singing we shall overcome. No worries, we here in the USA will be joining you soon.
Yeah, that guy I saw years ago was quite a hate-monger. Red-faced, sweat just dripping down his face in the hot Chicago sun, screaming into his bullhorn in that sort of old-style Southern preacher rhythm where he said the same curses over and over again -- Whore! harlot! Whoooooorre of Babylon!

I had a pretty new dress, too. [:-(

So you people standing up for these hate-mongers: IS that what you all do, get out there into a public crowd with an electric bullhorn and shriek obscenities at strangers who pass by? Spoil their day off, their evening out? You do that yourselves, you think that's all right to do? Serious question. You are defending this kind of behavior: do you do it?

Do you think he should be flogged, or put to death for insulting homosexuality?

The only way to fight intolerance is to take a zero tolerance stand against the vile sinners. Those who eschew the doctrine of inclusiveness must be shunned, after severe punishment to drive him to reject judgmental views.
[OK all you London Christians to the back of the bus and start singing we shall overcome.

Why do Christians feel they have to make a public nuisance of themselves?

When I was a Methodist, for decades, we just went to church and tried to be nice. What is this new Christian thing where you have to stand on street corners screaming hate speech at people? What is that going to GET you?
Why do Christians feel they have to make a public nuisance of themselves?

Why can't they just find a nice closet to hide in?

When I was a Methodist, for decades, we just went to church and tried to be nice. What is this new Christian thing where you have to stand on street corners screaming hate speech at people? What is that going to GET you?

Prison - from those who show tolerance...
I think it takes a person full of hate to stand on a street corner berating people and threatening them with eternal damnation.

It's really funny watching you guys try to play the moral relativism card.

I think it takes a person full of hate to berate a person they have never met simply for holding views they disagree with.

Hypocrisy so thick you can cut it with a knife...

Who has done that?
Who has done that?

Those who hold judgmental views must be strongly condemned, right?

Um, no. I don't even understand what you're talking about.

Have you perhaps confused the conversation we're having with some imaginary conversation that exists only in your head?

You have no tolerance policy toward the intolerant?

Again with the moral relativism. It really doesn't fit you guys.


There is no hypocrisy like demopocrisy.....

Apparently, it'd more accurate to say "There's no hypocrisy like the stuff you make up then assign to others".
OF course this was in leftard England where free speech died a long time ago.

It will eventually be illegal to preach the Gospel here in the US as well. Christians need to prepare now BEFORE the storm.

Don’t agree one bit with this guy, but he seems very nice, honest, and respectful and definitely don’t believe he should have been arrested. Horrible fucking law whatever that is. Par for the course in London, I suppose.

As a counterpoint, do you think if a non-Christian was doing the same thing and perhaps talking about how to effectively wash your private parts (for health reasons), etc, the police would come as well? I think so. Fact is most people with little kids don't want a guy talking about fornication on a loudspeaker when they walk by, no matter how reasonable-sounding and respectful he's being.

This law would apply to all people public speaking about things of a sexual nature; I don't think JUST the Christians are being singled out.

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