Christianity, and Ethics

You know... I just re-read it and the serpent sort of sounds like you. Look at the similarities.

Serpent: “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”

hobelim: "How else could the Jewish people hide their wealth and the treasures of the Temple from illiterate and superstitious people?"

Serpent: “You will not certainly die, for God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

hobelim: A story that starts with 'in the beginning", just like, 'once upon a time', that features a talking serpent in paradise tricking the first human beings, its a fairy tale.

So my answer id "D," you.

Now will you answer my question? Do you know what the significance is of Rembrant's painting, Christ in the Storm?
lol...I can understand that. Sometimes the truth comes down like a sharp slap in the face by the hand of God. I'm sure the Pharisees standing there looking like idiots after the revelation of Jesus wasn't very endearing either.

Are you asking about the significance of the story of Jesus calming the storm?


Once people awakened upon hearing the teachings of Jesus while they were still in the grave it created quite a commotion. They awakened to realize that they had been victimized for their entire lives by money grubbing actors and lying frauds wearing religious clothing.

You know people like, C. whoever fucked up your mind.

The storm was the unrest and riots that were breaking out all over the place.

Peter being afraid to walk on water with Jesus after Jesus rebuked the storm was Peter being terrified of being lynched by an angry mob, not Peter being afraid of defying gravity or drowning.
Who told you that bullshit?

What was Jesus doing in the boat, Einstein?
It should be, who told you that bullshit, Sir.
What was Jesus doing while the storm was raging, Einstein?

And which atheist website are you getting your information from?

Jesus was the dude who was saying the shit that was causing the storm.

It was like a zombie apocalypse.

The sign that God was with him, the miracle was that with only a few words Jesus calmed a raging riot.
You don't know, do you?

Why were there 14 people in Rembrandt's painting? Who were the 14 people?

You don't have a clue to what the hidden meaning was.

What was the significance of the woman at the well? You don't know that either, do you?

What was the significance of the parable of the lost son? You don't know that either, do you?

Do you know anything?
If you understand then tell me, who does the talking serpent represent?

A.. a preternatural disembodied bad guy of the spirit world, turned into a garden pest by God.

B. an invisible being from another dimension that tries to get people to do naughty things by speaking through snakes, or dogs, and maybe an occasional grilled cheese sandwich.

C . Whoever fucked up your mind.
You know... I just re-read it and the serpent sort of sounds like you. Look at the similarities.

Serpent: “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”

hobelim: "How else could the Jewish people hide their wealth and the treasures of the Temple from illiterate and superstitious people?"

Serpent: “You will not certainly die, for God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

hobelim: A story that starts with 'in the beginning", just like, 'once upon a time', that features a talking serpent in paradise tricking the first human beings, its a fairy tale.

So my answer id "D," you.

Now will you answer my question? Do you know what the significance is of Rembrant's painting, Christ in the Storm?
lol...I can understand that. Sometimes the truth comes down like a sharp slap in the face by the hand of God. I'm sure the Pharisees standing there looking like idiots after the revelation of Jesus wasn't very endearing either.

Are you asking about the significance of the story of Jesus calming the storm?


Once people awakened upon hearing the teachings of Jesus while they were still in the grave it created quite a commotion. They awakened to realize that they had been victimized for their entire lives by money grubbing actors and lying frauds wearing religious clothing.

You know people like, C. whoever fucked up your mind.

The storm was the unrest and riots that were breaking out all over the place.

Peter being afraid to walk on water with Jesus after Jesus rebuked the storm was Peter being terrified of being lynched by an angry mob, not Peter being afraid of defying gravity or drowning.
Who told you that bullshit?

What was Jesus doing in the boat, Einstein?
It should be, who told you that bullshit, Sir.
What was Jesus doing while the storm was raging, Einstein?

And which atheist website are you getting your information from?
lol... I was sitting at the dinner table the other day with God laughing about it all..

Thats who told me that.

No website, no religious cult,

its never been seen or heard before.

If its nothing new, that should be easily proven. You have the entire internet at your disposal.

Go for it.
lol...I can understand that. Sometimes the truth comes down like a sharp slap in the face by the hand of God. I'm sure the Pharisees standing there looking like idiots after the revelation of Jesus wasn't very endearing either.

Are you asking about the significance of the story of Jesus calming the storm?


Once people awakened upon hearing the teachings of Jesus while they were still in the grave it created quite a commotion. They awakened to realize that they had been victimized for their entire lives by money grubbing actors and lying frauds wearing religious clothing.

You know people like, C. whoever fucked up your mind.

The storm was the unrest and riots that were breaking out all over the place.

Peter being afraid to walk on water with Jesus after Jesus rebuked the storm was Peter being terrified of being lynched by an angry mob, not Peter being afraid of defying gravity or drowning.
Who told you that bullshit?

What was Jesus doing in the boat, Einstein?
It should be, who told you that bullshit, Sir.
What was Jesus doing while the storm was raging, Einstein?

And which atheist website are you getting your information from?

Jesus was the dude who was saying the shit that was causing the storm.

It was like a zombie apocalypse.

The sign that God was with him, the miracle was that with only a few words Jesus calmed a raging riot.
You don't know, do you?

Why were there 14 people in Rembrandt's painting? Who were the 14 people?

You don't have a clue to what the hidden meaning was.
Who gives a shit?

I thought you were talking about miracles and such..Jesus calming the storm, Peter being a sissy, etc. not what the painting erroneously portrays

Who told you that bullshit?

What was Jesus doing in the boat, Einstein?
It should be, who told you that bullshit, Sir.
What was Jesus doing while the storm was raging, Einstein?

And which atheist website are you getting your information from?

Jesus was the dude who was saying the shit that was causing the storm.

It was like a zombie apocalypse.

The sign that God was with him, the miracle was that with only a few words Jesus calmed a raging riot.
You don't know, do you?

Why were there 14 people in Rembrandt's painting? Who were the 14 people?

You don't have a clue to what the hidden meaning was.
Who gives a shit?

I thought you were talking about miracles and such..

So you don't know what Jesus was doing during the storm and you don't know why Rembrandt painted 14 people in the boat? Do you know anything?

Do you know what the significance is of the parable of the lost son?

Do you know the significance of the woman at the well?

Please tell me you know something.
Who told you that bullshit?

What was Jesus doing in the boat, Einstein?
It should be, who told you that bullshit, Sir.
What was Jesus doing while the storm was raging, Einstein?

And which atheist website are you getting your information from?

Jesus was the dude who was saying the shit that was causing the storm.

It was like a zombie apocalypse.

The sign that God was with him, the miracle was that with only a few words Jesus calmed a raging riot.
You don't know, do you?

Why were there 14 people in Rembrandt's painting? Who were the 14 people?

You don't have a clue to what the hidden meaning was.
Who gives a shit?

I thought you were talking about miracles and such..Jesus calming the storm, Peter being a sissy, etc. not what the painting erroneously portrays

Where do you get your information from? Atheists are us?
You know... I just re-read it and the serpent sort of sounds like you. Look at the similarities.

Serpent: “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”

hobelim: "How else could the Jewish people hide their wealth and the treasures of the Temple from illiterate and superstitious people?"

Serpent: “You will not certainly die, for God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

hobelim: A story that starts with 'in the beginning", just like, 'once upon a time', that features a talking serpent in paradise tricking the first human beings, its a fairy tale.

So my answer id "D," you.

Now will you answer my question? Do you know what the significance is of Rembrant's painting, Christ in the Storm?
lol...I can understand that. Sometimes the truth comes down like a sharp slap in the face by the hand of God. I'm sure the Pharisees standing there looking like idiots after the revelation of Jesus wasn't very endearing either.

Are you asking about the significance of the story of Jesus calming the storm?


Once people awakened upon hearing the teachings of Jesus while they were still in the grave it created quite a commotion. They awakened to realize that they had been victimized for their entire lives by money grubbing actors and lying frauds wearing religious clothing.

You know people like, C. whoever fucked up your mind.

The storm was the unrest and riots that were breaking out all over the place.

Peter being afraid to walk on water with Jesus after Jesus rebuked the storm was Peter being terrified of being lynched by an angry mob, not Peter being afraid of defying gravity or drowning.
Who told you that bullshit?

What was Jesus doing in the boat, Einstein?
It should be, who told you that bullshit, Sir.
What was Jesus doing while the storm was raging, Einstein?

And which atheist website are you getting your information from?
lol... I was sitting at the dinner table the other day with God laughing about it all..

Thats who told me that.

No website, no religious cult,

its never been seen or heard before.

If its nothing new, that should be easily proven. You have the entire internet at your disposal.

Go for it.
I don't need the internet. I can do this all day with every account. I can show how ignorant you are all day long. Do you know any of the hidden messages? And I'm not talking about your bullshit talking points from either.
It should be, who told you that bullshit, Sir.
What was Jesus doing while the storm was raging, Einstein?

And which atheist website are you getting your information from?

Jesus was the dude who was saying the shit that was causing the storm.

It was like a zombie apocalypse.

The sign that God was with him, the miracle was that with only a few words Jesus calmed a raging riot.
You don't know, do you?

Why were there 14 people in Rembrandt's painting? Who were the 14 people?

You don't have a clue to what the hidden meaning was.
Who gives a shit?

I thought you were talking about miracles and such..

So you don't know what Jesus was doing during the storm and you don't know why Rembrandt painted 14 people in the boat? Do you know anything?

Do you know what the significance is of the parable of the lost son?

Do you know the significance of the woman at the well?

Please tell me you know something.

Jesus walked on water, a sarcastic reference to what was the exclusive domain of the local witch doctor rabbi priest or whatever you want to call him.

While waiting for the priest to bless the the water for a fruitful day of fishing out at the end of a long pier that made it seem like he was walking on water.. Jesus walked out there and said, fuck this shit, the fish are in the water already whether this guy says hocus-pocus or not.

Seemed like an ungodly and sacrilegious display and disrespect of a fake holy man.

Like a guy calling the priest a shithead during the middle of mass.

People got pissed.

Go figure.
Who told you that bullshit?

What was Jesus doing in the boat, Einstein?
It should be, who told you that bullshit, Sir.
What was Jesus doing while the storm was raging, Einstein?

And which atheist website are you getting your information from?

Jesus was the dude who was saying the shit that was causing the storm.

It was like a zombie apocalypse.

The sign that God was with him, the miracle was that with only a few words Jesus calmed a raging riot.
You don't know, do you?

Why were there 14 people in Rembrandt's painting? Who were the 14 people?

You don't have a clue to what the hidden meaning was.
Who gives a shit?

I thought you were talking about miracles and such..Jesus calming the storm, Peter being a sissy, etc. not what the painting erroneously portrays

I give a shit. What was Jesus doing during the storm? Why did Rembrandt paint 14 people in the boat? C'mon big talker. Tell us the hidden meaning.
What was Jesus doing while the storm was raging, Einstein?

And which atheist website are you getting your information from?

Jesus was the dude who was saying the shit that was causing the storm.

It was like a zombie apocalypse.

The sign that God was with him, the miracle was that with only a few words Jesus calmed a raging riot.
You don't know, do you?

Why were there 14 people in Rembrandt's painting? Who were the 14 people?

You don't have a clue to what the hidden meaning was.
Who gives a shit?

I thought you were talking about miracles and such..

So you don't know what Jesus was doing during the storm and you don't know why Rembrandt painted 14 people in the boat? Do you know anything?

Do you know what the significance is of the parable of the lost son?

Do you know the significance of the woman at the well?

Please tell me you know something.

Jesus walked on water, a sarcastic reference to what was the exclusive domain of the local witch doctor rabbi or priest.

Blessing the water for a fruitful day of fishing. Jesus said, fuck this shit, the fish are in the water already whether this guy says hocus-pocus or not.

Seemed like an ungodly and sacrilegious display and disrespect of a fake holy man.

Like a guy calling the priest a shithead during the middle of mass.

People got pissed.

Go figure.
Wrong. You are not even close. Can't you do any better than that? What was Jesus doing in the boat while the storm was raging? Why did Rembrandt paint 14 people in the boat? The answers are related. Don't you know anything at all?

I bet you have been frantically searching the internet too. Sorry, you are not going to find this on
Jesus was the dude who was saying the shit that was causing the storm.

It was like a zombie apocalypse.

The sign that God was with him, the miracle was that with only a few words Jesus calmed a raging riot.
You don't know, do you?

Why were there 14 people in Rembrandt's painting? Who were the 14 people?

You don't have a clue to what the hidden meaning was.
Who gives a shit?

I thought you were talking about miracles and such..

So you don't know what Jesus was doing during the storm and you don't know why Rembrandt painted 14 people in the boat? Do you know anything?

Do you know what the significance is of the parable of the lost son?

Do you know the significance of the woman at the well?

Please tell me you know something.

Jesus walked on water, a sarcastic reference to what was the exclusive domain of the local witch doctor rabbi or priest.

Blessing the water for a fruitful day of fishing. Jesus said, fuck this shit, the fish are in the water already whether this guy says hocus-pocus or not.

Seemed like an ungodly and sacrilegious display and disrespect of a fake holy man.

Like a guy calling the priest a shithead during the middle of mass.

People got pissed.

Go figure.
Wrong. You are not even close. Can't you do any better than that? What was Jesus doing in the boat while the storm was raging? Why did Rembrandt paint 14 people in the boat? The answers are related. Don't you know anything at all?
According to the story he was sleeping.

He didn't realize or seem to care that people were about to lynch him
You don't know, do you?

Why were there 14 people in Rembrandt's painting? Who were the 14 people?

You don't have a clue to what the hidden meaning was.
Who gives a shit?

I thought you were talking about miracles and such..

So you don't know what Jesus was doing during the storm and you don't know why Rembrandt painted 14 people in the boat? Do you know anything?

Do you know what the significance is of the parable of the lost son?

Do you know the significance of the woman at the well?

Please tell me you know something.

Jesus walked on water, a sarcastic reference to what was the exclusive domain of the local witch doctor rabbi or priest.

Blessing the water for a fruitful day of fishing. Jesus said, fuck this shit, the fish are in the water already whether this guy says hocus-pocus or not.

Seemed like an ungodly and sacrilegious display and disrespect of a fake holy man.

Like a guy calling the priest a shithead during the middle of mass.

People got pissed.

Go figure.
Wrong. You are not even close. Can't you do any better than that? What was Jesus doing in the boat while the storm was raging? Why did Rembrandt paint 14 people in the boat? The answers are related. Don't you know anything at all?
According to the story he was sleeping.

He didn't realize or seem to care that people were about to lynch him
That's right. He was sleeping through the storm. You finally read the Bible. Good for you. Now why were there 14 people in the boat in Rembrandt's painting? How many were supposed to be in the boat? You can do simple math, right?
You don't know, do you?

Why were there 14 people in Rembrandt's painting? Who were the 14 people?

You don't have a clue to what the hidden meaning was.
Who gives a shit?

I thought you were talking about miracles and such..

So you don't know what Jesus was doing during the storm and you don't know why Rembrandt painted 14 people in the boat? Do you know anything?

Do you know what the significance is of the parable of the lost son?

Do you know the significance of the woman at the well?

Please tell me you know something.

Jesus walked on water, a sarcastic reference to what was the exclusive domain of the local witch doctor rabbi or priest.

Blessing the water for a fruitful day of fishing. Jesus said, fuck this shit, the fish are in the water already whether this guy says hocus-pocus or not.

Seemed like an ungodly and sacrilegious display and disrespect of a fake holy man.

Like a guy calling the priest a shithead during the middle of mass.

People got pissed.

Go figure.
Wrong. You are not even close. Can't you do any better than that? What was Jesus doing in the boat while the storm was raging? Why did Rembrandt paint 14 people in the boat? The answers are related. Don't you know anything at all?
According to the story he was sleeping.

He didn't realize or seem to care that people were about to lynch him
Lynch Him? Is that what is recorded in the Bible? Why don't you tell us what is recorded in the Bible?
Who gives a shit?

I thought you were talking about miracles and such..

So you don't know what Jesus was doing during the storm and you don't know why Rembrandt painted 14 people in the boat? Do you know anything?

Do you know what the significance is of the parable of the lost son?

Do you know the significance of the woman at the well?

Please tell me you know something.

Jesus walked on water, a sarcastic reference to what was the exclusive domain of the local witch doctor rabbi or priest.

Blessing the water for a fruitful day of fishing. Jesus said, fuck this shit, the fish are in the water already whether this guy says hocus-pocus or not.

Seemed like an ungodly and sacrilegious display and disrespect of a fake holy man.

Like a guy calling the priest a shithead during the middle of mass.

People got pissed.

Go figure.
Wrong. You are not even close. Can't you do any better than that? What was Jesus doing in the boat while the storm was raging? Why did Rembrandt paint 14 people in the boat? The answers are related. Don't you know anything at all?
According to the story he was sleeping.

He didn't realize or seem to care that people were about to lynch him
That's right. He was sleeping through the storm. You finally read the Bible. Good for you. Now why were there 14 people in the boat in Rembrandt's painting? How many were supposed to be in the boat?

when the pharisees complained to Jesus about him giving them a hard time while having fun with sinners he said, the healthy do not need a doctor, only the sick need a doctor.

Was "the sick" that Jesus referred to the sinners that he was partying with or the pharisees themselves that he upbraided on a daily basis?
So you don't know what Jesus was doing during the storm and you don't know why Rembrandt painted 14 people in the boat? Do you know anything?

Do you know what the significance is of the parable of the lost son?

Do you know the significance of the woman at the well?

Please tell me you know something.

Jesus walked on water, a sarcastic reference to what was the exclusive domain of the local witch doctor rabbi or priest.

Blessing the water for a fruitful day of fishing. Jesus said, fuck this shit, the fish are in the water already whether this guy says hocus-pocus or not.

Seemed like an ungodly and sacrilegious display and disrespect of a fake holy man.

Like a guy calling the priest a shithead during the middle of mass.

People got pissed.

Go figure.
Wrong. You are not even close. Can't you do any better than that? What was Jesus doing in the boat while the storm was raging? Why did Rembrandt paint 14 people in the boat? The answers are related. Don't you know anything at all?
According to the story he was sleeping.

He didn't realize or seem to care that people were about to lynch him
That's right. He was sleeping through the storm. You finally read the Bible. Good for you. Now why were there 14 people in the boat in Rembrandt's painting? How many were supposed to be in the boat?

when the pharisees complained to Jesus about him giving them a hard time while having fun with sinners he said, the healthy do not need a doctor, only the sick need a doctor.

Was "the sick" that Jesus referred to the sinners that he was partying with or the pharisees themselves that he upbraided on a daily basis?
He was referring to everyone. The healthy are the ones (pharisees and people like you) who are sick but believe they are healthy. Only a good man knows how bad he is, a bad man doesn't have a clue which is why you believe you are a good man.
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"They did it first,"?!?!? Really?!?!? Ya know what? For you that actually makes sense. After all, you guys are all about that "eye for an eye" thing. So, I can see you extending that to "You kill our kids, we'll kill yours". Now, Christians, on the other hand, are supposed to live according to an entirely different standard. So that whole "They did it first" argument really wouldn't work for them. But, for the Jews, I can see where you would justify it like that. Don't misunderstand me; it makes it no less evil, but, it does, at least, fall within your moral code.

I would just say that a moral code that can justify genocide is...questionable, at best.
You act like genocide was unheard of 3000 years ago. It wasn't. It was a brutal world. The "they did it first argument" doesn't work if they had killed them all. Don't kid yourself about Christians, we are more than happy to take an eye for an eye. The meek will inherit the earth, you just don't understand what meek means. I've had this conversation with you before, it is wrong to end a human life for any reason. That doesn't mean that lives won't be taken. It means that rationalizations that taking those lives was moral should not be made. For when one does the bar begins to be lowered incrementally until one day you justify putting people in ovens and killing the unborn. Of which you only see one of those as being wrong.
So, you, too, open, acknowledge that you worship an evil God, and you're proud of it. Got it.
I worship the Creator of Existence who is perfect in every way. How can He not be? Did He give that order or did men interpret that as His order? Did they carry it out? No. They didn't. Now let's talk about you, ok? You make an argument you don't believe. One that has you taking the moral high ground while expressing disgust for people who believe they are morally superior to others. Your argument is based upon God commanding that all Canaanites be killed. Something you find to be morally reprehensible. So you are morally outraged over babies being killed over 3000 years ago, but the slaughter of 1 million babies per year today does not give you any pause for concern. Did I summarize this accurately?
I worship the Creator of Existence who is perfect in every way. How can He not be?


worshiping is not being and is one of many barriers for christians that prevents the realization for their purpose as Spirits and a path to the Everlasting.

the above moonscape is not perfect, it is without evil. the primitive scriptural religions misconstrue the difference that the religion they have abandoned made perfectly clear.
Not being means to die to self as Christ taught and Christianity teaches. It leads to objective truth which is reality which is existence which is God which leads to not rationalizing one's sins. What has your religion ever done?
Not being means to die to self as Christ taught and Christianity teaches.

what was said is worshiping is not being, you can not worship and "die to your self" either were that even proper, being "without self" is the ideal goal when corresponding with a conclusion of the struggle between Good and Evil.

What has your religion ever done?

unfortunately the 1st century religion led to your corrupt 4th century book but that is your decision to follow that book's corruption and not the fault of the religion.
The Holocaust is irrelevant to this discussion because God never sanctioned exterminating a non-genocidal nation.
I thought your anti-God sites would have told you this, doc.
"They did it first,"?!?!? Really?!?!? Ya know what? For you that actually makes sense. After all, you guys are all about that "eye for an eye" thing. So, I can see you extending that to "You kill our kids, we'll kill yours". Now, Christians, on the other hand, are supposed to live according to an entirely different standard. So that whole "They did it first" argument really wouldn't work for them. But, for the Jews, I can see where you would justify it like that. Don't misunderstand me; it makes it no less evil, but, it does, at least, fall within your moral code.

I would just say that a moral code that can justify genocide is...questionable, at best.
This posting of yours just jumped off the track.
Committing genocide against a genocidal nation is justified in God's eyes.
But you feel sorry for murderers because you drug them for money.
Presuming you're not a patient in a mental asylum.
Okay. I'm going to ignore the personal attack at the end. I agreed. I just think that any God, or moral code that can justify genocide is questionable.

Whats your moral take on the indiscriminate slaughter of krill by whales?
Is there some ipassage in the Bible demonstrating that The Abrahamic God specifically ordered whales to do this? No? Then it is rather off topic, doncha think?

Or when bambi gets ripped apart and eaten alive by wolves?
See my previous question.

What about the notion of buyer beware?

Is God responsible for a sucker being born every minute and the lowlifes that pick their pockets?
Everyone seems to want to think that my OP, and my subsequent posts have been some general complaint that God is responsible for every mean thing that every icky person has ever done. It isn't, and it hasn't been. I did not say that the Abrahamic God is a genocidal God because of the "general wickedness of man". I said that he is a genocidal god because, according to the holy book that is accepted as the true, accurate, and indisputable record of ancient Israel by both Jews, and Christians, the Abrahamic God specifically ordered his chosen people to go out and slaughter an entire race of people, including their children, infants, and livestock.

Now, so far, the two justifications that I have gotten have been, "Well, they did it first,", Which I have to admit, for a Jew, who does live under that whole, "Eye for an eye" mentality, actually is a rational justification. No less evil, but, at least rational; and - my personal favourite - the priests of the Old Testament got their marching orders through their dreams, so they, probably just misunderstood what God really wanted... Which is why God appears to have changed his mind, when he said he left the Canaanites as a test for the Israelites. So, apparently the "accurate, and indisputable" part doesn't really apply to those parts that weren't quite accurate, and are, in fact, disputable.

Oh. And, of course, since I do not, personally, believe in the Abrahamic God, I am, apparently, incapable of reading the English language, and comprehending words that are clearly written on paper. Because You cannot make a determination about the Abrahamic God, based on the written words of his own worshippers, if you don't, first, profess a belief in him. That is actually the stupidest retort I have ever heard, or read.
I said that he is a genocidal god because, according to the holy book that is accepted as the true, accurate, and indisputable record of ancient Israel by both Jews, and Christians ...

those are the corrupted people who claim those religions, the fact is many practitioners never read that book and would agree it is the intent of that book that has always been the source of conflict and not the religion that it has misconstrued.

do you ever hear the non readers, spoken religion ever claim such deeds as you discribe by the Almighty.
You act like genocide was unheard of 3000 years ago. It wasn't. It was a brutal world. The "they did it first argument" doesn't work if they had killed them all. Don't kid yourself about Christians, we are more than happy to take an eye for an eye. The meek will inherit the earth, you just don't understand what meek means. I've had this conversation with you before, it is wrong to end a human life for any reason. That doesn't mean that lives won't be taken. It means that rationalizations that taking those lives was moral should not be made. For when one does the bar begins to be lowered incrementally until one day you justify putting people in ovens and killing the unborn. Of which you only see one of those as being wrong.
So, you, too, open, acknowledge that you worship an evil God, and you're proud of it. Got it.
I worship the Creator of Existence who is perfect in every way. How can He not be? Did He give that order or did men interpret that as His order? Did they carry it out? No. They didn't. Now let's talk about you, ok? You make an argument you don't believe. One that has you taking the moral high ground while expressing disgust for people who believe they are morally superior to others. Your argument is based upon God commanding that all Canaanites be killed. Something you find to be morally reprehensible. So you are morally outraged over babies being killed over 3000 years ago, but the slaughter of 1 million babies per year today does not give you any pause for concern. Did I summarize this accurately?
I worship the Creator of Existence who is perfect in every way. How can He not be?


worshiping is not being and is one of many barriers for christians that prevents the realization for their purpose as Spirits and a path to the Everlasting.

the above moonscape is not perfect, it is without evil. the primitive scriptural religions misconstrue the difference that the religion they have abandoned made perfectly clear.
Not being means to die to self as Christ taught and Christianity teaches. It leads to objective truth which is reality which is existence which is God which leads to not rationalizing one's sins. What has your religion ever done?
Not being means to die to self as Christ taught and Christianity teaches.

what was said is worshiping is not being, you can not worship and "die to your self" either were that even proper, being "without self" is the ideal goal when corresponding with a conclusion of the struggle between Good and Evil.

What has your religion ever done?

unfortunately the 1st century religion led to your corrupt 4th century book but that is your decision to follow that book's corruption and not the fault of the religion.
Of course you can. They are not mutually exclusive. The heart of being is objectivity.
So, you, too, open, acknowledge that you worship an evil God, and you're proud of it. Got it.
I worship the Creator of Existence who is perfect in every way. How can He not be? Did He give that order or did men interpret that as His order? Did they carry it out? No. They didn't. Now let's talk about you, ok? You make an argument you don't believe. One that has you taking the moral high ground while expressing disgust for people who believe they are morally superior to others. Your argument is based upon God commanding that all Canaanites be killed. Something you find to be morally reprehensible. So you are morally outraged over babies being killed over 3000 years ago, but the slaughter of 1 million babies per year today does not give you any pause for concern. Did I summarize this accurately?
I worship the Creator of Existence who is perfect in every way. How can He not be?


worshiping is not being and is one of many barriers for christians that prevents the realization for their purpose as Spirits and a path to the Everlasting.

the above moonscape is not perfect, it is without evil. the primitive scriptural religions misconstrue the difference that the religion they have abandoned made perfectly clear.
Not being means to die to self as Christ taught and Christianity teaches. It leads to objective truth which is reality which is existence which is God which leads to not rationalizing one's sins. What has your religion ever done?
Not being means to die to self as Christ taught and Christianity teaches.

what was said is worshiping is not being, you can not worship and "die to your self" either were that even proper, being "without self" is the ideal goal when corresponding with a conclusion of the struggle between Good and Evil.

What has your religion ever done?

unfortunately the 1st century religion led to your corrupt 4th century book but that is your decision to follow that book's corruption and not the fault of the religion.
Of course you can. They are not mutually exclusive. The heart of being is objectivity.
The heart of being is objectivity.

no it is not, that is what you do, rationalize your existence being is accomplishing the Apex of Knowledge that and the Triumph are the path to the Everlasting. something bing has abandoned.

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