Zone1 Christian School BANNED From Competing After Refusing to Play Basketball Game Against Team With Trans Player

Quote me specifically what the Bible says about 'transgenders.'

I've mentioned before, and I believe you 'disliked' my answer.

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Simple Solution.
You really need to read Romans 1:28, that was written some 1800 years ago, its that very passage which converted me to Christianity, I'd say the author was dialed in "spectacularly" to the new millennia. To answer your question, "male and female he created them", and anyone/everyone working upon an innocent child with the clear intent of encouraging that innocent child to believe that they can swap genders like pair of socks, is directly attacking the most high God, and his children!

You walk an extraordinarily evil path pushing that crap, you will be paying a price for it absent your total about face.... :wink:
Where in the bible does it say you can't do what you want to your own body?

I know some pretty religious people with more tattoos than bare skin so are they going to hell for that?
Have at it, you're an adult, but working upon the helpless mind of an innocent child, to teach them and encourage them to depravity, I would not want to be that person. On another note, yes, you have a point, most people do not comprehend what is "sin," I sure didn't, I thought as long as you stuck to the ten commandments you were home free, well we aren't!

So yes, nobody, not one of us is free of sin, but I know exactly how you can be freed of its consequences, there is but one way, and that is through Jesus Christ, and you must make good effort at repentance, that applies to every single one of us, nobody is beyond such redemption if they just ask for it and make that good effort at repenting, and repenting doesn't mean what you think it does, its not feeling bad, though you may feel free to feel bad, repenting means to "change your mind!"
Can't Christian teams compete with other Christian teams? I mean, what happened to the moonbats' separation of church and state?
We did as kids; Catholics teams played against other Catholic schools.

Too bad.

If (One) wants to identify as different than their birth sex, fine, BUT you must:

Play on the Trans Sports team
Use the UniSex bathroom.
Its not fake news asshole, you fascist deviants targeting children with your depravity, is evil to its core, and the biblical passage I presented you calls out exactly that depravity, "inventors of new evils!" You, and the other sexual deviants are the fakes and frauds dipshit, you hate yourselves and you have since you were first clued in to truth of yourselves, you are committed to a path of intentional harm and destruction, fully intending to foist such black hearted evil upon the most innocent of us, that is the blackest of black evils, such is utterly depraved and murderous, and you fucking know it, you know it in your black as pitch heart! :puke3:
Have at it, you're an adult, but working upon the helpless mind of an innocent child, to teach them and encourage them to depravity, I would not want to be that person. On another note, yes, you have a point, most people do not comprehend what is "sin," I sure didn't, I thought as long as you stuck to the ten commandments you were home free, well we aren't!

So yes, nobody, not one of us is free of sin, but I know exactly how you can be freed of its consequences, there is but one way, and that is through Jesus Christ, and you must make good effort at repentance, that applies to every single one of us, nobody is beyond such redemption if they just ask for it and make that good effort at repenting, and repenting doesn't mean what you think it does, its not feeling bad, though you may feel free to feel bad, repenting means to "change your mind!"
There is no such thing as sin.

And some of the most religious people on earth do not believe that Jesus was a god incarnate so for all you know you might be wrong.

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