Zone1 Christianity and our founding fathers

Just referring to the many postings on the board I've read making exclaiming that it represents the character of our founders.

contrast white Christian nationalism with Black Christian Patriotism,” Tisby said. “When you talk about white Christian Nationalism, it tends toward a rigid, narrow, authoritarian kind of politics. When you’re talking about Black Christian Patriotism it tends toward an expansive, flexible, inclusive kind of politics. And so it’s not just the words people use, it’s the ramifications of what they mean by those words.”

While I’m reluctant to cut Black Protestants quite so much slack, it is important to recognize that the same religious language can be — and over the years has been — put to contradictory political purposes in the way Tisby suggests.

In the 1930s, “Christian,” long employed as an umbrella characterization of American society, was appropriated by America First nationalists to signal that no Jews need apply. Antisemitic radio preacher the Rev. Charles Coughlin, a Catholic priest, prompted the creation of an organization called the Christian Front; other such organizations included the Christian American Crusade, the Christian Mobilizers and the Christian Party.

In response, liberals began using “Judeo-Christian” to rename the religious tradition that all Americans were presumed to share and that was supposed to undergird the struggle against fascism and, later, communism. But then, in the 1980s, “Judeo-Christian” was seized upon by the religious right as a rhetorical cudgel in its political war against secularism and the values of “the ’60s.”
When Phyllis Schlafly endorsed Trump in 2015 it was the stupidest thing she ever did for her beloved white Christian nationalism movement, it was probably a good thing she died shortly after that endorsement

The End of White Christian America” was published in July 2016, just as Donald Trump was securing the Republican nomination for president and the Make America Great Again worldview was supplanting policy considerations within the GOP (indeed, by the end of Trump’s presidency, the party officially abandoned any attempt to adopt an official policy platform). The data I had available at the time identified a watershed event that was driving this desperate movement: The U.S. had become — for the first time in our history — a country that was, demographically speaking, no longer a majority white Christian country.
Just referring to the many postings on the board I've read making exclaiming that it represents the character of our founders.

The character of them (or some of the important ones) was that they wanted to be free from excessive government control over their lives. Including when it came to religion.
Jefferson believed in the "Architect of the Universe." . Aquinas believed in the “God who revealed himself to Abraham as recorded in the Holy Bible. Jefferson considered the Holy Bible to be a corruption of the simple message of a fallible and mortal human teacher named Jesus.

Jefferson had a God before the God of Abraham.

In Jefferson’s mind there was no real God of Abraham, Therefore the God of Nature created Abraham and what Abraham believed was not the Universal God Architect of thy Universe,

Jefferson was not aligned with Christianity Saint Ding. He is an infidel and heretic to every Bible Believer Christian

It will be good for the country if a good Christian anti-Trumper wins the reddest district in Ohio.

See post #321
How do you impeach a private citizen? 210127

{post•54} Moonglow Jan’21 Vhdyia: “The DOJ will charge Trump later for his criminality after the election.” mnglw 210127 Vhdyia00054

{post•58a} ding Jan’21 Shdyia: “They probably will. And he will probably be exonerated of the charges.” dvng 210127 Shdyia00058 to Vhdyia0005

{post•58b} ding Jan’21 Shdyia: “It's all theater for the entertainment and manipulation of people like you.” dvng 210127 Shdyia00058 to Vhdyia00054

What Is Christian Nationalism? 240315

{post•184} ding Mar’24 Swicnz: “what is it about me that makes me a Christian Nationalist? dvng 240315 Swicnz00184

Christianity and our founding fathers 24032 {post•339}

This is in response to {post•184} wherein Saint Ding seeks to know why he should be labeled a white Christian nationalist by the rational citizen voters living in the Greatest Nation ever known to all mankind because of Freedom of conscience.

Saint Ding resides in the cult of personality with white Christian devotion to Donald J Trump making him an irrational voter.

In {post•58b} Saint Ding sings in the MAGA White Christian Chorus the blues about DOJ weaponization and the use of “Lawfare” to take down the ‘above the law’ man who won the 2020 presidential election but had it stolen from him somehow with evidence of that to be determined later.

Being irrational Saint Ding that the American Justice system is corrupt unless DJT is allowed to be above the law makes you a white Christian Nationalist Saint Ding irrationally devoted to that movement’s Patron Saint - DJT …..
For that you are tied to the white Christian Nationalists movement in Russia and Hungry with those White Christian Nationalists leaders Putin and Orban.

nfbw 240318 Vcaoff00339 to Swicnz00184
See post #321 to stay on topic.
See post #321 to stay on topic.
{240319 #351}
Christianity and our founding fathers 240318 {post•339} NotfooledbyW Mar’24 Vcaoff: This is in response to {post•184} wherein Saint Ding seeks to know why he should be labeled a white Christian nationalist •¥• In {post•58b} Saint Ding sings in the MAGA White Christian Choir the blues about DOJ weaponization and the use of “Lawfare” to take down the ‘above the law’ man who claims to have won the 2020 presidential election …. nfbw 240318 Vcaoff00339 to Swicnz00184

Christianity and our founding fathers 240319 {post•339}

Responding to your questions Saint Ding is on topic is it not?

It was explained in {post•339} to which you have submitted a complaint,

Don’t you think our time would be better spent if you read my answers to your questions instead of complaining and making excuses as to why you have to run away,

nfbw 240318 Vcaoff00354
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Christianity and our founding fathers 240318 {post•339} NotfooledbyW Mar’24 Vcaoff: This is in response to {post•184} wherein Saint Ding seeks to know why he should be labeled a white Christian nationalist •¥• In {post•58b} Saint Ding sings in the MAGA White Christian Choir the blues about DOJ weaponization and the use of “Lawfare” to take down the ‘above the law’ man who claims to have won the 2020 presidential election …. nfbw 240318 Vcaoff00339 to Swicnz00184

Christianity and our founding fathers 240319 {post•339}

Responding to your questions Saint Ding is on topic is it not?

It was explained in {post•339} to which you have submitted a complaint,

Don’t you think our time would be better spent if you read my answers to your questions instead of complaining and making excuses as to why you have to run away,

nfbw 240318 Vcaoff00354
I think your time would be better spent stating your specific evidence for why you believe I am a Christian nationalist IN THE PROPER THREAD, instead of vague innuendo and rhetoric IN THE INCORRECT THREAD. But we both know you don't have any.
Ding would help all of us if he would answer specific questions why is not a white Christian nationalist.

We were a nation generally of Christians whose representatives, mostly followers of the Enlightenment, created a secular government.
White Christian nationalists believe first and foremost that America was founded as a Christian nation. So do you Saint Ding,

You give them cover for that lie.

Where else to talk about your irrational, false belief than in a thread about America’s multitude of founding fathers who were not Christians and the 80% of the colonists who were not churched in a Christian church.

The population if the founding generation that were not Bible Believing Christians are not part of any part of an American Christian Heritage.

So why do you keep limping most of the population in who were not Christians?

You defy reason? America was founded upon human reason much more than blind faith in irrational supernatural Catholic mythology of a Three Part God who is ONE.

FACT, deal with it or be a white Christian nationalist liar the rest of your life as you wish.
Ding would help all of us if he would answer specific questions why is not a white Christian nationalist.

We were a nation generally of Christians whose representatives, mostly followers of the Enlightenment, created a secular government.
Were any of the founding fathers white Christian nationalists? Because otherwise this is the wrong thread.
White Christian nationalists believe first and foremost that America was founded as a Christian nation. So do you Saint Ding,

You give them cover for that lie.

Where else to talk about your irrational, false belief than in a thread about America’s multitude of founding fathers who were not Christians and the 80% of the colonists who were not churched in a Christian church.

The population if the founding generation that were not Bible Believing Christians are not part of any part of an American Christian Heritage.

So why do you keep limping most of the population in who were not Christians?

You defy reason? America was founded upon human reason much more than blind faith in irrational supernatural Catholic mythology of a Three Part God who is ONE.

FACT, deal with it or be a white Christian nationalist liar the rest of your life as you wish.
Unless you are arguing the founding fathers were Christian nationalists, this is off topic. A thread was created on Christian nationalism. Why aren't you posting this in that thread?
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