Christian Minister Arrested for Stating Homosexuality is a Sin

I wouldn't say that a man being charged with a crime for preaching the Truth of the Gospel is 'ending well.'

He wasn't "charged with a crime". He was brought in for questioning, then released.

Next they'll be locking them up. It's just a matter of time.

Guess that's why the Pilgrims came to America.
I wouldn't say that a man being charged with a crime for preaching the Truth of the Gospel is 'ending well.'

He wasn't "charged with a crime". He was brought in for questioning, then released.

Next they'll be locking them up. It's just a matter of time.

Guess that's why the Pilgrims came to America.

The Pilgrims came to America because they didn't want to hear contrary opinions to their religious bullshit.

They then proceeded to genocide the shit out of the Native Americans who saved them from well-deserved starvation.
Bullshit. They came because they were being executed and imprisoned for preaching on street corners.

"As they gained strength, Puritans were portrayed by their enemies as hairsplitters who slavishly followed their Bibles as guides to daily life; or they were caricatured as licentious hypocrites who adopted a grave aspect but cheated the very neighbors whom they judged inadequate Christians. They appeared in drama and satire as secretly lascivious purveyors of feigned piety"

"Mary’s first victim during her reign of terror was a Puritan minister named John Rogers who, upon his refusal to recant the true word of God, was burned to ashes in 1555."

"In 1604 under James’ order, at least three hundred Puritan ministers were imprisoned or exiled."
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Why do you think focusing on one adjective makes an argument for you.

Copernicus made a great scientific discovery.

The Church realized it contradicted their holy book. They put Galileo in front of the inquisition and made him recant. They burned Bruno at the stake.

This is religion. Anything that disagrees with our worldview must be eliminated, even if it's true.

Sounds just like Global Warming.
The Pilgrims came to America because they didn't want to hear contrary opinions to their religious bullshit.

They then proceeded to genocide the shit out of the Native Americans who saved them from well-deserved starvation.

Why do you think focusing on one adjective makes an argument for you.

Copernicus made a great scientific discovery.

The Church realized it contradicted their holy book. They put Galileo in front of the inquisition and made him recant. They burned Bruno at the stake.

This is religion. Anything that disagrees with our worldview must be eliminated, even if it's true.

Sounds just like Global Warming.

It sure does! It's exactly like global warming.
Bullshit. They came because they were being executed and imprisoned for preaching on street corners.

"As they gained strength, Puritans were portrayed by their enemies as hairsplitters who slavishly followed their Bibles as guides to daily life; or they were caricatured as licentious hypocrites who adopted a grave aspect but cheated the very neighbors whom they judged inadequate Christians. They appeared in drama and satire as secretly lascivious purveyors of feigned piety"

Puritanism ? Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts

"Mary’s first victim during her reign of terror was a Puritan minister named John Rogers who, upon his refusal to recant the true word of God, was burned to ashes in 1555."

"In 1604 under James’ order, at least three hundred Puritan ministers were imprisoned or exiled."

One Fold | The Plight and Flight of the Puritans

But here's the problem. The Pilgrams didn't come from England. They had ALREADY resettled in Holland.

The congregation then left England and emigrated to the Netherlands, first to Amsterdam and then to Leiden, in 1609.[4]

In Leiden, the congregation gained the freedom to worship as it chose, but Dutch society was unfamiliar to these immigrants. Scrooby had been an agricultural community, whereas Leiden was a thriving industrial center, and the pace of life was hard on the Separatists. Furthermore, though the community remained close-knit, their children began adopting Dutch language and customs.Their children were also going into the Dutch Army. The Separatists were also still not free from the persecutions of the English Crown; in 1618, after William Brewster published comments highly critical of the King of England and the Anglican Church, English authorities came to Leiden to arrest him. Though Brewster escaped arrest, the events spurred the congregation to move even farther from England.[5]

In June 1619, after declining the opportunity to settle south of Cape Cod in New Netherland, because of their desire to avoid the Dutch influence,[6] the Congregation obtained a land patent from the London Virginia Company, allowing them to settle at the mouth of the Hudson River. They then sought financing through the Merchant Adventurers, a group of businessmen who principally viewed the colony as a means of making a profit. Upon arriving in America, the Pilgrims began working to repay their debts.[7]

Plymouth Colony - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In short, they were already free of English "persecution".

But they just didn't have the ability to impose their backward ass religion on their neighbors.
Why do you think focusing on one adjective makes an argument for you.

Copernicus made a great scientific discovery.

The Church realized it contradicted their holy book. They put Galileo in front of the inquisition and made him recant. They burned Bruno at the stake.

This is religion. Anything that disagrees with our worldview must be eliminated, even if it's true.

Sounds just like Global Warming.

It sure does! It's exactly like global warming.

Except Global Warming can be proven.
He wasn't "charged with a crime". He was brought in for questioning, then released.

Next they'll be locking them up. It's just a matter of time.

Guess that's why the Pilgrims came to America.

The Pilgrims came to America because they didn't want to hear contrary opinions to their religious bullshit.

They then proceeded to genocide the shit out of the Native Americans who saved them from well-deserved starvation.

Wow. That is a really bad reading of history.

have you ever heard of Jonathan Edwards or David Brainerd. Both died in service to Native Americans.
He wasn't "charged with a crime". He was brought in for questioning, then released.

Next they'll be locking them up. It's just a matter of time.

Guess that's why the Pilgrims came to America.

The Pilgrims came to America because they didn't want to hear contrary opinions to their religious bullshit.

They then proceeded to genocide the shit out of the Native Americans who saved them from well-deserved starvation.
The Pilgrims came to America because they didn't want to hear contrary opinions to their religious bullshit.

No we didn't. Holland escorted my ancestor to the docks for his religion and said, "Don't come back." He didn't. Now, you can't contain his family's progeny in 9 thousand page volumes. He had a dozen sons and daughters. :lmao:

They then proceeded to genocide the shit out of the Native Americans who saved them from well-deserved starvation.

You're funny. First, they had to work to pay for their passage to the New World for a number of years. Then they had to work to save for buying a piece of property. Then they had to wait till they could afford to pay for a family. The British cleared the areas of Indians with their militia. The colonists were recruited to do slave labor just to get by.

Genocided the Native Americans? That's a scream. They intermarried with the Native Americans when white women died in childbirth and of diseases they had no immunity to. It worked both ways, because a lot of the natives died off due to no immunity to diseases Europeans brought over. Somehow, we all just bungled along, making the British rich and putting up with their "no representation for colonists in the King or Queen's court" bullshit.
Next they'll be locking them up. It's just a matter of time.

Guess that's why the Pilgrims came to America.

The Pilgrims came to America because they didn't want to hear contrary opinions to their religious bullshit.

They then proceeded to genocide the shit out of the Native Americans who saved them from well-deserved starvation.

Wow. That is a really bad reading of history.

have you ever heard of Jonathan Edwards or David Brainerd. Both died in service to Native Americans.

Real quick. What's the name of the tribe that helped the Pilgrims?

And are any of them around today?
The Pilgrims came to America because they didn't want to hear contrary opinions to their religious bullshit.

They then proceeded to genocide the shit out of the Native Americans who saved them from well-deserved starvation.

Wow. That is a really bad reading of history.

have you ever heard of Jonathan Edwards or David Brainerd. Both died in service to Native Americans.

Real quick. What's the name of the tribe that helped the Pilgrims?

And are any of them around today?

And that somehow proves that every person who came to America hated native americans?

You really need to go re-take that Logic 101 class.
Wow. That is a really bad reading of history.

have you ever heard of Jonathan Edwards or David Brainerd. Both died in service to Native Americans.

Real quick. What's the name of the tribe that helped the Pilgrims?

And are any of them around today?

And that somehow proves that every person who came to America hated native americans?

You really need to go re-take that Logic 101 class.

No that proves that the tribe that helped the Pilgrims was completely wiped out, culture and all.
Real quick. What's the name of the tribe that helped the Pilgrims?

And are any of them around today?

And that somehow proves that every person who came to America hated native americans?

You really need to go re-take that Logic 101 class.

No that proves that the tribe that helped the Pilgrims was completely wiped out, culture and all.

Your point? The pilgrims were not the only people who emigrated.
No we didn't. Holland escorted my ancestor to the docks for his religion and said, "Don't come back." He didn't. Now, you can't contain his family's progeny in 9 thousand page volumes. He had a dozen sons and daughters. :lmao:

They then proceeded to genocide the shit out of the Native Americans who saved them from well-deserved starvation.

You're funny. First, they had to work to pay for their passage to the New World for a number of years. Then they had to work to save for buying a piece of property. Then they had to wait till they could afford to pay for a family. The British cleared the areas of Indians with their militia. The colonists were recruited to do slave labor just to get by.

Genocided the Native Americans? That's a scream. They intermarried with the Native Americans when white women died in childbirth and of diseases they had no immunity to. It worked both ways, because a lot of the natives died off due to no immunity to diseases Europeans brought over. Somehow, we all just bungled along, making the British rich and putting up with their "no representation for colonists in the King or Queen's court" bullshit.

But aren't you kind of proving my point? If your ancestors descendents can be detailed in 9000 pages of geneology texts, and the Wampanoag culture is extinct... I think we kind of know what went on there.

Wampanoag people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But the story about Pilgrims and Indians eating Turkey together is a lot nicer for the kids.

The Disneyification of history.
Is "hate" defined as anything you disagree with?

If you damn street preachers as "hateful," then are you not engaging in hate? Or is it only hate to condemn groups you approve of?

I think it takes a person full of hate to stand on a street corner berating people and threatening them with eternal damnation.

It's really funny watching you guys try to play the moral relativism card.

Yeah, that guy I saw years ago was quite a hate-monger. Red-faced, sweat just dripping down his face in the hot Chicago sun, screaming into his bullhorn in that sort of old-style Southern preacher rhythm where he said the same curses over and over again -- Whore! harlot! Whoooooorre of Babylon!

I had a pretty new dress, too. [:-(

So you people standing up for these hate-mongers: IS that what you all do, get out there into a public crowd with an electric bullhorn and shriek obscenities at strangers who pass by? Spoil their day off, their evening out? You do that yourselves, you think that's all right to do? Serious question. You are defending this kind of behavior: do you do it?

I am a Christian who would never consider standing on a corner yelling such obscenities. However, I will (here in America) defend their right to do so even if I think they are disgustingly hypocritical, just as I would defend your right to stand at the same corner and talk about whatever it is that you believe strongly in.

I've listened/watched street preachers before. I'm not a fan of their methods just as I am not a fan of "faith healers". But, as far as I am concerned, if we are going to demand our own freedom of speech, then we doggone well better stand up and defend the jerk who says something that irritates or even pisses us off.

No we didn't. Holland escorted my ancestor to the docks for his religion and said, "Don't come back." He didn't. Now, you can't contain his family's progeny in 9 thousand page volumes. He had a dozen sons and daughters. :lmao:

They then proceeded to genocide the shit out of the Native Americans who saved them from well-deserved starvation.

You're funny. First, they had to work to pay for their passage to the New World for a number of years. Then they had to work to save for buying a piece of property. Then they had to wait till they could afford to pay for a family. The British cleared the areas of Indians with their militia. The colonists were recruited to do slave labor just to get by.

Genocided the Native Americans? That's a scream. They intermarried with the Native Americans when white women died in childbirth and of diseases they had no immunity to. It worked both ways, because a lot of the natives died off due to no immunity to diseases Europeans brought over. Somehow, we all just bungled along, making the British rich and putting up with their "no representation for colonists in the King or Queen's court" bullshit.

But aren't you kind of proving my point? If your ancestors descendents can be detailed in 9000 pages of geneology texts, and the Wampanoag culture is extinct... I think we kind of know what went on there.

Wampanoag people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But the story about Pilgrims and Indians eating Turkey together is a lot nicer for the kids.

The Disneyification of history.
The only thing that went on there is Colonists were recruited to man the glassworks and other businesses that produced products for the profit, use and edification of British merchants, whose Colonial workers were protected by the British armies. Somehow, after 150 years of that baloney, the colonists broke away from their British Masters in 1776. When the French got tired of footing the bill, George Washington called upon newcomer Haym Solomon to see the colonial army through the American Revolution. The toll taken by British troops against the Colonists was a huge one. After they won, they got to start all over with nothing except hostility from most of the rest of the Old World monarchies too comfortable to bother with the little people who'd grown into a nation.

Wikipedia--where you can change past history with cut and paste.


Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head
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