Christianity Bashing: Told Ya' So!

Oh, I think he's right about that, Politicalchic

Mocking Christianity and Christians (especially the hypocrite christians) isn't considered such poor form as mocking other religions.

I think that's true in America and Britian, too (judging from the TV and radio).

Some Christians get pretty upset about it, too.

When some of them get as upset about it as say, the RADICAL MOSLEMS get upset?

THEN the policies will change.

So all Christians need to do if they want to be treated like the TALIBAN is to act like the TALIBAN.

Since MOST christians aren't freaking nutters, they really don't give a flying fig if HATERS mock their religion.

You see, PC, most Christians actually have a set of balls, so they just don't CARE what HATERS think.
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Does it matter?

I'm waiting for the day where we don't worry about treating religion with any sensitivity.

And when that happens, nothing will be deserved to be treated with 'sensitivity' anymore because nothing will have value or meaning. What a sad way to live.
I imagine there is a difference from network to network, let alone between the UK and the US. Many execs might not be willing to air a show like South Park, which seems to have no problem bashing any religion, but others obviously will.

I'd also point out that this could be seen as a backhanded compliment to Christians. It seems to be saying it's ok to bash Christians because they are much less likely to do something extreme in response. :tongue:

"I imagine there is a difference from network to network, let alone between the UK and the US."

Too bad you've never watched shows like Saturday Night Live, Monty...

Here, let me help:

[ame=]Tim Tebow SNL Skit Mocks Jesus Christ! A MUST SEE!! - YouTube[/ame]
Does it matter?

I'm waiting for the day where we don't worry about treating religion with any sensitivity.

In the interests of diversity, it's good to hear from the precinct that demands no restrictions on anything they feel like doing, the worshipers of moral relativism, and a privatization of morality so complete that no code of conduct is generally accepted, beliefs aimed at the gratification of appetites, and, exhibit anarchistic impulses.

And you've cast your vote for a step back in the social and cultural evolution of humanity.
Your vote is so noted.
1. "BBC director-general Mark Thompson, speaking in an interview for an Oxford University research program on free speech, has admitted that Christianity is treated with less sensitivity on air than other religions.

2. Thompson said that television programs do not have to be as sensitive with satire, jokes, or comments about Christianity ...

3. Thompson went on to differentiate that other religions closely "identify with ethnic minorities," and thus warrant special regard...

4. "The point is that for a Muslim, a depiction, particularly a comic or demeaning depiction, of the Prophet Mohammed might have the emotional force of a piece of grotesque child pornography," he said.

5. Thompson noted that insulting or disrespecting other religions could carry more emotional baggage and thus a backlash that is more volatile and violent.

6. He told Ash, "Without question, 'I complain in the strongest possible terms,' is different from, 'I complain in the strongest possible terms and I am loading my AK47 as I write."

7. Thompson said that he and the network "think quite carefully about whether something done, in quotes, in the name of freedom of expression, might to the Jew, or the Sikh, or the Hindu, or the Muslim who receives it, feel threatening, isolating and so forth."

8. The BBC director-general added that he believes "those are meaningful considerations"

9. BBC2 aired the controversial show "Jerry Springer: The Opera," which offended many Christians with things like depictions of Jesus in a diaper."
BBC Head Admits Network Treats Christianity With Less Sensitivity, Christian News

So, the exec gives really good reasons why it's OK to bash Christianity...
Spin…altering the truth without altering the facts.

So, think there is a degree of magnitude difference in network executives in the US?

Then why don't they just treat christians like they treat all those other nutbag fanatics? Good for the goose, and all that rot...

Because of text like this:

Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you (Luke 6:27-28).

Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse (Romans 12:14).

We work hard with our own hands. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it (1 Corinthians 4:12).

Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good (Romans 12:17-21).

Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing (1 Peter 3:9).

Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness. Whoever loves his brother lives in the light, and there is nothing in him to make him stumble (1 John 2:9-10).

Christians are not the mafia. The government doesn't fear them.

Here's hoping that the November election gives some elements of government a reason, if not to fear, at least a lesson to learn.
Does it matter?

I'm waiting for the day where we don't worry about treating religion with any sensitivity.

While telling us, from the other side of your mouth, to respect you.

Christians are expected to be meek and mild.
We are an easy target,
"turn the other cheek" and all that.


I may not be that variety of Christian....
Luke 22:36
Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

Horty...there's my sword in my profile pic....
Oh, I think he's right about that, Politicalchic

Mocking Christianity and Christians (especially the hypocrite christians) isn't considered such poor form as mocking other religions.

I think that's true in America and Britian, too (judging from the TV and radio).

Some Christians get pretty upset about it, too.

When some of them get as upset about it as say, the RADICAL MOSLEMS get upset?

THEN the policies will change.

So all Christians need to do if they want to be treated like the TALIBAN is to act like the TALIBAN.

Since MOST christians aren't freaking nutters, they really don't give a flying fig if HATERS mock their religion.

You see, PC, most Christians actually have a set of balls, so they just don't CARE what HATERS think.

"Mocking Christianity and Christians (especially the hypocrite christians) isn't considered such poor form..."

Of course you've attempted to change the import of the OP, of the article quoted.

All Christians.


Not your imagined, and correctly targeted Christians.

All Christians.

Try to be more judicious.
Does it matter?

I'm waiting for the day where we don't worry about treating religion with any sensitivity.

And when that happens, nothing will be deserved to be treated with 'sensitivity' anymore because nothing will have value or meaning. What a sad way to live.

"...nothing will have value or meaning."

Our friend, Nity, doesn't realize that he has become a Janissary of the neo-Marxist new Left.

See how he fits into the following:

The neo-Marxists known as "The Frankfurt School", having taken over our colleges and universities, propagated a revisionistic interpretation of Western culture called Critical Theory, an aggressive promotion of a radical left-wing socio/political agenda. In essence, Critical Theory was a comprehensive and unrelenting assault on the values and institutions of Western civilization.

These folks are convinced that the major impediment to the spread of Marxism was Western culture. In particular, they despised traditional Judeo/Christian ethics and morality, which they believed prevented the widespread acceptance of Marxism.

I'm sure he doesn't realize he's been trained to mouth their mottoes.
I imagine there is a difference from network to network, let alone between the UK and the US. Many execs might not be willing to air a show like South Park, which seems to have no problem bashing any religion, but others obviously will.

I'd also point out that this could be seen as a backhanded compliment to Christians. It seems to be saying it's ok to bash Christians because they are much less likely to do something extreme in response. :tongue:

"I imagine there is a difference from network to network, let alone between the UK and the US."

Too bad you've never watched shows like Saturday Night Live, Monty...

Here, let me help:

[ame=]Tim Tebow SNL Skit Mocks Jesus Christ! A MUST SEE!! - YouTube[/ame]

You're right!

Not only have I never seen an SNL skit, but showing one just PROVES how all networks are exactly the same! Thanks ever so.
Feeling persecuted is a large part of the Christian religion.

I was thinking the same thing about the 'victimology' of Liberalism.....
...funny, huh?

ahh victims take many forms.

So true.

1. The Victimization Thesis
a. During the ‘Bush Years’ taxes on the wealthy have been slashed.
b. If your parents were rich, you’ll be rich. Otherwise, no chance.
c. Government is the answer to whatever ails us.
d. Ambition, determination, grit and sweat count for nothing.
e. Neither personal responsibility nor merit are necessary.
f. Whatever your personal failures, shortcomings, and weaknesses, your troubles are caused by anyone and everyone except youself.
g. It’s not that I don’t want to succeed, it’s that I can’t succeed.
h. The deck is always stacked against me.
i. Anyone who is poor or black or short or old or handicapped or female or gay or uncoordinated shouldn’t even try.
j. The Constitution guaranteed me ‘Life, Liberty, and Happiness!’
k. The government must make sure we are all equal in everything.
l. The government should make poor people rich and rich people poor!
m. “George Bush doesn’t care about black people.” Kanye West.
n. There must be more I can complain about!
I imagine there is a difference from network to network, let alone between the UK and the US. Many execs might not be willing to air a show like South Park, which seems to have no problem bashing any religion, but others obviously will.

I'd also point out that this could be seen as a backhanded compliment to Christians. It seems to be saying it's ok to bash Christians because they are much less likely to do something extreme in response. :tongue:

"I imagine there is a difference from network to network, let alone between the UK and the US."

Too bad you've never watched shows like Saturday Night Live, Monty...

Here, let me help:

[ame=]Tim Tebow SNL Skit Mocks Jesus Christ! A MUST SEE!! - YouTube[/ame]

You're right!

Not only have I never seen an SNL skit, but showing one just PROVES how all networks are exactly the same! Thanks ever so.

So you're griping that I only provided ONE???

What am I, "Scrubbing Bubbles," whose motto is 'we work hard so you don't have to'?
The less sensitivity the better. If a christian wants to tell me why they view me as a hellbound heathen cuz i'm a non-believer, i don't want them to refrain out of sensitivity. Same way it should be the other way around with christians and ppl of all religions.

I think hypersensitivity causes more bigotry in society than a lack of sensitivity. Hypersenstivites over-react and attack those who offended them, and people say things solely to get a rise out of the hypersensitive types.
"I imagine there is a difference from network to network, let alone between the UK and the US."

Too bad you've never watched shows like Saturday Night Live, Monty...

Here, let me help:

Tim Tebow SNL Skit Mocks Jesus Christ! A MUST SEE!! - YouTube

You're right!

Not only have I never seen an SNL skit, but showing one just PROVES how all networks are exactly the same! Thanks ever so.

So you're griping that I only provided ONE???

What am I, "Scrubbing Bubbles," whose motto is 'we work hard so you don't have to'?

No, I'm griping that showing one skit from one show on one network (ok, maybe more than one with syndication) does not show that all networks are the same. If you disagree, perhaps you don't understand just what you are saying. :lol:

I do, however, have a new avi for you if you'd like!

The less sensitivity the better. If a christian wants to tell me why they view me as a hellbound heathen cuz i'm a non-believer, i don't want them to refrain out of sensitivity. Same way it should be the other way around with christians and ppl of all religions.

I think hypersensitivity causes more bigotry in society than a lack of sensitivity. Hypersenstivites over-react and attack those who offended them, and people say things solely to get a rise out of the hypersensitive types.

Yep Christians have no sensitivity to my right to not believe, so why do those same christians deserve any respect/sensitivity from me?

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