Christian Minister Arrested for Stating Homosexuality is a Sin

You don't have a right in this country to not be offended. Fuck their pathetic sensibilities. It's called free speech comrade

Great, can I go out in public and call black people ******* and say they should be rounded up and shot?

Exactly how far does my freedom of speech go?

Not very far because you live down under comrade.

But yes, once could say that here if one was stupid enough to face an ass kicking by an irate mob.

You'd have to be constitutionally estute and choose your words carefully. You'd have to be willing to spend a night in jail knowing ultimately that your charges would be dismissed because cops are stupid.

But shouting hate at "*******" as you call them is not what I'm about.
You don't have a right in this country to not be offended. Fuck their pathetic sensibilities. It's called free speech comrade

Great, can I go out in public and call black people ******* and say they should be rounded up and shot?

Exactly how far does my freedom of speech go?

Not very far because you live down under comrade.

But yes, once could say that here if one was stupid enough to face an ass kicking by an irate mob.

You'd have to be constitutionally estute and choose your words carefully. You'd have to be willing to spend a night in jail knowing ultimately that your charges would be dismissed because cops are stupid.

But shouting hate at "*******" as you call them is not what I'm about.

I don't refer to black people as '*******', just using that as an example.

I shouldn't expect violence against me, if I did, I expect the Christians would defend me, as the Christian preachers who verbally abused the gay parade were attacked, and they defended them.
Great, can I go out in public and call black people ******* and say they should be rounded up and shot?

Exactly how far does my freedom of speech go?

Not very far because you live down under comrade.

But yes, once could say that here if one was stupid enough to face an ass kicking by an irate mob.

You'd have to be constitutionally estute and choose your words carefully. You'd have to be willing to spend a night in jail knowing ultimately that your charges would be dismissed because cops are stupid.

But shouting hate at "*******" as you call them is not what I'm about.

I don't refer to black people as '*******', just using that as an example.

I shouldn't expect violence against me, if I did, I expect the Christians would defend me, as the Christian preachers who verbally abused the gay parade were attacked, and they defended them.


Saying what they believe in is bound by faith. That is only "verbal abuse" if one chooses to accept it that way.

The Westboro Babtist church, which you have no doubt heard of, is not a Christian group. They're attorneys, looking to make bank with civil lawsuits.

No real Christian hates gays. They want to save them but they won't allow them to run their agenda down their throats.
Apparently you are not all that bright either if you don't know that you have a right to ignore what other people have to say. Yeah people have the right to speak their mind, but you don't have to pay any attention to whatever it is that you don't want to listen to if you don't want to listen to it. That is another right that we all have. :) :) :)
Yes, people can ignore it, but how do you think a homosexual person walking past this preacher would have felt hearing him say that they are sinning, and going to Hell?
If the person is moved enough to say something, they can't be stopped because they have a right to have their say too.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Does the U.K. not have adequate law in-place to protect Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Religious Expression and Freedom of Speech?

This fellow was correctly citing traditional mainstream Christian belief that homosexuality is a Sin... sick, unclean, unholy, unnatural, perverse, immoral and an aberration in the eyes of God, Man, and Nature itself.

Yeah, keep inside the church buddy!
You can do your preaching and praying and doesn't affect me or my family, but keep it off the streets where my kids have to see it.

What is it with you Christians, trying to force your lifestyle down our throats?!
Does the U.K. not have adequate law in-place to protect Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Religious Expression and Freedom of Speech?

This fellow was correctly citing traditional mainstream Christian belief that homosexuality is a Sin... sick, unclean, unholy, unnatural, perverse, immoral and an aberration in the eyes of God, Man, and Nature itself.

Yeah, keep inside the church buddy!
You can do your preaching and praying and doesn't affect me or my family, but keep it off the streets where my kids have to see it.

What is it with you Christians, trying to force your lifestyle down our throats?!

Who the heck are you to say we can't preach and pray and repent on the streets? You don't have to listen to any of us. But you sure as heck have no right to deny us of our rights.

I wouldn't say that a man being charged with a crime for preaching the Truth of the Gospel is 'ending well.'

He wasn't "charged with a crime". He was brought in for questioning, then released.

I see, since you didn't get to through him in jail you think it is OK to haul him away like a common criminal.
Christian preacher arrested for calling homosexuality a sin in public - National Social Issues |

OF course this was in leftard England where free speech died a long time ago.

Miano said he did not focus entirely on homosexuality, but addressed all forms of sexual immorality using I Thessalonians 4:1-2 – a biblical passage that mentions sexual immorality.

“All of these are considered mainstream Christian positions and have been taught and believed by Christians for thousands of years," he said.

"Police took the retired deputy sheriff to a nearby jail where he was fingerprinted. Officers also took a sample of his DNA and then he was interrogated," Starnes wrote.

“It was very distressing to be arrested and interrogated for openly expressing my deeply held Christian beliefs,” Miano said.

According to a transcript of the interrogation, Miano was asked if he believed that homosexuality is a sin.

"Okay, and you believe through, your, your religion, that homosexuality is a sin?" the police interviewer asked.

"Yes, I do," Miano replied.

The interviewer then asked Miano how he thought people in the general public might feel hearing his message.

Miano was also asked if he would help a homosexual who asked for a favor.

"The word of God tells me to love your neighbor as myself," Miano answered.

Starnes said Miano was troubled that a hypothetical situation could be used against him in court.

“I was actually going to be tried for how I thought,” he said.

It will eventually be illegal to preach the Gospel here in the US as well. Christians need to prepare now BEFORE the storm.

Yanno.............I thought that Jesus said we should love one another.

Gender was not specified.
Does the U.K. not have adequate law in-place to protect Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Religious Expression and Freedom of Speech?

This fellow was correctly citing traditional mainstream Christian belief that homosexuality is a Sin... sick, unclean, unholy, unnatural, perverse, immoral and an aberration in the eyes of God, Man, and Nature itself.

Yeah, keep inside the church buddy!
You can do your preaching and praying and doesn't affect me or my family, but keep it off the streets where my kids have to see it.

What is it with you Christians, trying to force your lifestyle down our throats?!

Who the heck are you to say we can't preach and pray and repent on the streets? You don't have to listen to any of us. But you sure as heck have no right to deny us of our rights.
I wouldn't say that a man being charged with a crime for preaching the Truth of the Gospel is 'ending well.'

He wasn't "charged with a crime". He was brought in for questioning, then released.

I see, since you didn't get to through him in jail you think it is OK to haul him away like a common criminal.

He broke a law whether you agree with the law or not. I'm surprised you aren't more upset that they automatically took his dna sample.
Hate speech is hate speech. Just as there is no such thing as a free market, there is no such thing as free speech. All speech is in context and in a historical and cultural setting. Speech is determined by what we know or think we know as well as where we are and who we are with. Free speech is a enormous abstraction that is often shown to be un-free by law, culture, and setting. There's no need to give examples of why that is so. Do unto others... Two books for the serious reader.

'Only Words' Catharine A. MacKinnon and 'The Harm in Hate Speech' (Oliver Wendell Holmes Lectures, 2009) Jeremy Waldron

Read Stanley Fish's excellent essay or check his interview here.

"Many discussions of free speech, especially by those whom I would call free speech ideologues, begin by assuming as normative the situation in which speech is offered for its own sake, just for the sake of expression. The idea is that free expression, the ability to open up your mouth and deliver an opinion in a seminar-like atmosphere, is the typical situation and any constraint on free expression is therefore a deviation from that typical or normative situation. I begin by saying that this is empirically false, that the prototypical academic situation in which you utter sentences only to solicit sentences in return with no thought of actions being taken, is in fact anomalous. It is something that occurs only in the academy and for a very small number of people.

Therefore, a theory of free speech which takes such weightless situations as being the centre of the subject seems to me to go wrong from the first. I begin from the opposite direction. I believe the situation of constraint is the normative one and that the distinctions which are to be made are between differing situations of constraint; rather than a distinction between constraint on the one hand and a condition of no constraint on the other. Another way to put this is to say that, except in a seminar-like situation, when one speaks to another person, it is usually for an instrumental purpose: you are trying to get someone to do something, you are trying to urge an idea and, down the road, a course of action. These are the reasons for which speech exists and it is in that sense that I say that there is no such thing as "free speech", that is, speech that has as its rationale nothing more than its own production." "There is no such thing as free speech": an interview with Stanley Fish <P>

See: The Harm in Hate Speech (Oliver Wendell Holmes Lectures, 2009) Jeremy Waldron
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Does the U.K. not have adequate law in-place to protect Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Religious Expression and Freedom of Speech?

This fellow was correctly citing traditional mainstream Christian belief that homosexuality is a Sin... sick, unclean, unholy, unnatural, perverse, immoral and an aberration in the eyes of God, Man, and Nature itself.

Yeah, keep inside the church buddy!
You can do your preaching and praying and doesn't affect me or my family, but keep it off the streets where my kids have to see it.

What is it with you Christians, trying to force your lifestyle down our throats?!

Who the heck are you to say we can't preach and pray and repent on the streets? You don't have to listen to any of us. But you sure as heck have no right to deny us of our rights.

But the preacher was forcing his beliefs on others.

Where is the freedom from religion?
[OK all you London Christians to the back of the bus and start singing we shall overcome.

Why do Christians feel they have to make a public nuisance of themselves?

When I was a Methodist, for decades, we just went to church and tried to be nice. What is this new Christian thing where you have to stand on street corners screaming hate speech at people? What is that going to GET you?

How is preaching the Gospel screaming hate at people?

We are commanded by Christ to share the Gospel with people. We aren't told to quietly live our lives and be nice. We are told to preach and share and exhort one another to give up our sins.

How about keeping your bronze age stupidity to yourselves?
Yeah, keep inside the church buddy!
You can do your preaching and praying and doesn't affect me or my family, but keep it off the streets where my kids have to see it.

What is it with you Christians, trying to force your lifestyle down our throats?!

Who the heck are you to say we can't preach and pray and repent on the streets? You don't have to listen to any of us. But you sure as heck have no right to deny us of our rights.

But the preacher was forcing his beliefs on others.

Where is the freedom from religion?

How was he forcing anything? Walk away! And there is no freedom FROM religion, it's freedom OF religion. You're free to not listen and not believe, we're free to speak of our public or wherever we want. What's the difference between that and what the gays do when they're out in a park or someplace DISPLAYING their lifestyle. Do you think we enjoy having to listen to that? But they have every right to do it, and so do we.
How was he forcing anything? Walk away! And there is no freedom FROM religion, it's freedom OF religion. You're free to not listen and not believe, we're free to speak of our public or wherever we want. What's the difference between that and what the gays do when they're out in a park or someplace DISPLAYING their lifestyle. Do you think we enjoy having to listen to that? But they have every right to do it, and so do we.

I have to ask, how are gays "displaying" their lifestyle. Just openly being a couple. Oh, the horror. Doing what the rest of us take for granted.

Frankly, I had enough of the bible thumping stupidity as a kid, you get in my face with that, I'll fucking mock you.
Yeah, keep inside the church buddy!
You can do your preaching and praying and doesn't affect me or my family, but keep it off the streets where my kids have to see it.

What is it with you Christians, trying to force your lifestyle down our throats?!

Who the heck are you to say we can't preach and pray and repent on the streets? You don't have to listen to any of us. But you sure as heck have no right to deny us of our rights.

But the preacher was forcing his beliefs on others.

How does this differ as a use of a public street, for example, from a Gay Pride Parade, where outrageous and licentious costumes are oftentimes the norm and where deviant street behaviors are oftentimes manifested, in front of little kids?

The answer here is the same that Gay Advocates would give in reply to protests about such parades...

Turn away, or walk away, and don't listen, then. Solved.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

"...Where is the freedom from religion?"

Ditto (Turn away, or walk away, and don't listen, then. Solved.)
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